Evil People are Often the 'Hero' in Their Own Story

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Have you ever noticed how many of the fictional portrayals of people doing wrong, immoral or evil things, are justifying what they do as if it's the "right" thing to do? They are harming others, but they say it's for the "greater good" according to their usually deluded idea of what the "good" is. They see themselves as the "hero", and sometimes as a "savior" of sorts who must do what others are unwilling to do -- which is usually to harm innocents and justify it as "necessary".

They are very confused and lost in their self-delusion. A famous character that comes to mind is Darth Vader or Anakin Skywalker. He justified his actions to murder innocents in order to create an empire of total control for peace with no more conflict. What a deluded idiot he was, led by fear to create immorality.


I think it's not just a fictional reality, but has occurred in a lot of human history. People who have done egregious acts are often viewed as being purely evil because we say they knowingly do evil. That may be the case. It can also be that they don't think of what they are doing as evil. Maybe they are thinking of themselves as the hero in their own story.

Hitler, Stalin, Alexander the Great, and many other who killed innocent people in their quest for some allegedly "higher" (but really a corrupted false) ideal have likely seen themselves as the hero in their actions. These people -- and many more in history -- all tried to create a new order of life and living for humanity. One could reduce the quest or goal to the desire for "unity" at all costs.

In addition to the evil goals of characters in Star Wars to create "unity" through violence and immorality, I'm reminded of the movie Hero that portrays this motive as well. Jet Li is the "Nameless" martial arts expert whose plan is to depose the King of Qin that is conquering and destroying the lives of many. He secretly plans this by killing three other martial arts warriors that are fighting against the king, gaining favor of the king in order to be summoned and gain access to kill the king.


But when he reaches 10 paces from the king, close enough for his kill move and his own death after, the king tells him he already figured out his plan. The king then explains and justifies all his murdering through the ideal of unifying all of the lands under one ruler, which requires subjugating them to one authority, himself. Nameless is persuaded by the argument, and lets himself be killed rather than stop the king.

This is a great movie to support government, statism and centralized authority and influence the mind's of he viewer of how great the idea of "unity" through violence, domination and murder is.

These fictional characters and the characters in our history who have ordered or carried out immoral actions against others, likely all viewed and thought of themselves as "good" and "right", subjectively in their own minds, but not as to what is objectively right, good, true and moral actions. They weren't doing good, they weren't heroes, but they saw themselves that way instead of see themselves as the villain.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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We believe we have a "right to life" and "personal sovereignty". The fruits of these beliefs have been quite grand. Does "God" (insert whatever your conception of the powers that be or natural law in place of God) care? Does God think these things are good too? Why does God allow dictators and totalitarians who hurt people? How can we say that the "right to life" or "personal sovereignty" are "good" when societies can be maintained on different "evil" values?

There is no externalized will-power over us from some imaginary being ;) We projected ourselves outwards and created a being to try to explain reality in reference to ourselves. Imagining there must be some "cosmic order" that controls and regulates things in some "cosmic ledger".

This is so true. All "evil" people think that what they do are for the greater good. That's why you can ask yourself is there truly any evil people out there? Well I guess if you take away the murderers, pedophiles and so on.
It's the same with meat eaters. They don't see that they pay for animals to be killed and tortured and therefore they think they do something good with giving their Children a "nutritious meal".
Great post my friend. I really enjoyed it.

Indeed. We are living in an illusion of "good" a lot of the time, thinking the current condition of living is good even if it isn't. Exploiting, enslaving and murdering animals is easily justified for many, especially when it's "free range" or "organic" or "grass fed", etc. You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback.

I have always thought that many bad people who do everything at their will harbor resentments, internal hatreds, inferiority complexes, family decadence and low self-esteem. There are people who according to their crypt do good, but use people and situations in their favor, often in the name of God, what a shame, the only thing they create are conflicts and destruction in their path. You could appreciate an individual satisfaction but in my opinion they submit to the dissatisfaction becomes more noticeable and always want more and more even increasing more and more their treachery and malice. All this will depend on his intentions and the degree of intellectual depravity he has.

It is how some villains have been portrayed as being vulnerable and relatable.

Take a look at Thanos in Marvel's Infinity war. In the comics he was portrayed as the Mad Titan with a nihilistic code (it is canon!) view of life and even loving the embodiment of death. That was his whole reason.

The movie version was made into a more humane (if it is possible) and watching some of the reaction videos I have seen after warching it that a lot f people felt that they could relate to him.

Going a lot nearer how about the Strong man of the Philippines, Former President Marcos who after all the human rights violations, political enemies killed and torture is being hailed as making the country safe and prosperous.
Now his children use his legacy and until now hold power to the province north of the capital and his eldest son almost winning the recent Vice president electiopn.
He is worshipped as a war hero and his tale told that he is a victim of politics.

Yeah, it's scary how people can be influenced into accepting evil... and they have a short memory if they don't, forgoing the past in favor of the image and celebrity status to rally behind... I figured many people would identify positively with Thanos... the madman.

These people were poisoned, all of them. If humans were so bad as we claim we are then we would have been done by now. I say turn all feet away from evil. What you speak about you bring about, even more than you think about. Evil people have a will to change. It's just finding the right combo to unlock said will.

Yes, some people can change from their ways. A catalyst needs to shake them and wake them up to reality.

I think this exists in Trump as well - he may truly believe that some of the foolish choices he has made are good for the American people and for our country when in reality he is simply attempting to project a positive perception around himself.

For certain policies, it seems that he has been so desperate to cling to campaign promises, no matter how illogical they may be. Pulling out of the Iran deal comes to mind here.

Yup, trying to do good but not knowing how to really do it ;)

And this is typical Hollywood redirection.

Psychopaths know they are doing evil.
And enjoy it. They enjoy spinning yarns about how they are doing it for the greatest good.

And, since we are all indoctrinated in this govern-cement schooling, materialism science bullshit with a corrupted religion (as control instead of spirituality) we cannot see why "the greatest good" is a lie.

They greatest good actually comes from following your highest joy. (this includes getting other people to be joyful)

The adage, "the ends justifies the means" is completely false.
And we would recognize that if we were taught any truth.

You can't get to happiness on a path that does not contain happiness.

A path to any destination always includes attributes of that destination

So, i would suggest that we stop believing in this gray area. That only exists for humans with a conscience. There is only black in the hearts of the psychopaths. And no good will come from them, unless what you want is destruction. (such as Chump is doing)

Thanks for mentioning the movie Hero, I haven't watch that one.

I agree with the fact that there is a tendency in bad people to somehow see themselves as a force for good. Perhaps that is the only way for a person to be able to do so many evil things, to delude themselves into thinking they are doing good...

Yes, that is how many justify doing wrongs by convincing themselves it is right. Denial is powerful. Some know it's wrong and do it anyways because they don't care, as long as they get what they want.


Hehe, good one ;) Pirates are fun. Skulls are bad, m'kay.

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