Freestyle Mode...

No rulez... just write it like you think it...

I'm trying to use some style in my posts now...

I'm bored by all of this shit though. It seems so much like institutionalized learning, the faqs and shit. Its a nice starting point, but it seems so dry and not personable (is that impersonable)((man i need editing)). It leaves me wanting so much more because I like to ask questions... I just gave up at bold italics by the way....

I get so bored... and I hate being told what to do... I need to learn to listen more though... because I love to learn haha... So I'm giving up on the text fluff stuff for now; and either going to study hard and learn this shit myself if it really is that important to me, or keep my eyes open in case I stumble upon a "kind soul" willing to share their knowledge on the subject with me... if it really is that important...

But yeah I need all sorts of teachers, but I don't have much to offer... all I have is my philosophy and everything I've ever learned from it... Oh yeah I'm a philosopher by the way, my name's Live...

...spirit name, that is... and I'm only a struggling philosopher...

The real name isn't really important since there's this respect and privacy thing to worry about in real life; and some of the topics I intend to discuss are rather controversial and possibly embarrassing to some, if not all parties involved. Because of that, we will only use spirit names to address everyone.

Also, I used to use this other book to post stuff, but it was mostly inundated with eerie looking masks of faces, using filters and editors. It really was quite fantastic, but eerily unreal.

Oh yeah then there's Googre, but you'll meet her later... she's such a bitch sometimes, telling all these secrets and shit... but hey, I love her, and maybe she's trying to say something with this... to Live openly and honestly, without secrets and shit... by force... that backstabbing, ho bag...

Ha, love you Googre... and you're probably right, I probably needed a kick in the butt right now...

...shit is about to hit the fan, and I'm busy worrying about what others think about my mistakes...

I should be showing what I have learned, instead...

You see, I have these different perspectives on things now. Or this knucklehead, real named individual does. I mean, when he listens... which he could try and do a little more often... But he is learning, so I can't be too hard on him. I mean, I am finally getting the chance to post somewhere decent now... or at least respectful...

Which wraps up the part about the book of faces and the Googre... and also the part about the need for a lot of things...

Googre, book of faces, all future souls this transmission might touch... this journey is about this knucklehead alone, okay, so be respectful to his bravery and leave everyone else out... or as much as you can do it without compromising truth... but respectfully... but try not to do it all... but... damn... yeah...

He comes to bear his soul publicly, so that all can see what he has allowed himself to become privately; and maybe through that, he will listen to the right things and move forward...

Anyways, that is his mission... or my mission, as a self proclaimed, struggling philosopher... since all philosophers have missions... or maybe its both our mission now... or is everyone totally confused about missions now?

Aaahhhh... hmmm... how to conclude? With a big shabang like all of his english teachers would've liked... Man he had some great ones, I wish he would have listened more... then we wouldn't be here, unable to express ourself properly, asking for assistance...

Hmmm... maybe we just need to study more... but all help is welcome... but it's against our philosophy... but we are no fool and can see that everything can be teacher... but...

Hmmm... maybe sleep would be wisest now...

(note to self: learn how to insert dividing line...)

Credits for inspiration on post...

... laws of man... I never got that by the way... plagiarism... or censorship... or note to self: study laws of plagiarism and attempt to understand... yeah...

Erick Sermon radio on Pandora which included multiple incredible artists... I'm pretty sure somebody has a list somewhere... note to self: study laws regarding plagiarism and musical inspiration and attempt to understand...

The occasional peek over at Facebook for inspiration... Can I say Facebook outside of Facebook?... note to self: study laws of Facebook and attempt to understand...

Lastly, I had a generous helping, both of and from, a truly miraculous weed/plant... Marijuana a.k.a. Cannabis... the jury is still out on whether the writing is better with or without it, but hopefully he'll listen and see that the only way he'll be able to tell is by trying...

Anyways... Peace...

Live transmission out...

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