People In Modern Times Are Drawn To Nihilism To Overcompensate For Ancient Mysticism

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

In history, our ancient ancestors knew that there was way more to life than could be perceived by the five senses. They knew there was way more going on in this world than they could understand or perceive.

As a result, they formed beliefs to fill in the gaps, some of which were ridiculous, some of which may have been on point.

As a reaction to this tradition, modern society has been pushed towards another extreme, the belief that the 5 sense world is the only thing that exists, or at very least the only thing worth considering.

Most modern people refuse to consider that there is more to the world than they perceive, and will ridicule any attempt to explain what exists beyond the five sense world.

Where our ancestors went wrong, was attempting to impose their beliefs about unexplained phenomena on other people. We should hypothesize about the world beyond the five senses, and explore the reaches of our imagination, but we should not seek to impose the results of this exploration on other people.

Instead, we should share these ideas with others, and carefully listen to their ideas.

In the world of five sense phenomena things can be studies and measured in such a way where there is an objective right or wrong answer, that can be argued. When it comes to extra-sensory topics, things are entirely different, this is the world of subjectiveness, where people are able to hold whichever viewpoint they wish, so long as they do not impose it on another person.

This imposition that has happened in the past, has pushed recent generations towards nihilism, because they associate any type of spiritual or extra sensory thinking with religious oppression. 


John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. John is currently battling cancer naturally, without any chemo or radiation, and will be working to help others through his experience, if you wish to contribute to his treatments please donate here.


People like Nihilism because it makes no moral demands on them. Unfortunately, it also cuts them off from the things that separate us from animals.

When I deal with nihilists all I see is trying to escape from the evident though intangible moral dimension. Often it amounts to a form of depression towards the evils of the world.

Your back of the head beard is more epic than your front of the face beard.

If you look at the literature of the past century or so, there have been many modern people whose worldview was mostly secular and scientific, and skeptical of religion, who believed in psychic phenomena. To such an extent that science fiction uses psychics, telepaths, and so on in a quite straight faced manner. However, the evidence has never been found to substantiate their belief. Many prizes have been put up for evidence of the paranormal, and they have not been claimed.

So what's going on? What seems obvious to me now is that the belief in paranormal phenomena is something that we tend to acquire for reasons other than evidence. For example, we often get a hunch based on patterns we see -- patterns can in some situations be good evidence, but also can be misleading. Like a gambler who thinks they are having a "lucky streak" because they have won a few times in a row (when in reality their chance of winning an additional time is not changed relative to if they have lost the last few times).

I'd say that for myself, I'm not declaring for sure there is nothing beyond our five senses, there's certain wavelengths we cannot see that we've found through science, and there are things in quontom physics like one particle being in two places at once, or different places depending where you look for it, that at first blush make no sense whatsoever.
However I believe strongly in objective truth, and a persons claim that a supernatural event has taken place is not sufficient for me to believe that thing actually happened. To be pithy, I don't think physics stopped working so you could experience your dead great grandmother haunting you. Either there are ghosts, or there are not ghosts, your feelings don't bear on the issue.
I am not saying we have solved all of the mysteries of the universe, I'm saying that we're on the path to eventually doing so.

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