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in #philosophy5 years ago

I do not see civil disobedience as a relative concept. I see it as a real act in every situation I am currently experiencing. But you're right, of course it depends on where I am and under what regime. The girl I talked about in my blog above didn't need publicity, she just fled. Packed her backpack and left. She did not actively attack her government by doing so, but she made a point. Her story is worth telling, like so many others.

I'm glad I haven't always made security my top priority in life. I would regret not having experienced the times of uncertainty and adventure. I believe that the midlife crises of many people are caused by the fact that they have not had a walkabout.

Correct, not paying taxes will produce some tough things.

This Ursula :D LOL, can you tell me where you see my common ground with her?


the common grounds on anarchy and views on society ? you don't need to be 100% to have plenty to talk about its the fine nuances that could lead to great debate , she's probably more known for the fiction she wrote but she was a very convicted (euhm ... not as a fellon lol) convinced? anarchist and defended that, its all over in her works too like the disposessed ... "the individual and the state" ... "the concept of property" , "our duty to ourselves" ... ye i do think you two could have spent a alot of time with a pot of tea i do

Life i a relative concept too, if any , heh, im not sure how many people who come inhere to play "i am crypto!" but actually probably dont even know who satoshi is anymore and certainly werent there when the debate was "is bitcoin a scam or not" and people mined it with a cpu ... im not sure how many of them have actually had to spend ONE night outside not knowing where to go or who to call, or even had the slightest notion of considering wether they were hungry enough to just open a garbage can outside a fastfood joint just to take a peek ...

i think the average quantum foam here comes in quite plush , and chained people would be less prone to civil disobedience (as you see it) but more to pretending to be (and believing they are) as you see it upthere somewhere

im not sure how many have had their ass handed to them by a pack of streetscum even once with no cops in sight and friends far away already or who knows what it feels like to have a cold steel barrel pressed against your neck lol

its a very personal, relative viewpoint this 'life' thing

running away like the girl did means that what she left behind had less gravity (social gravity? emotional gravity?) on her than the outside. Not everyone can just leave everything behind ...
My grandpa spent most of the war (2) in a nazi labour camp too, the most i took away from the scarce moments he ever talked about is that "quitting simply not an option, if you do you're dead, so you keep going" ...
If work is disobedience ... i maybe had 50 or 60 jobs, which a lot would say like 'you cant keep one' and i just say like 'they hired me 60 times just like that' (lol) ... got fired maybe once or twice and all the rest was short-term yearly contracts but mostly THEY not paying me in time or what they promised and ME disagreeing with the fact that i had to be on time but they didnt , or i had to do 14 or 16 hour days and get out saturdays and sundays at their convenience but they could skip a beat whenever ... breach of contract several times ... the last one had an NDA which i didnt break but they kept promising tomorrow so i went as well

i dont make for a good pavlovs dog (must be a cat thing) and i wasn't born like this (well, partly i was probably genetically speaking and the fenotype derived from my environment is very likely also partly unavoidable although hoominz call it 'culture' i think)

the last studies i started, also broken due to broken people pushing me and broken relationships and me being a real emo when i open up hahah

and then some ... my "take a break" up is gonna lock the screen in 50 seconds ... i need to cork it

just reading you is your signature lol, i think it would be really hard for someone to copy your stuff and say "thats me!" hah

always great

The way I interpret you, you live or have lived a life on the edge. There's a fine line between danger and danger. Perhaps you find the dark corners much more interesting than I do and you come into contact with people who seem to be far more querulous than those I have dealt with before. Hard to say, but my nose sniffs something there. ...Besides, it fits the cat very well. :D

Has anyone ever held a cold iron to your neck on a dark street? And is that how you just got away with your life? It sounds like it.

I was in danger, but I didn't always know it. It was only afterwards, when I was told. I had to laugh irritated because the others got angry and sometimes gave me a look or tried to stop me when I was getting too wild. Once, in Las Vegas at the casino, a prostitute approached me, I didn't notice or didn't care and I talked to her, her pimp came and my friends told me to get out of here. I would have liked to talk to him too, but they stopped me. Before that I had a bet with my friends that I would be able to put my lipstick on the bartender. I won, of course. LOL. Those were crazy times.

... . . .I didn't actually have any money problems except for that one time in my life, but that hit home.
When I was at my most destitute, I only had half a glass of rice in my cupboard. I hitchhiked into town or scrounged some stuff at my neighbor's, some of them strange guys. But I never really felt poor, I knew that if things got too bad I could always go to my brother or friends.

A lot of jobs, yeah, I had a lot of jobs too. I was a sales representative for vacuum cleaners and that brought me from there to a new interesting station. Long story. I remember feeling sorry for myself going from house to house in freezing temperatures. But it was interesting when you were let in.

What you say about your grandfather: too bad. He should have risked stopping. ... I know, it's easy to say. If you don't succeed, unfortunately a not very good conviction grows and you think that you always must do everything. ... . . .but, if he hadn't moved on, I wouldn't be able to talk to you today :D

I think you would make a good interview partner, I would like to tell something about you, where you took risks. You know I'm looking for stories like that. Those who think that they are rebellious but are not should hear such real stories. In comparison, films and fiction are - I think - less powerful, although not unimportant. Books can do more, I can see that you see it the same way when you've read so much about Ursula. I'll see if I can find her in the library.

Thanks for the flowers regarding my signature. I wouldn't mind being copied. Ha, ha.

wow ... just came back from dinner , saw das mädchen on tv - hope you're not too close to Hanau then (im actually surprised stuff like that hasnt happened in bxl or paris after the attacks ...) hm
heavy stuff ... :| but since it says cinq heures i assume you were not in the crossfire ...

No idea what that is about - watching no TV and no news. What is it?

y a 3 mois lol ... o dear what was that about ?

my guess is ... a shooting?
it picked up your post i thought you were back hmmmmm ....

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