Is Life Real?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


Such a rhetorical question. Nobody can prove anything. But let's hold a short discussion.

It has to be real, right? I mean everything feels so real. I can smell, taste, see, hear and touch. I can sense joy, fear, lust, agony and so on. But wait a minute, isn't that the case when we're dreaming as well?

Dreams are so weird. Most of the time they make no sense and even when they do, there are still huge differences from reality which should help us realize we're actually dreaming. But we always fall for it. We're unable to realize that it's not real. We're trapped inside. Dreams feel so real that you might wake up and need time in order to get rid of the feelings they brought, whether positive or negative. You might start shouting while sleeping or even sleepwalking and doing various things unconsciously. There are no memories whatsoever when you wake up. Like nothing ever happened. Like it just wasn't real.

Another factor that induces doubt is technology. Technology is progressing at such a great rate that soon we will be unable to tell the difference between virtual reality and real life. If human computers of 2018 can achieve such things, just imagine what we could possibly accomplish technologically within the next 1000 years. Nobody had cell phones 50 years ago, yet nowadays' kids have smartphones which are many times faster than NASA's 1960's computers used for the moon mission. And all this progress was accomplished in less than a century! Just imagine what our computers will be capable of in 1000 years from now! Artificial Intelligence might have surpassed human consciousness. Virtual Reality games would be indistinguishable from reality. If we can't actually prove we're not trapped inside a dream, we can't prove our whole existence isn't happening inside a software generated by a supercomputer of the future either.

There's more to this though. We live in an infinite Universe which is constantly expanding. There are infinite possibilities. There could be literally anything and everything out there, the Universe is unbelievably enormous for the human mind to comprehend. This world is truly limitless. Not really.

There is one fundamental limit: the speed of light. Nothing can go beyond the speed of light. Nothing can travel with a speed higher than 299792458 m/s (meters per second). But why??? Why is such a random number the limit? Why is there a limit in the first place? I thought this Universe was infinite, space never ends, time never stops. Doesn't this concept of a maximum possible speed resemble the way our computers work? It is like the computer processing this reality we're ''living'' in has only so much computing power, and therefore there is a speed limit.

My final attempt to debunk reality will be made using physics. The Quantum Entanglement. Have you heard of this phenomenon? It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when particles interact in a way that the quantum state of each particle is dependent of the other's, even when the particles are separated by huge distances. Particles are described by their basic properties: position, spin and polarization. Entangled particles' physical properties are always correlated, in other words if you change one particle's spin, then the other particle will instantly change its spin as well. This sort of ''communication'' between entangled particles happens instantly, regardless of distance. That means it is the only thing that beats the speed of light in this Universe: the speed in which entangled particles exchange ''information''. Einstein called it ''spooky action at a distance'' and never managed to explain why this is possible. According to his theory of relativity this shouldn't be possible, but in fact it is, and Einstein died with this question torturing his mind.

The Quantum Entanglement could be explained though if we looked at this life as a computer simulation. It would make perfect sense! That would explain how particles located billions and trillions of kilometers away from each other can communicate instantly.

Five exabytes of technical information will be produced this year. This amount equals to all technical information produced the last 50 years combined. We live in exponential times. But is this life real? I guess I will never find the answers to most of my questions. Even Einstein couldn't.

Thank you for your attention!
Live your life without a care in the world!

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The thought of life sometimes offers me some food for thought, the thought of it seems so weird and everything looks uncertain.
Thinking about it makes my imaginations go wild so I decided to take one day at a time and not bother about the days ahead. Thanks for sharing this blog.

Universe are infinite and continue expand but in my opinion 299792458 m/s light speed is not the limit you can beat this speed 😍 we need just to fixed this probleme maybe is possible but thinks like time travel are top secret for now 😂😂.And yes reality is just another side of coin you now believe is reality but if we are simulation and we just thinking we are real 🤔🤔

[Tesla disagreed with the findings of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in a number of ways. As far back as the turn of the century, Tesla thought that he had intercepted cosmic rays emanating from the sun that attained velocities “vastly exceeding that of light.”] -

Explaining how life came about will continue to be a challenge to scientists. Your article is proof that a superinteliiigent being created this world.
It was created still!
This might not be real life though, it might just be an abstraction like a computer simulations where all the math equations are hidden! And the results shown!

I totally agree with your point regarding sleep and how it feels so real but when you wake up, you realize that it was not and in fact everything seemed so fake now from your new perspective. So no one can say that this reality is real because its the exact same feeling of 'real' we get from dreams that we feel in this reality. Who knows when we die we might wake up in a different dimension and feel so stupid that we thought "life" was real. I think whats more important to understand is our consciousness because in my opinion reality is just a representation/construct of our mind. Have a good day.

@zonnovate Thank you for your thoughtful input! I really hope our consciousness is immortal and can live without the body!

Yh I think that is big possibility, much more likely then this reality being the one true reality. But if we can reincarnate it is very likely that we will not remember anything and will not know about any previous lives, as this will defeat the point of existence we exists through different bodies forms so we can improve our souls. Well that my interpretation of that, and that's why I am a vegan because during one life time I may reincarnate into a cow and I would never want to be treated how they are in the animal agriculture industry.

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That number is based on the distance known as a mile, I'm uncertain of its origin. In order to better think about the universe I would think we should use a known portion of the universe to define it. I was going to say a light year but then I remembered years are based on earth.

This really puts me at odds, I want to ask where we can find the base measurement unit of our universe. Right now I believe this is the planck constant. Both referencing Time and Space simultaneously.

The plank constant is indeed the smallest finite measurement of spacetime known to man and science at this time. I recall that a recent discovery using microwaves as propulsion exerting a measurable force which is not explained by our current understanding of physics since light has no mass. I think that the light is creating a standing wave in spacetime. Almost as if we were creating a wave in spacetime and taking advantage of it to move mass trying to get to the lowest energy level available.

Tesla Prefered the "Universe as its own Medium" type theory, he always refers to the ETHER of the universe and being able to disturb it via the motion of electrons mainly for the purposes of doing work and communicating. Though his secrecy has been his downfall, since no one else has been able to replicate and verify many of his claims and findings.

yes real.

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