The Evil of Slavery

in #philosophy8 years ago

“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.” — Abraham Lincoln

Slavery has had a long and brutal history. It began in ancient times, when victorious conquerors and mighty kings would subjugate the nations and tribes around them.

It, like many institutions, evolved with time.

Men were carried off, against their will, to foreign lands to serve indefinitely. It became racially infused, with certain races seen as inferior and therefore deserving to be enslaved. Many atrocities were committed, many families were divided, many died due to overwork.
Slavery is abominable.
Now, you might ask why I talk about slavery today. Most would think, "Isn't it a dead institution? There aren't any slaves today, right?"
Wrong. Slavery is still alive and well.

There are 29 million people who live their lives in slavery. We, as people desiring freedom for all men, must stand against this evil.
Slavery violates every right that a man has. Free speech is silenced, men are killed, women are violated, and children are expendable. Slavery dehumanizes people by treating them like cattle. Men are not property, they are people, entitled their own rights. No man's rights are inferior to another's, and no man has a right to own another man.
Most modern day slaves live their entire lives under a system of oppression. Traditionally, slaves are rarely freed. In the modern age, I doubt any are ever freed at all.

We must work to find a way to fight this evil. If we do not, it will lead to countless lives being forced into oppression.


Hundreds of millions of Americans are unwitting slaves to the internal revenue "service" of the United States federal government. There is no more appropriate term than slavery for the oppression that results in the involuntary payment of an "income tax" extorted for the rightful activity of exchanging one's labor for money.

Demands for such payment are thinly disguised claims of ownership, making the working population chattel, property of the federal government. This is an abominable evil that must be first recognized and spoken against.

Regarding your interesting article, and especially final illustration, it would be helpful if you could follow it up with references and perhaps recommendations of what, if anything, might be done about such a sorry state of affairs.



Thats an interesting point.
I may do a follow-up at some point - its just hard right now. Life is pretty busy, so posting is slow.
But thanks for pointing that out - I actually hadn't thought of the IRS or taxes as slavery before.
Now that I really think about it, perhaps it is a form of servitude.
I would need to spend some time and do some research before I post anything - could you recommend any good places to help understand this issue?

Hi, Max,

You might find this article interesting and useful. (I'm not necessarily endorsing it).

Also, if you just google "is income tax a form of slavery" you will get some interesting results from the brain-dead tyranny cheerleaders who will try to convince you that it is not.

still around today

but they just call it statism

Well I am not sure if I would agree that all government is bad. I believe there does need to be some state to institute just law and defend the people from foreign threats. What do you think?

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