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RE: Metaphysical Mycelium Mushroom Minds Of Planet Earth ... And The Space Time Continuum!

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Oh man, can we hang out sometime? I feel like we could have some really great conversation haha.

On topic: I've felt very similarly to some of your thoughts here. I was in a mild state of depression before I first tried pscilocybin, and afterwards my life changed completely. Not immediately, but I had seen what I thought was truth/divinity and I couldn't go back from that.

What do I think psilocybin is? I think it heals us. In my experience I've had complete healing on multiple levels, including physical. I've written a bit about it on my blog, but nothing too in depth yet about my thoughts. It seems to almost reset us temporarily, however I've noticed that the reset doesn't last afterwards.

Like during the time it's active in my system, none of my past traumas or issues play any role in the reality. I can think about them and about my life, but like you said, it's almost as if I've left the ego behind. The ego is not real, we just take it on, and this seems to remove it temporarily. but once I wake up the next day most of my issues are back.

So what about lasting effects? I've been experimenting the last few years in a variety of ways, more pscilocybin, cannabis, shamanic retreat with Huachuma and vilca, and meditation, yoga, and non-dual teachings. All of these have contributed to what I see as a vastly improved state of consciousness. My world has literally transformed before my eyes as if I was on a low dose of pscilocybin everyday.

I think if we want to truly increase our consciousness, pscilocybin and other entheogens can show us the way, but it is up to us to put in the work afterwards. To dig through all our past traumas and conditioning of thought and belief and root out any untruths so we can see the world with clarity and use our bodies with control.

I've also been reading Mycelium Running and the importance of all mushrooms should not be overlooked. They are potentially the solution to every one of our major problems in the world, from healing honey bees to rewiring the brain, to eating plastic waste. They should be a massive part of our research but get little press. I'm currently supplementing with Lion's Mane which may help create new neural pathways.

Thanks for the great article, if you ever wanna chat on discord or something I'd be way down.


Hey my friend @jakeybrown thanks for the support and great comment dude!! Haha yeah that would be cool, I'm sure many different dimensions and perspectives to talk about. Indeed how people can ever become bored living within the greatest sci-fi novel they've never read will eternally bemuse me lol

I think psilocybin evaporates the ego and indeed it's the ego that is the one thing that appears to seperate many of us from our communion with nature. The reset doesn't last because the ego returns and sadly it's the ego of mankind that's destroying the bio-sphere. Perhaps psilocybin gives a tantalising glimpse at the power and indeed the spirit within, the higher self.

Lasting effect? yes great idea and the duration of positive effects from the experience appear to differ from person to person. Equally perhaps it also relates to how actively you try to work on internal issues whilst it's in your system. Equally moving forward we could perhaps liken it to having a broken leg i.e when the leg heels you no longer need the crutch. The experience could perhaps give a new foundation to build upon and utilise within daily life, open up new thought patterns etc. From that perspective yes you're entirely right, non psilocybin induced internal retrospection and meditation is key and this is what I practice. Sadly for the majority they are unable to or don't have time to explore and unravel these emotions and this gradually leads to the build up of issues.

I did have a section written out about how mushrooms could save the world but it didn't fit the narrative so I removed it. But yes the possibilities are mind blowing, like you say fungi has evolved to eat plastic and even radioactice waste. They appear to react to the problems we're casuing and in a strange way they're the caretakers of the world. Lets hope they don't determine we're the problem and fill the world with poisonous spores!! And I only say that as a half joke lol Thanks again my friend.

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