Fear is Fun: Part 1

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Lots of love to @dragonanarchist and her post “The Human, Unafraid” (https://steemit.com/psychology/@dragonanarchist/the-human-unafraid) for inspiring me to put into words a lot of things I’ve been thinking. Also, much appreciation to Abraham-Esther Hicks for reminding me of what I already know to be true and helping me find more and more clarity.

The most fascinating exploration I’ve been doing lately has been around fear and love: the poles of the emotional spectrum and the best guidance system I’ve found for moving beyond a life of conditioned responses to a life of choice, freedom, and exhilaration.


My motivation for exploring fear was that it was really getting in the way of my happiness. It kept cropping up, giving me all kinds of uncomfortable physical symptoms; it clouded my thinking, limited my ability to find solutions, it held me back from trying new things, and it needed its ass kicked. Badly. I also would have thought you needed your ass kicked if you tried to tell me fear is fun.

The instances and intensity of fear I was experiencing steadily increased and accelerated to a point that I became physically unwell. I developed physical symptoms in the form of vision and migraine issues. The physical symptoms prevented me from being able to read or use any kind of digital screen, and really, even having my eyes open, looking at anything, caused severe discomfort. To listen to a video or music required using a digital screen, which caused severe pain, so I laid on the couch or in bed with my eyes closed, in silence, for the better part of 6 days. Oh, and I was alone. Thus commenced the most intense trip of my life—more intense and profound than any substance-induced trip I've had.

Frequency and Vibration

I had become a physical manifestation of fear and the fear frequency. What did it look like? Stagnancy. Agony. Pain. No energy. No excitement about things to come. A vibration so low that I could barely move.

Contrast that with the way it feels to vibrate unconditional love and tune into that higher frequency—endless energy, enthusiasm, inspiration, creativity, a sense of infinite possibilities, a sense of moving toward even greater things, a sense of expanding and knowing more and more what is wanted and knowing more and more that what is wanted will come.

And understand there is a whole range/spectrum in between.

And understand that you have the power to choose your frequency. You can dial up or dial down at any time.

This brings us to emotions.

What are emotions?

Emotions are everything!

Emotions indicate alignment or lack of alignment with higher consciousness/inner self/infinite awareness.

Or, in terms of frequency:

The way I feel indicates whether I’ve tuned into the fear frequency or the love frequency.

When I’m feeling great love, excitement, joy, wonder, curiosity, focus, and expansiveness, I’m aligned with my higher self, which means I’m tuned into that high frequency that is home to other things and people vibrating at that frequency: happy people, prosperity, kind people, fun people, beautiful places, enjoyable experiences.

When I’m feeling worry, concern, anxiety, anger, frustration, sadness, I’m not aligned with my higher self and instead have gotten myself wrapped up in believing that what is in front of me is all there is. This is the matrix frequency, the frequency that we are taught by society, the frequency of perpetual struggle and hardship. The frequency of hopelessness and powerlessness that makes government possible (only when you fail to recognize your own power do you let someone take it).

The second aspect of emotions that’s important to mention is that any emotion can be traced back to either love or fear, no matter where it falls on the spectrum.

The third aspect to know is that YOU CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS.


And when you control your emotions, you control your frequency.

And when you control your frequency, you are the creator of your own reality.

Take a second to think about how fucking awesome that is. It means you never have to feel anything that doesn’t feel good for more than the time it takes you to recognize that you are feeling it.

It is precisely that reason that allows for the title of this article:

Fear is Fun

Fear is fun when you know what it is. To echo @dragonanarchist, knowledge is paramount to moving past a fear.

The most crucial piece of knowledge in dispelling fear is the knowledge of who I am.

Who I am is higher consciousness/infinite awareness having a physical/human experience.

The higher self/consciousness part of us is everything that we were before we came into our physical bodies and integrated into the physical world, and it is everything and the only thing that we will be when we leave our physical bodies.

And what is that? A stream of focused, pure, positive energy.

And it is always accessible. It is always just a choice away.


If it’s always accessible, why don’t we always feel good?

Most of us are not practiced at choosing how we want to feel, so we often don’t choose to access higher frequencies and just kind of default to the frequencies others are vibrating/emitting or our frequencies shift in response/reaction to what is in front of us.

Also, most of us are not in a habit of insisting on feeling our best, so we don’t stop and check the irritation or anger or frustration that arises in the course of our day, we just absorb it and adopt it as if that is all that can be done.

In my case, I hadn’t been consciously choosing, and my dial ended up turned as low as I’d ever experienced. After several tearful, fearful days, wrestling with the mire of fear I had allowed to consume my consciousness, I got mad. I was fed up. I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “Get your shit together. You are better than this.”

I had tuned into anger, leaving hopelessness behind, and there was relief. Anger is easy for me to recognize as unproductive (easier than hopelessness), so I dialed up by asking myself what I would tell someone else who was angry if they asked for advice. My answer: That they can choose to feel better. I knew I really wanted to feel better. In fact, I wanted anything other than what I’d been experiencing, so I started countering any negative thoughts with “I want to feel better.”

When my desire to feel better started to gather momentum, ways of feeling better started to find me: I started thinking about how I felt when I felt healthy, about how fun it is to take a walk, feeling my body move confidently, strong, seeing a bright blue sky, seeing the happiest, friendliest dog on a jog with its guardian. The more I thought about the way I wanted to feel, the more I moved into a new frequency. The next thing I knew, I was off the couch doing gentle yoga postures and stretching. I was drawn to go outside and put my feet in the grass and feel the sun on my face. Then my symptoms improved enough that I could find and play videos on my phone.

And that’s when I heard fear explained in the clearest way I’d ever heard it. It was an Abraham-Esther Hicks recording in which they explain that fear and all of its forms (anger, frustration, sadness, etc.) are indicators that I am holding on to beliefs and thoughts that are not in alignment with the being I have evolved to be.

I came to have the clarity to recognize what beliefs I’d been housing that were in such contradiction with my higher consciousness’ point of view. The discord, in this instance, was so great that it rendered me unable to continue moving through the world till I made a choice:

I could choose to see and know myself as a being with access to infinite love and intelligence, or I could choose to see myself as an insignificant little human, struggling to make her way in a cruel and confusing world with all of the other little humans, struggling to make their way.

In other words, I could choose clarity or captivity.


The really really fun part comes next, and that will be its own segment very soon! I posted a lengthy response to the article mentioned at the beginning of this post, so check that out if you get impatient for part 2.

Thanks for reading, and comments and questions are very welcome!


I really appreciated this. It is so dead on and in alignment with what I know to be true. We are not conquering the mountain, we are conquering ourselves-- all the ignorance that creates fear we are ever illuminating with the radiance of truth, truth that only comes from human experience.

Nice to hear you liked the post. :) Love the phrase "radiance of truth," and now you've prompted me to consider whether truth does arise out of human experience or if we come into this world with a certain knowing/understanding of universal truths, then that knowing gets repressed by social conditioning, and then it's up to us as to realign vibrationally with who we really are in order to find that radiance and live it. The human experiences we have, then, if we are aware of how we are feeling and are looking for ways to maintain a high vibration, would guide us back to the truths we already know--realignment. Interesting to ponder...What do you think? Are there truths that can only be discovered in human experience, or are we simply realigning with what we innately know to be true when we recognize a truth?

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