The ultimate purpose of philosophy is to reach the final attainment of absolute that is not define by empirical experience

in #philosophy7 years ago

The ultimate purpose of philosophy is to reach the final attainment of absolute that is not define by empirical experience

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Philosophy is the outflow of the internal inclination to know the Atman. It is the science of principles. It is the way, not just of disclosing what should be, but rather of specifically encountering what endlessly exists. Philosophy never rests satisfied until the permanent obtaining of non-crippled learning. The trial of reality is non-inconsistency, and philosophy is the quest for reality. It is spiritual realization communicated in coherent dialect, while going through the plant of reason.

Reason in the philosophy of Swami Sivananda is just a handmaid to the higher instinct, made utilization of to broadcast the truth and value of instinct in the realm of sense-discernment. It implies that a simply intellectual philosophy can never find reality, for, this disclosure is conceivable just through super-sensory instinct. It is never conceivable to create an ideal philosophy through the instrumentality of reason alone, for, unbridled reason can without much of a stretch divert awareness from truth.

Reason rests on the consciousness of duality, on the idea of the division of existence, and truth is non-duality. In this way, there is no likeness between the attributes of reason and the nature of reality. Philosophy does not put on a show to give us truth as it may be, however is fit for hinting to us the existence of a super-sensible being which squeezes itself forward in every single one of our experiences as their sole value, pith and avocation, as the most elevated culmination and delight of all people in the universe.

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John Dewey nearly hits the stamp when he holds that a catholic and far-located hypothesis of the change of the clashing elements of life is philosophy. Philosophy is an important means for the ownership of the higher information of the self. However, in the event that it is characterized as procedure of the capacity of the mind, we need to take note of that it isn't a dependably the sole means, for philosophy in Swami Sivananda, makes its allure not only to the brains of man, but rather to the heart and the feeling too.

It isn't sufficient to comprehend the lessons of philosophy, it is essential additionally to feel them in the profundities of one's heart. Feeling, at any rate in specific regards, outperforms understanding, yet that feeling is frequently reinforced by comprehension. Philosophy is a seriously practical science.

Philosophy has its underlying foundations in the practical needs of man. Man needs to think about supernatural issues when he is in a reflective state. There is an inclination inside him to think about the mystery of death, the mystery of immortality, the nature of the soul, the maker and the world. Philosophy is the self-articulation of the developing spirit in man. Philosophers are its voice.

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The Vedanta is the general term applied in India to such a philosophy of insightful change of value in view of an undeluded impression of reality. One must be a practical Vedantin. Minor estimating and addressing is just intellectual acrobatic. In the event that the Vedanta, isn't practicable, no hypothesis is of any value. One must put the Vedanta into day by day practice, in each action that one does. The Vedanta educates the unity or unity of the self.

One must transmit love to the whole gang. The spirit of the Vedanta must be instilled in one's cells or tissues, veins, nerves and bones. It must turn out to be part and package of one's nature. One must consider unity, talk about unity, and act in unity. Philosophy in this sense should turn into the foremost control of illuminated life. Every single other quest for man should come from the power of this basic business of human insight.

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Philosophy Coffe 😀

Thats right! Thanks for some knowledge.

"Philosophy has its underlying foundations in the practical needs of man. Man needs to think about supernatural issues when he is in a reflective state. There is an inclination inside him to think about the mystery of death, the mystery of immortality, the nature of the soul, the maker and the world. Philosophy is the self-articulation of the developing spirit in man. Philosophers are its voice."
This is my favourite paragraph @juvyjabian.
I never really fancied philosophy, until I read this.
Thanks for sharing. I'm following you now for more great articles!.

this is an awesome posts, that tackles some very real fundamental questions about humans.

good post
.the post has insist on natural philosophy

Thank you for sharing your knowledge about philosophy...Indeed an awsome post!!!!!

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