Cash Value of Our Ideas (Intro to William James)
This is aimed at the philosophers hiding amongst you fellow steemers, as well as though that might be interested in philosophy in general; by way of something we are all already interested in; change! I have spent twenty years studying philosophy, including ten years of "teaching" philosophy; which interestingly enough has taught me as much as my ten years studying did. Anyway, of all the philosophers I have read the one that would seem most open to something like cryptocurrency in a world dominated by "standards", is William James.
So I am going to start a series of posts outlining James's philosophical account of "being", in terms of how our ideas help co-create the world we call "reality". I think many of you might find what James has to say very exciting, as it more or less supports the overall ideal of changing how humans interact; which I would argue lies at the heart of all social media/transactions of trade.
Best part is, since James wrote in the late 1800's early 1900's, the vast majority of his work is available online free of charge! That will allow me to easily link some of his essays into the posts so that you can read the works for yourself. I also have some lecture videos I can provide discussing James's overall theory. And I'll do it all for the fun of it; don't tell my students, as they pay $550 a credit for it
James was a phenomenologist, eh? Would you say he was an Idealist or materialist -radical- empiricist? I have read The Varieties of Religious Experience?, but it was a long time ago.....
I would call James a strange mixture of Kantian phenomenology, minus the absolute nature of Kantian ontology, with that of Hume and what many have argued is an American Indian influence. This mixture is what James called his "Radical Empiricism".
That was my impression, Thank-you....