I Don’t Like The Idea of the Work/Life Balance
I don’t like the idea of the work/life balance. It’s not that I think life should be all work and no play, or vice versa. I just resent the idea that others think they can determine the work/life balance that’s right for me.
Throughout my life, the balance of the things in my life has constantly changed. At some stages I was more interested in socializing. At others I focused completely on my work to the exclusion of everything else. And during some periods, I spent a lot of time drifting, looking for the next thing to catch my attention.
Each of these times had their rewards and their penalties. And I can’t imagine what my life would look like if I’d insisted on maintaining an arbitrary balance of activities at the same time.
I think the idea of maintaining a daily, weekly or monthly balance is too confining. I prefer the idea of taking the long view of my life. To me, this means including now the things that I want in the future.
That’s why I exercise, so I can be fit and healthy as I age.
It’s why I cling to family, so there are people there for me when I need them.
It’s why I take pleasure in the details, so I have good memories for the hard times.
And it’s why I explore the world today, because ‘someday’ will never come.
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