If the keyboard takes over I want impunity
We can be so complicated, and maybe that fact is what makes humanity beautiful. I mean, how would I be fascinated with something if it did not have any complexity or any depth to it? If a line was just a line, it would need but a second for me to define and one more for me to be bored. But humans, us, the crazy over complicated mistakes of distorted beauty, we are indefinable and on that front we are curiously consistent.

But, we try, yes of course we try to define humanity. We write novels of fiction to explore our most remote emotions. The kind that are never OK to admit as our own, and the kind that we've accepted as normal human curiosity. We are fascinated by those who live on the edge of madness because they don't fear exploring the most scandalous taboos.
We are just humans, and I guess we are not meant to understand it all, no matter how much we fight against that aspect of our nature... I love you, because I hate you is a logically sound thing to say, and yet the paradox is slapping us across the face with sardonic elegance. Are you confused? Well so am I, and that is why its fun, that is precisely why we try.
Who ever said "life is difficult" was not complaining, maybe he was singing a song. A song for understanding, a song about confusion, a song that claims reality is the real illusion. Illusion, confusion a fusion of all, diffusion intrusion I'am none of these at all. Are you ready to be amused? Of course you are, you are human and that's the one true muse.
What am I saying? Do I know? Would you even care if it made sense at all? The proverbial rabbit hole has no end, you've seen the movie the clocks broke before they hit ten. I told you we are confusing and yet you read again, but I don't blame you, not at all, I also want to understand... If this was a game, if this was real would it make a difference or will it erode like some sand.
I am grateful, you've been keeping up, and even thought you thought this whole thing to be a poem, now you know its not. But wait you say, "I've seen them, they are there, I've seen the rhymes". I know but we are human, and sometimes work against the tides.
Other posts by yours truly
• It doesn't look like anything to me
• Open Mic Week 87 - Top 5 Selection and Honorable Mentions
• An open Letter to those who claim to care
• We can be so silly
• HitBTC fakenewsd me Bigtime
I believe if Art needs an actuator to turn in to expression, it's insanity!
Amazing topic, appreciate if you write more on that. I resteem this post cause it worth read an spread
oh yes, the dark subjects are fascinating, no doubt...
I live in the madness.
We are every character in Alice in Wonderland. I suspect, we are each one each other, everyone — real and imaginary, individually, as groups, and as a whole.
Do you presume it doesn't?
I like sandwiches.
Omi, one day you gotta teach me how to rhyme for real... like, the "secrets" sort of speak.
Whenever you really want to I will haha
The proverbial rabbit hole may not have a end but the actual one does...
But the question is how would we become sure about that??
Suppose two person is observing something happening at tha same time..now what they do to share what they just percived?
They can communicate i suppose..via various ways...they can just explain it to each other... but how do we become sure that the experience was mutual??? is there anyway? via photographs mayb? or video footage? but watching the footage takes you back to the beginning where two person was just observing something happening at the same time..
The twisted thing is the more we talk about it the less details we will remember about the event. So to cope with this our mind does a trick on its own where it fiils in blank...
So if its a game then it wouldnt matter.. our mind will keep tricking us..and we will never be sure about it..
believe it or not, i often think about this exact thing. We have no way of knowing how we interpret things, we only have a way to communicate the interpretation and between layers of translation from subconscious, to conscious to words, we think we stand in commonalities, when the first two could have been completely different.
This was dope dude. I love your writing style - it's free-write-esque without coming off immature or misguided. Always seems thematic, gets them brain gears turning.
thank you for reading brother, im glad you get a kick out of my craziness.. hahaha ;)
Perfect rhymes
You've got talents my friend
"How can I be fascinated with something without complexity or depth?" I believe that this question is asked by all human beings
A great philosopher about the keyboard of life