Time is of the essence - there is no time

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)


Some strange facts about time

The twelve month Gregorian calendar is irregular and ridiculously inaccurate, it lacks any correspondence to the regular cycles of nature. Some of the months have 30 days some have 31 yet poor old February only gets 28 days, except for every four years where an extra day is thrown in, but hang on, not on centuries, except those divisible by four!.

This calender shrowds the 13 moon cycle of natural time. The very number 13 has been vilified by modern day man. Its considered unlucky and evil!. Often flights are cheaper on Friday the 13th, theirs no 13th floor or No 13 apartments on most blocks of flats.
Why is this?


This weird calendar that takes its very name from the late Pope Gregory XIII (gregorian) in 1582 he decided to just take the liberty to correct the dates and delete 10 days from the history books.
October the 4th was now suddenly October the 15th! This was due to the calculations and corrections due to the leap years.

Before the dates were simply erased from history, it was still referred to as the Julian calendar named after the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar who added a twist with the month of July (julius). Pope Augustus jumped on the bandwaggon at a later date and added into the equation August!

How about that for a bag full of weirdness, its so wonder many people in the World are so out of touch with themselves, with the natural cycles, nature and its 13 moons. In spite of all this, the wrong calendar directly influences the very tapestry of our existence.

We all subconsciously use it mechanicistically for appointments, major events for example, unions and our jobs, and within this concept we loose track and touch with the very essence of life and we find ourselves constantly chasing the less and less time we have on our hands. This can lead us quickly down the hill to depression.

A possible solution

The thirteen month moon calendar is focused on the Earths movement around the sun, as well as the moon around the Earth, and the stars. This is in synch with everything in the universe. After adopting the 13 moon calendar we start to observe an increase in syncronicities (being in the right place, at the right time)literaly!.

We can heal the past, and very much consciously, and positively influence our future


Illusive time. Physicists still cannot agree on a good definition of time...what it is. Einstein theorized time was a matter of vibration. The faster the vibration or frequency the slower time got, compared to earth time, until there was no time at all. I'm all for going back to Natural Time. Get up with the sun, lay down with the sun. Blessings.

I like your philosophy @mistermercury😊
Lets raise our vibrational frequencies,
this should slow time to a point of no time. 😊
Blessings for sure.

Actually you are correct. There is a condition of "no-time", or what theists have called "eternity". I like to call it Pure Time. We cannot comprehend such a thing with our "slow time" consciousness, but there is a state of being where not only is everything ONE, but Time is One...part of the Oneness. Blessings.

Hey @happysmileyman

Really interesting stuff.

They say the people that win the wars write the history. I guess they create the calendar too. It's the manipulation of peoples actions and the creation of 'common sense' that sets the tone for our every day lives.

I think you are spot on. The rules of the church and the 'establishment' have got us off balance and separated from our spiritual side.

It is quite funny though that I lived in Bahrain for five years and we were unable to organise our holidays until the official moon sightings.

Cheers, Gaz.

Glad you liked my late evening muse and also that you found it interesting Gaz 😊
Sounds like Bahrain is really onto something there following the moon and this seems more in line with natural time too.
We are so influenced by the energy of the moon, that on and around full moon all the crazies in the asylum go mad hense the name "luna-tics".

What a coincidence. A friend of mine told me about the Luna-tic thing not 2 days ago. Unfortunately speaking out of experience because of a family member. The moon clearly has some sort of hold on us.

This post got me thinking. Very interesting. You say:

After adopting the 13 moon calendar we start to observe an increase in syncronicities (being in the right place, at the right time)literaly!. We can heal the past, and very much consciously, and positively influence our future

Any suggestions on how to make this happen?

I like your interest in this subject @coachjj i will explain more in a post soon, and as you asked i will also tag you in it 😊

oh this sounds soooooo interesting! I have always wondered about all this!

too bad we couldnt try it out!!! hehehehe I think the natural cycles of the earth and moon should totally be a part of our cycles of time! :)

thanks for this really interesting post!!!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it (and look forward to more!!!)

Glad you enjoyed my Friday late night muse @dreemsteem 😊 it certainly puts things into perspective but dosent make it clearer! 😊
The thirteen moons are the key to natural time for sure 😊

Your right we should go back to the natural calendar of the moon cycle. It mess up all the history currently an is bloody annoying. It like the changing of the clocks ahh dont get me started. Lets scrap the calendar and work with the cycle of the moon from now on haha 💯🐒 🌞

You're right, we should flow with nature, not against it. I think our so called advances take us further and further away from basic truths.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Before the dates were simply erased from history, it was still refered to as the Julian calendar named after the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar who added a twist with the month of July (julius).
It should be referred instead of refered.

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