Slaves of the system.How to stop being an unconscious slave of the system?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Stop and at least for a moment stop your usual inner rush. Look around, what do you see? Many will say that there is nothing special, the usual picture, other same people, concerned about their Affairs or immersed in thought, running where.

But what's all the fuss and rush for? Why do we lose our peace and become restless, dissatisfied and stressed? We're sure we know the answer, but is it ours, or is it artificially forced from the outside? Many of the usual bustle, do not even have time to think about this issue, continuing to perform the role assigned to the system.

Everything is thought out so that a person from an early age to old years plowed on the system, as long as there is strength and energy. From morning to evening every day spent his time to maintain its mechanism. And then as a result of the patient and the squeezed left on deserved rest with the ridiculous sum of money which just and will suffice to pay treatment.

How not to become a slave to the system?

But if you do not want to repeat the fate of most people, then you need to interact with the system in a different way, wisely, be aware and take full responsibility for your life. Since it is the absence of these factors that make us controlled slaves of the system, who are used to blindly believe everything that the uncles on TV say, the main purpose of which is to intimidate and control the human consciousness.

The worst thing is that we are from birth under the strict control of the system, which deprives us of freedom and the right to choose. Think about it, is it freedom, when all as on the conveyor belt stamped from the school bench, forcing to study the same meaningless subjects, not taking into account the features and abilities of children, their talents and creativity. On the contrary, all try to fit in one comb, kill the individuality and dissimilarity to others, so that as a result it is easier to control and manage.

And so in every sphere of life that can be easily traced, given the path of each person from birth. Everything is built very cleverly, so that everyone thinks that they are the owners of their own fate and are free to do everything as they want, but this, unfortunately, is far from the truth.

But not everything is as hopeless as it seems, there is always a way out, the main thing is a strong desire to get out of control and become a full owner of his fate. You just need to stop trusting everything that is shown on TV and written in the Newspapers, learn to analyze the situation on their own and from this to make their personal conclusions, and not imposed from outside.

When you start to Wake up and realize everything clearly, you will be surprised how you could spend so long and pointless your precious time sitting at work, which in most cases is uninteresting and meaningless. You need to understand that we don't have to do all, not should sacrifice himself and put him in a box, of which sometimes will not get out until the end of life.

It is necessary to remember that we have the right to live as we want, as our soul craves, despite the fact that it can go to the full cross with the generally accepted rules and regulations. We are free and powerful beings, who have great power and potential to manage their own lives, just need to learn how to use it and then no one will be able to enslave and control us more. Everything is in our hands.

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