As Above Is Not Always As Below, Correspondence Does Not Always Apply Blindly

in #philosophy7 years ago

You might have heard of the phrase "as above so below", or heard about the "law of correspondence". The "law of correspondence" has been featured in the book The Kybalion, stated simply as "as above, so below; as below, so above".

Is this really a law that always applies? No, not really. Like the concept of balance, it needs to be understood better to apply it when it actually applies. That doesn't stop many people of the "New Age" or so-called "spiritual" variety to draw conclusions based on blindly analogizing one thing to another.

They think that because X has a correspondence to Y in some aspect that we can see and demonstrate, therefore X prime corresponds to Y prime by analogy. But Y prime doesn't necessarily corresponds to X prime just because Y corresponds to X. And often that analogous correspondence is skipped, and people just assume X corresponds to Y just because they want to believe it to be "true". Forget about actually demonstrating a first level correspondence to analogize from and develop a second level correspondence or conclusion...

Many analogous correspondences in reality can seem accurate, but correspondence is not to be applied blindly. The convincing analogy may be wrong. Consciousness-psyche is good at finding patterns, and also at imposing patterns onto things where the pattern doesn't apply. That's what happens when we look at two things that correspond and then apply an analogy of as above so below as below so above to draw a conclusion without verification.

The "law of correspondence" is explained by some as:

That which is Above is like to that which is Below. That which is Below is like to that
which is Above. The Macrocosm (large; totality) and the Microcosm (small; individuals
constituting the whole) are reflections of each other. The Universe is Holographic; it is
self-similar across all scales.

But taking that as a truth/reality pattern to apply blindly, can get you into scale confusion, because not everything at one scale applies at another scale. We can form erroneous judgments and conclusions about things based on simply corresponding one thing to another. We might hope or believe it works that way, but just because we want it to be so doesn't make it so.

Scale confusion can be seen when people try to blindly correspond what is at the micro and macro scales of existence. This is typical of those who have a misunderstanding about quantum physics (like many "New Agers" and so-called "spiritually" minded people).

At the scale/level in which we exist in our reality, we have certain behaviors and laws that determine interaction. At the smaller level, the regular physical "physics laws" are no longer completely valid. Things change from one scale to the other. To apply understandings indiscriminately from the smaller level to the bigger level that operate by different "laws" is a fallacy. Yet, people take quantum physic "laws" and try to apply how things work at that micro level to the macro level we exist at, when the laws are different. There is a boundary condition where laws from the micro and macro switch in applicability to no longer apply.

One example of even minor scale changes in our own macro level will alter what can or can't happen or exist. A movie like King Kong isn't realistic because of physical laws that would prevent the huge ape from maneuvering like it was shown. At the quantum level things operate differently than at our macro level:

Causality states that causes must exist for all effects, and must come before the effects they produce. In Einstein’s physics causality holds in all domains of the natural world, but quantum theory allows for violation of microcausality at the (microscopic) quantum level. In our macroscopic world, however, causality holds absolutely.

Newtonian physics which applies to the gross material world of large objects that we see with our naked eye, does not apply on the sub-atomic level of quantum physics.

Different laws apply at different levels. Many people who look into quantum physics with beliefs related to "New Age" or so-called "spiritual" notions easily get attracted to the fanciful ideas that whatever applies to the base scale/level of the universe applies to the larger scales/levels, or vice versa, when it doesn't work this way. This is blind correspondence from scale confusion.

The laws at different scales are not always interchangeable. If these experiments are considered valid then we can see that Newtonian physics of our visible manifested reality is not the same as the subatomic quantum world of wave potentials. We already know that certain laws do not apply to both of these scales, it is ignorant to presuppose and insist that our scale also operates by the laws of the quantum wave potentiality.

There is a pseudo-"spiritual" and "New Age" concept that if you stop observing something it does not exist, that reality only exists because we are looking. This is nonsense misunderstanding and blind correspondence through ignorance of how reality actually work.

Philip K. Dick says it well:

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

philip dick reality believing.jpg

Language is powerful. People can buy into nonsense just by someone else selling them a belief using words. Explains something using the magic of words that can cast a spell on your mind to have you believe in something, and you can convince people of a false reality. Then they accept unreality as reality. For example, that they need to look at things for things to exist, and when they aren't looking at them those things cease to exist. I kid you not, I have watched videos of "New Ager" so-called "spiritual" people claim this exact thing. They are so lost in belief. Some have even admitted later that they were wrong, but many persist in their deluded beliefs.

That isn't to say correspondence is not useful to discover new things, because it is. You can draw an analogous corresponded from the relation between X to Y, onto X prime and the supposition of Y prime matching that previous relationship. Correspondence can help us in our quest for knowledge and making sense of reality, but it's not a default automatic application to show us what is actually happening in reality. We need to verify correspondences to see if the possible is actual.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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In Africa for a example, people believe in things that are not real. Physically, it can't be proven but yet it is practised. It has cut so deep, and no one can change it right now.
It is believed in many culture that if you offer Kolanut and Seaman alcoholic drink to the ancestors by pouring it on the bare surface. The ancestor yield to your prayers or demands and begins to work for you.

Mathematically, In same Africa. If you give an equation to solve for X with no Y in the equation. It tells them automatically that the Y is invisible and during the equation solving, they will find a way to fix Y. Cos we feel X always correspond with Y...
Our psychological thinking is so fused that we think no other way.
Thanks for talking about this, It really help me to think deep

people believe in things that are not real

A huge problem with the world, a root of why we have the messed up world we have. Knowing thyself in psychology is so important :) Thanks for the feedback.

yes very true. knowing oneself is the key to self happiness

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this. The "as above" quote reminds me of the Lord's prayer, "on earth as it is in Heaven".

There is a lot of pseudo-spirituality these days and it seems authentic, but it boils down to self-deification (Christ conciousness) and lawlessness (do as thou wilt). I believe true Spirituality is "not my will, but yours be done."


Christ consciousness has to do with living in the way of morality and truth. Do as thou wilt is supposed to be about the moral will to be a realer, higher, truer self.

Great post man I like it 👍
And I am dily follow u n resteemid your post

It can be applied to people.....good people in certain environments and from certain backgrounds have some characteristics that are not the same as in good people from other backgrounds or other, the important is to judge if the person is good or not......and not based on other things and prejudices....however you have to be sure and time nowadays is limited.

Am African and beliefs play a big part in keeping the people in the community in check. As a child we were told the weren't supposed to whistle at night because it brought snakes to the house. Of course this was a lie but by the time I realised this the message was clear do not whistle at night. As a child, this was my reality

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