Force vs. Violence - Is Force the Same as Violence?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

There is some obfuscation and confusion in society regarding what force means, and how that differs from violence. This confusion leads to an inhibition and pacification of the self-defense principle to stand up and defend oneself or others in accordance with moral truth/law and justice.


What is Force?

  • strength, power or energy
  • exerting force against something that resists (adversary)


Yes, force is used in violence, but there is a difference.

What is Violence?

  • force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing
  • unjust exercise of power


We can force another against their will/volition, forcibly hurt them, take from them, etc. We can also apply force to a ball and make it move, build a house, etc. We can also apply and use the force of our voice to speak, to argue, to be an adversary in conversation, to oppose what someone says, but this is not violence either.

Notice this basic difference?

The difference is one is violent, against someone's volition, making it a violation.

Force in itself is not violent. It's just a force that creates a change in position, state, etc. This is how the universe exists. Without force, there is nothing. There are forces at work everywhere. None of them are violent. They are not agents capable of creating evil, immorality or violence through force. Force is how we move our bodies, how we get any work done, etc.

Note the root of violence and violation, viol. Viole is rape in French.

The Latin word violare means violate, dishonor; outrage. Violare is in turn derived from the Latin (and Italian, Portuguese, Spanish) word vis force, strength.

Violence requires force, force does not require violence.

Force is not derived from violence. Violence is derived from force. This is important to understand.

Initiating Undue Use of Aggressive Force is Violence

If someone initiates aggressive use of force (violence) against another who did no harm, for no moral reason, they are acting against moral law, and they are acting in violence, against another's volition.

When we use force against another who is violating (i.e. violence) another being's volition and rights, we are not being violent; we are correcting a violent act against moral law, with the use of force. We are indeed "exertion against something that resists", the one who is violating may indeed resist being stopped, and this may also result in "damaging" effects to stop them forcefully, to "harm" the violator who is engaging in violence. But we are not violating the violence (evil) with violence, we are stopping the violence with force.

Using force to stop violence is a just use of power, energy, and strength. The initiator of violence using unjust (against moral law) force is the one violating and being violent. The initiator of violence is in violation of the principle of nonviolence and nonaggression. Using force to stop that violence is not violence, but right-action based in moral law to stop a wrong-doing from continuing unabated.


Initiators of Aggressive Force

It does matter who initiates the first act which they did not have a right to take. They are the initiators of the violence, the undue use of force, violating someone else's free will and volition to not be harmed. The "sacred feminine" nonviolent nonaggression principle is being crushed, destroyed and broken, and the "sacred masculine" force to stand up, act and defend the innocent needs to step in to set right-action into manifestation and enact justice in the world. When someone violates someone else's rights, they lose their own rights.

Use of Force

If you choose to violate someone's natural moral law rights to not be violated or harmed, you are giving up your own rights under natural moral law to not be "harmed" as a reciprocal response to your aggressive violent act. There is a due and just use of aggressive force against violators who use violence, and that use of force is not violence because it isn't undue or unjust.

Sanctioned Dominators and Controllers

We have state sanctioned gangster thugs (police) using violence against those who exercise their right to free speech. This is the case at the G-8 and G 20 summit protests. There are people who protest the political scheming of the power structures in the world, and they are harassed, pepper sprayed, tasered or beaten for exercising the force of their voice and speaking information that other people should know about

Personal Responsibility

We have failed in our personal responsibility. We have not morally educated our young, so there happens to be criminal tendencies that develop in various people and then we demand a controller class to clean things up in society because we don't want to handle it ourselves. We have handed over our personal responsibility, abdicated our personal response-ability to deal with life around us, by creating institutions and forces of coercive violent control. We don't want to deal with our own house, or be bothered and hassled by the problems around us in our society.

Servitude to Authority

So... people or groups end up with imaginary rights that no one possesses. Such as stealing through taxation, with violence and coercion that gets used, due to noncompliance with taxation, or other dictates of unnecessary "laws" that are not followed. And it's all sanctioned by us through tacit acceptance into indentured servitude to being obedient to the centralized authoritarian state.

Desire to be Moral

Proper education is key to prevent people from even desiring to violate moral law. Not the fear and desire to control everyone by having institutions of coercive control to save us from our own ignorance and lack of moral responsibility.

Force is voluntary and doesn't violate the volition of an innocent being, and is based in moral law/truth: to take an action that one has the right to take because it doesn't violate the life and freedom of another being.

Violence is violating the volition of another, and is not based in moral law/truth: to take an action one doesn't have the right to take because it's violating the life and freedom of another being.

The choice is ours: to learn and live in alignment with moral principles (moral law/truth, morality), or to fail to recognize how morality works and fail to live in alignment with morality, or even to willfully go against morality.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I agree that proper education is essential. Not only in schools, but also that the parents will become better role-models (which will happen after a generation if the schooling system gets better)

Why don't the schools learn you have to deal with thought and emotion? Why don't they teach you thoroughly the most important aspect of life? The school system too superficial and non-human and need to go deeper into the human hearts, ethics, morals and joy.

The children need to be trusted and viewed as individuals that have their own unique intelligence and contribution to this world - Instead of packing everyone in the same box and telling them what they should do with their lives, and push information on them. Why not teach them how to become intelligent, and think for themselves while supporting them with guidance.

The school system also needs to become better in terms of helping kids earlier with social problems, trauma and other pains that can give them a destructive future, this is so underrated in our society.

All violence can be eliminated by simply taming fear..

Most of the fear being experienced today is intentionally manufactured and that's why it's important to seek and speak truth only.

Thank You for speaking truth and raising awareness!

Indeed, speak truth, dispel fear and raise awareness more and more.

I looked into this once after a public tussle with a person in authority. They do NOT make the definition clear in the UK. The best answer I could find, and I had to go to a police training manual for this, was that violence was 'unjustified force', which asks more questions than it answers... Great to see you posting again btw. I think we both took a hiatus.

Hehe, yes, I only recently came back. I'll give it a whirl again and see, but pretty disheartened at Steem when I left, things just seem to have gotten worse in 6 months...

education is not everything....some people are inherently good and others inherently bad. some people's long term memory is way better than their short-term memory so they will benefit when they go for long-term targets, doing what is right. for others, it's the other way, when they try to be good at school, they don't succeed, when they try to exploit others, they succeed, soon when they are young they decide to be experts in doing evil. You can't educate those people to do what is against their own interest, you can only deal with bad people through violence. Doing bad things to bad people is doing a good thing. Those people cannot be convinced to don't do evil...they have to be COHERCED to don't do evil. I work better through positive reinforcement, you from what you wrote also work better through positive reinforcement but some people can only work through fear...not all people all equal to us, there are evil people out there and we have to know it.

Some people may choose to remain engaging in bad behavior, true. Use force to stop their violence, is not bad against bad though, it's good against bad ;)

it's what I said....doing bad things against bad people is doing a good thing....a minus(-)with a minus(-) gives plus(+)

Nice and Well Explained!

We will know the nonviolent settlement when a mosquito landed on your penis. that's what I've read. a very educational this post. I like.
Regard @muhammadabi

Btw why have you posted a picture of policeman in the voilence category? 😜

Though force and violence are completely different things. Bodies of authority have been using violence against us for years and justifying it as force.

While I don't agree much with your view of taxation, I'd rather see where your view takes you, than try to talk you out of it. Such developments as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts appear capable, eventually, of posing reorganized alternatives to status quo society. Some of those could impressively advance and improve quality of life. Perhaps your view of taxation will fit holistically into some alternative that I can embrace, despite my misgivings about how you treat that one issue.

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