The Power of Multiplication or Linking

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

We all know the more times you do something the bigger the result is going to be. 

For a simple example you could stand at the sink and wash dishes one at at time and each time you wash a dish you have one more clean dish, but if you had a dishwasher that you put 30 dishes in then each time you load the dishwasher then 30 dishes are being washed. If you had a bigger dish washer or more than one dishwasher you could wash even more dishes in the same time.

The more we can do the same thing at the same time then the bigger and better the result.


Releasing Energy Work

This principle applies to do energy work on people. You can spend 30 minutes doing energy work on one person and that helps one person feel better or you can do a live session with 40 to 40,000 people and help more people. Knowing this it becomes more productive to work with groups of people rather than on a one to one basis.

Quantum Entanglement

Scientists have discovered that if you do something to one particle or group then linked particles will act in the same way AT THE SAME TIME.

Here is an explanation from

Quantum entanglement is one of the central principles of quantum physics, though it is also highly misunderstood. In short, quantum entanglement means that multiple particles are linked together in a way such that the measurement of one particle's quantum state determines the possible quantum states of the other particles. This connection isn't depending on the location of the particles in space. Even if you separate entangled particles by billions of miles, changing one particle will induce a change in the other.
Even though quantum entanglement appears to transmit information instantaneously, it doesn't actually violate the classical speed of light because there's no "movement" through space.

So what if instead of washing dishes you wanted to release all trauma from a country, event or the whole world?

You can do this by doing energy work on each person who has stored trauma energy, or you could work on groups of people with stored trauma energy. However if you were to ‘link’ all trauma energy you could work on one particle of trauma and that would work on all trauma at the same time, regardless of distance.

In terms of energy healing, especially on big global issues this is incredible, even miraculous! Imagine though the outcome if an evil force was doing this on humanity, not so good, we would be almost powerless to these actions happening to us.

Matrix and Grids

Energy is link and we are linked through energy matrices and grids. Well to be more accurate, low and impure energy is being linked through matrices and grids, because Pure energy flows freely and doesn’t need to be linked because it free flowing.

All lower frequencies of energy are linked, so all fear energy is linked and all trauma energy is linked. Using the Law of Quantum Entanglement it should be possible to do releasing energy work on one particle of energy and all linked particles would receive the same energy or act in the same way as the one particle.

I’ve already chatted about Quantum Observation, in my article The Power of Observing!  What if we were to use both of these principles together?

What if we could use the power of Pure Intention and Quantum Observation to ‘Release all energies using Quantum Entanglement’?

An Energy Statement using Quantum Observation & Quantum Entanglement

Pure Intention uses the Highest and Purest Energy to Quantum Observe the Releasing of all energies of fear using Quantum Entanglement linking fear energies through all fear energy existing in me now / on earth now.

Please note:

I have set Pure Intentions that all lower energies released are Divinely sent off earth and purified or kept separate from us in some way, so that is all included whenever anyone reads my work or listens to my audios.

You can change the energy being released and change where you want it released from and notice what you feel. The more specific you are with your intentions, the powerfully it will work for you. I have used 'fear' far too generally here just because we have too much fear on earth, everyone resonates with fear, and each time someone reads the above statement it is reducing the amount of fear on earth, so that's pretty cool and was my biggest intention! :)

Do post your comments below on what you experience when you try this out!

 To read my other posts - click here  

© Copyright Michelle Carter    


Hi Michelle

To make sense of your blog this evening, I've been working back through your older posts and managed to hold my understanding of Pure Intention,Quantum Observation, and Quantum Entanglement and read your statement.

Honestly, I felt a warm happy feeling, and I wasn't even sure where I to observe the fear or where to direct it! I just felt lighter.

I've watched some great videos on Quantum observation and entanglement - just whoa, to all that.

I'm really enjoying your work, thank you for sharing :)

Thank you Asher for your lovely comments about my blog and reading through past blogs to understand all that I’m saying.

I’m so pleased you felt the energy as a warm, happy feeling and lighter, that’s great! I should have included about where the fear goes to, I’m used to working with people who know my work really well and know that I have set Pure Intentions that all lower energies released are Divinely sent off earth and purified or kept separate from us in some way, so that is all included whenever anyone reads my work or listens to my audios. I will see if I can edit and update my post to include this.

Yes there is huge power and potential in using Quantum observation and entanglement for Pure Intentions to create good. Mind boggling when you consider this is what evil has been doing to us and now we can stop this from going on so yes whoa to all that!! :)

Thanks for enjoying my work, I’m so pleased :)

Hi Michelle

Thank for taking the time to reply, and for explaining in more detail for people new to your work.

I have much to learn on these very interesting subjects.

Thanks again!


You're welcome Asher. I'm pleased you pointed that out, so I have amended this post and have started to write some more introductory articles about my work and how the energy processes / works.

It's fascinating when you get into it! :)
Blessings Michelle

Hi Michelle – another great topic! I’m definitely in agreement about the mechanics, and the urgent need for capable people to join together and start getting some things done! ;)

I think you rightly pointed out that having a specific focus is key. We mentioned before with the telesummits – I do think the overall resonance of the group is important, because there are those who can intentionally or unintentionally mess up a group function in a hurry. There is such a need for good leaders who know how to build good groups and recognize misdirection when it is happening. That would be a good intention to create…that when a group is gathered for greater good, the consensus energy is more powerful than (and completely protected from) those who would steal the energy or undermine the overall intention.

I know neither of us have a particular religious affiliation, but I find the Bible verse Matthew 18:20 really interesting. It says “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” One time I heard someone say that in joint efforts, the energy is not just added together, it’s exponential. So 2 people working together is more than just the 1 + 1 working as individuals, and the more the merrier.

That’s a very interesting concept about free-flowing Pure energy vs. linked lower energy. I suppose even certain “good” concepts are “lower” than pure, so they would be linked too?

In regard to the new statement about fear… I think this is probably where unique gifts and weaknesses probably come in to play. I am *so glad that there are people like yourself who can work with these bigger, more abstracted energies.

For me personally, I need to be more specific than working on something like “fear”, because my mind and body strongly feel that some fears are justified, because this is not a completely safe world for me (yet :) ).

I’d liken this to the different interpretations of forgiveness many people have. Probably the most important thing about fear to me, would be the degree of disempowerment and disruption that it creates. I think maybe paring down to something like “irrational” fears, or “artificially induced fears” could be more effective for me. Irrational fears could be tricky, because with those there is probably something that needs to be understood, and it will persist until I learn what I’m supposed to. For the artificially induced ones, that’s the kind of unlawful interference that I think could be most easily dealt with through quantum observation and intention.

With the other topics you’ve mentioned, where there is something specific to address such as missing children… Those kinds of specific functions direct my energy and attention in a much more coherent (therefore powerful) way. With something general like “fear”, it feels like the energy dissipates and I can’t even tell where it goes.

Law of Attraction type stuff goes wonky for me too for similar reasons. I can sit in attunement with feelings of “abundance” or “peace” and it’s lovely to be in that space (especially for a person with wild energy like mine LOL), but without some defining visions and parameters for movement, those feelings don’t necessarily translate into money and nice vacations. : )

This is really important work you’re doing – to start thinking more about what we’re thinking! Thanks again!

Thank you for all your great comments! You are so right about Pure Intended people needing to join together to use group energy. I have done this in small groups on global issues and I’m considering doing it again, but not sure how to go about this yet to ensure it’s only Pure Intentioned people on the call. I’ve done invitation only in the past, so this is probably still the best way and make the call available afterward it’s been done! :)

I got goose bumps reading your Bible verse, so huge Truth in that for Pure and good!
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

I believe that anything that gives a good outcome comes from a Pure source, so they are not linked but free flowing. We have two main energy sources in opposite, Pure and evil, so if something creates good it comes from Pure and if it creates bad then it comes from evil. The biggest problem is the grey area in the middle where people need to ask is this giving a good or bad result to see which source energy is creating it!

Specific focus is vey important and the more specific it is the more you will go to the root of ‘weed’ and pull the whole weed out. Using ‘fear’ was very general and the reason I did it was because I thought humanity would benefit most from everyone reading the statement as fear, to kind of mow a few layers away each time someone read the statement!

Fear is a huge topic and I could write article after article on it and different ways we are affected by it, trapped by it and how to release and get rid of it, so maybe I will in the future!

Directing Pure Intention to missing children is such a great thing to do, very powerful and will help to Shine Light on the cracks in the justice systems and swing those on the fence to choose integrity and will really make a difference, especially as more and more people do this. - sounds like a group call coming up there!!

Abundance, money, lack, Light workers . . .!!! Huge topics under huge sabotage and still a work in progress for me, but the biggest thing I feel is to release worry and fill with stillness. This is powerful because the worry creates a never ending ‘hamster wheel’! To get off the hamster wheel we need to be feeling peace and trust that the universe will support us, big ask I know, but this support and energy is now flowing through.

Thanks again for your great comments, yes it is really important work, people need to be empowered and using their Pure Intention power to create good and a better world!

There's a delicate art to group weaving for sure, and that sounds like a good solution...keeping it focused with those you trust and then maybe opening it up later. Going back to that "oneness" misconception - people think everybody should always be invited to everything in the spirit of inclusion, but unfortunately that is just not realistic. It has nothing to do with exclusivity, better than/less than, etc. but can be construed that way. In that regard, I think it's important to be careful about others finding out there was something they were not invited to, or they can undermine from the outside.

Thanks for clarifying your understanding of how Pure can also be different expressions of Pure. :)

re: fear - I definitely see the good in going as big as possible, and I hope what I said wasn't taken as any kind of criticism of that. Thank goodness not everyone has to live under the same limiting parameters that I do. Certainly as much that which can be cleared easily and effortlessly by as many as possible, I am all for it! (And it's important for people to get to the point where they can allow it to be easy and accept healing easily!) :0)

I hope the good work helping children continues to be blessed and gain momentum. <3

You are right about the worry! I'll have to write more about what has manifested for me through the LoA, in the absence of worry - which is a Zen-like sort of stasis. A spiritual retirement home. :D My basic needs are met, I have a wonderful family for which I'm very grateful...all in good health, I think I fulfilled a lot of my original mission of being a "Forerunner" in the early ascension movement, I'm appreciating the moments of seeing my child grow, I have time to focus on my spirituality, and I have such a good dog that keeps me company...

But there could be so much more joy for all of us, and I could do so much more for others if I were not so limited financially. I think besides the sabotage and blockages, one of the main reasons I am somewhat "stuck", is because I'm sitting here sending out the message "Everything is fine and I don't need a thing, because I already have an abundance of all the important things in life."

Getting to the right thought, the right intention, the right dream, is everything but I'm not quite there yet LOL

One thing I dislike is being tied to time schedules, I this once a month with my membership group, but will choose doing remote work over schedules calls any day! If I was to put on a call then only those invited would know it was going on so no one can undermine from the outside. Right now I’m processing energy from my last post on the Pure Intention statements for pedophilia, that hit me a lot more than I had thought, so need to clear all that out first!

No criticism or offensive taken, you mentioned valid points and I amended my post afterwards to include some of what you said! Being specific is important, I just chose to keep that one general so everyone reading would relate.

Financial issues is a big one for those speaking Truth and doing healing work. Been working on this for a while and can see cracks starting to emerge, and progress being made! :)

It’s a work in progress for us all! :)

I can definitely relate...I like schedules for everything EXCEPT energywork unless the conditions around it are just so. LOL From moment to moment things are so different. As you say when you're busy processing or if something suddenly comes up, it's very hard to force your energy to do something else (and whether you should or not I guess depends :) ).

Glad that wasn't taken the wrong way - sometimes things get lost in translation, especially over the internet. This is why I have to use a lot of emoticons like a 12 year old, otherwise my tone comes off very strangely to people sometimes. LOL

Onward and upward! <3

Life can come to a standstill at times for me after doing intense energy work, even sleeping for the whole afternoon! Flexible schedule is needed! :) I do feel for my clients who have set hours and are feeling the energies, very hard going.

I'm always happy to answer questions and explain something in more detail. Often I do miss out important details because I forget that not everyone knows all that I do know! :)

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