We're All Conditioned Into Authority and Being Order Followers

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

We're all conditioned into being order followers until we choose to think critically, doubt, question and be curious to find the answers ourselves.


There are many capacities we are capable of, but I don't think an order following character or attitude is something we are born with as a default behavior. I wonder if we are naturally predisposed to it though?

Our parents start to guide us in life, telling us things -- what to do, what not to do -- and we listen to them. We are trained to follow the authority and orders of parents, and we do so from an early age.

This is first phase of how begin our conditioning into follow orders. The degree of control over our lives can vary. Some parents lean more towards control than guidance. Regardless, they become our first authority figures and we follow their orders. We grow away from the authority of our parents, but we can't escape it.

Next comes school, or indoctrination more than real education. We are told what to think about, and in many ways how to think. Teachers speak, we listen, and repeat what they teach. We repeat what we are told by teachers or read in books in order to pass tests. We follow the orders of the education system in order to "graduate" into the next phase of order following.

Outcome-based "education" trains us into entering the work force. Here we follow more orders of bosses. We had parents as bosses, teachers as bosses, and now employers as bosses. Each is a layer of authority in various parts of life.

When we outgrow the authority, guidance or control of our parents and live on our own, we encounter the all-encompassing authority in life if we haven't already. From our biological or adopted parents, the authority gets projected and transposed into the superstructure of the mommy-daddy-nanny state-government control and authority -- the new parental authority in life.

We are never raised properly, raised in consciousness to understand principles of morality. Curiosity, doubt and asking questions get stifled from a young age. Children who ask 'why' aren't given answers all the time, because the adults don't know the answer themselves. They aren't raising the level of awareness (consciousness) in children.

Many parents are ignorant themselves, and can't answer the deeper questions. Many parents are unraised because their parents were unraised in meaningful degrees of consciousness, such as being able to think properly, being able to learn properly, or aware of moral principles for living.

Children ask the all-important question "why", and many parents just say "because" and tell them to stop asking questions, getting frustrated at the child because they are curious and want to understand more. As a result, they stop asking more questions, and just accept things as they are, not thinking more, not doubting how things are "supposed" to be. Curiosity is killed.

We have to raise ourselves. Some children continue to self-educate themselves, not depending on their parents or teachers to feed them the answers. Some people wake up to the lies around them at some point in life, to start to learn more on their own, and some don't. Embarking on the quest of knowledge and journey for truth is deeply rewarding.

Until we decide to raise ourselves in truth and morality, we are essentially order followers: following what our parents told us, what society told us, school, TV, government, etc. We need to think and see that something isn't right with how we live as a society. That itch can get us to doubt more, to be curious and ask questions. The search for answers will lead us to search for knowledge and seeking truth. Eventually that leads to how to live right, better, just and moral.

We are all order followers, and we are all conditioned into the current condition of society, in varying degrees of wrongness and immorality. We live out a programmed/conditioned way of life until we choose to shine a light on the hidden uncritically accepted part of life, on the shadow, demon, darkness, negative, wrong, evil and immorality within us that we live by and create according to.

We are all culpable and guilty in varying degrees until we choose to stop supporting and participating in the wrongs, immorality and evil around us. We need to learn the objective difference between what is morally right and what is wrong, between good and evil expressions of behavior. These are the Double Truths, Two Truths, Two Paths (one right, one wrong). Knowing this duality and the difference between these two paths leads to the Two Witnesses of Truth and Justice (11 and 2 symbolism).

We can live without externally imposed rulers or masters, like that of government. But it will take us all to want to learn how to live that way, to live in an-archy, without-rulers or masters. We need to learn how to think better, and learn principles of morality (moral law, moral truth) as the authentic authority and rule of law to self-govern, self-control and self-master ourselves. Moral truth is the path and way to anarchy and freedom for all.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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From birth to grave we are conditioned to follow protocols and rules to be considered as good member of society. Those who break from the path are thought of divergent and possible a menace to the society and thus employ various ways of harassment, exclusion, excommunication and even death as a means to hammer down the message to stay in line.

I agree that from a parental level children's curiosity is stifled to not ask too many question or to just do it because mommy/daddy says so.

In school information is jammed down students throats and they are not allowed to question and rote kind of learning is encouraging by being parrots of what has been said and not by what one has thought or interpreted it. Tests that limits learning by yes or no, right or wrong.

When we finally graduate and ushered in as adults we get turned over to slave drivers and bosses that demand that it be done there way because that is how it has always been done. To question authority is to be branded as anti-management and anti-establishment so you get fired.

you present such a thought provoking message that not a lot of people would want to think about. even in Steem most people are satisfied with the status quo and not even taking the time to research what the witnesses do. They will do what other people ask or if there is something for them.

Yes, conform to culture, conform to "corporate culture", so much conformity. Yeah, steem has money incentives which makes people not think much beyond that. Thanks for the feedback, good additions to add.

I feel all of humanity is starting to grow up.
But, it is that most people are going from childhood to teenager.

It is difficult to talk about being morally correct.
On one hand you get christians saying, of course, and here's the list of rules (many of which were imposed by kings, and not by god)
On the other hand you get atheists who argue that there is nothing that is morally correct. It is whatever we decide.

We have a lot of growing up to do.

Yes we have to grow up, and morally is based on actions that harm, no need for god. Some atheists threw out the baby with the bathwater :/

I respect what you try to say. I consider the self-gov at the first place .. that’s what’s called “integrity” !

  • however, I will be bold to say the religious mentality -( not me anymore) - which is a lot in our world- who is raised on the ultimate reward or punishment ( by unseen governor) is difficult to really excute the self-governing, even if many brags about it !

Yeah, that's the self-imposed externalized imaginary authority ;)

Hahaha 😂🤣😅😂

I can't imagine any sort of world without the presence of authority. Without authority there is no hierarchy; without hierarchy, no delineation; without delineation, no categories; without categories, no individuation; and without individuation I cannot even say "I" as I would not be a person.

This is not an argument for blind obedience. Don't get me wrong, I sympathize with @krnel's opinion. It's just that the argument of self-mastery when it rejects religion rings with hubris in my ears.

For one presumes to be a god if one determines for oneself according to one's own will the value and meaning of all things, and thus one becomes one's own judge and jury. Without a morality external to oneself, one is free to do whatever one pleases; morality becomes subjective, effectively amoral, and when subjective amendable to manipulation to fit one's preferences. To whom does one hold oneself to account but oneself?

And if an external authority is objected to because temporal sources are fallible, that is no reason to object to an infallible God. In fact that leaves only God as an authority, who is the ultimate metaphysical authority. If one must obey an authority (which I think it is in our interest as sovereign, conscientious individuals to do so), best to obey Him over all others.

(Disclosure: I am not a believer of any religion. I have no faith but I believe in faith. I studied at a Jesuit high school and was raised by parents who took up Buddhism in the 70s and who are anti-organized religion and while skeptical of religion generally, claim to feel spirituality.)

First of all I fully respect you as I respect religious people as well ( I know you are not). One day 20 years ago I was dedicated religious. I was always saying ( faith is as important as the backbone of a skeleton .. without it, body can fall like a heap of meat)..... but now -after all those years- I changed in mind and would be glad to share with you.
I do respect the religious people now cuz it’s part of life system exactly like I respect the un-entrepreneurial people. Religious people are like the people who cannot be entrepreneurs ... they cannot feel safe without a regular job with guaranteed salary or reward. However, I respect more those entrepreneurs/ non religious who are courageous enough to completely depend on themselves not on their BIG EMPLOYER !
I wish you got my point !

I respect both groups cuz it’s life system. However, I am bias to my group.
Have a good day my steemian fellow @eskmcdonnell

Love ❤️ from @josteem

If all people in this world are entrepreneurs, they would not find someone to work for them !! Diversity is a key 🔑 😍

Honestly, I don't think I follow what do you mean by "[...] they would not find someone to work for them."

Reliance on oneself is a good, and admirable - I quite understand this sense of the "entrepreneurial-ship" you refer to. And those who are able to, have no need for God; they can sustain themselves each on his own personal religion.

But I call your attention to the fact that people are very fragile and quite lucky to bear their burdens well. Such self-reliant "entrepreneurs" are singular individuals. Most do not bear their burdens well b/c life is dure. It is these who need God.

The conditioning of the military is to respect the power of authority and to follow orders, .To be inspirational, we need to understand the values, hopes, fears, and goals of followers.it is stressed that values and norms ... Leaders must, in order to reach their followers to let their message come through.

We need to be the change. Moral is nothing but enslavement.

It is the system of government that restricts us to the curricula of those who desire it
We know what they want
But when a man grows up, he knows this, and he who chooses to free himself from slavery

Do you really know what you want? You would be a rare individual if you know why you do things?

"Schools" are nothing less than child abuse and a rape of psychological health, selfesteem, objectivity and independence. If you tell people, most will consider this statement over the top, simply because they went through indoctrination themselves.

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

it can certainly aid in the degradation of those faculties ;)

Not sure about other parents but I am not getting tired answering all the "why"s to my 2 years old :) We try to teach in a way of always giving options of actions so that child felt she has a power of decision.
But also from child psychology we know, that small child feels unsafe if she does not know boundaries, what is allowed and what is not - here comes the mandatory parent control for child to feel safe and his brains to develop normally.


giving options of actions so that child felt she has a power of decision.
Good stuff, sounds like you are doing a good job ;) Yes, there is always control and rules to be set by parents, not all bad hehe.

how dare you talk back to your parents!?!?!?!
you are 2 you should know better by now!!!!!!!

I always found that stupid, how dare you talk back, as if children can't object or criticize their parents.

conditioning you to respect authority at an early age.

Like the self reflection needed for a post like this. I think we have been conditioned from a young age to follow orders and as you get older the rules/rulers become more stringent. But is there another way? A simple disagreement between two parties can become a disaster without some sort of order.

Moral truth/law is the order and rule of authority we need to recognize and live by.