Abraham Hicks 2017 When you care less they care more
I needed this video today. I've been arguing with alt-right folks few the last few weeks. And it was dragging me down. It didn't matter that I knew the truth. It didn't matter that I was right (of course I think I'm right! lol). What mattered was where I was keeping my attention.
The universe doesn't understand 'no' .. it only responds to what you are thinking as being truth. You literally draw to yourself what you think about most. So to live in a better world, we Must put our attention on what we want.
And from my own experience, I know how wonderful I can feel. I know what it feels like to 'catch up to' my own best version of myself. So that is why this video was so important to me today. Sometimes I forget, and this reminded me how to do it right. Maybe one day, hopefully soon, I will not forget again. But until that day, I will keep returning to this video.. because the insights laid for here led me to feeling better.
I hope you find benefit in it. Peace brothers/sisters. May you find what you center ; )
excellent video- is it on you-tube? I have been working on my cancer for 10 years now after having 6 months to live. Source is the power that leads me to stay in this world rather than travel on. Still seeking pure.
yes, I got it from youtube. Abraham-Hicks is the absolute best I've found, clearest voice, clearest message. search for the exact title here, you will find it. you could also pause it and click the arrow top right and get a link back to youtube.
Glad to hear about your success in staying alive! I totally believe we are in complete control of our lives. I had a few near death experiences that convinced me I had something far greater inside me than the mere physical bodies we see.
I hope you spread your message, success stories like yours, in the face of cancer, could help people to break out of the mindset that it is purely physical.
I loved her reference to trying to paddle upstream, found that my family's negative ideas were creating havoc with my existence so I moved 2500 miles away. I have found peace and my paintings and photos resound with source. I am working on the last hurdle to my source by unleashing the last monkey on my back.
I think when I am done I will be able to experience and stay in pure source energy, finally shedding this material form.. So glad I was in the right place at the right time to find the message you sent out. Namasti.
you are welcome. i think the paddle upstream was great as well. I was getting bashed against the rocks recently so I resonated with that.
peace/serenity/joy .. I'm sure your on a good path.