The Final Confrontation: The Vegan vs Vegetarianism vs Meat Debate

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

From a rational point of view, Earth Custodians recommend to cut down the meat intake drastically if either veganism or vegetarianism cannot be considered as options.

Suffering aside, yes 95% of the 65 billions of animals we slaughter yearly is a huge issue because they undergo high level of stress throughout their lives, meaning that their meat is improper for consumption.

Dystopian Farming: 65 Billion Animals Slaughtered Annually Worldwide. What Is Wrong With That Number? VIDEOS

One issue that no article ever raises is all the water needed to wipe down slaughterhouses open 24/7 to satisfy the market demand. Looks like a mega blood sacrifice is going on throughout the world.

Massive meat production also requires the intervention of antibiotics to keep the livestock alive til the slaughter. As a result mass farming has caused antibiotic resistance, which is a growing global health problem. The price of cheap meat has dire consequences.

Yes it is the final confrontation because human gluttony is indeed hurting the environment in a big way. And the same can be said about overfishing destroying ocean beds, the foundation of all marine life.

So the right stance regarding the matter is which taking the "whole vs individual" into consideration to follow a conscious diet. However the body does not need more than 3oz daily worth of animal proteins.

There is no easy way to tell people what they have to do, because pros and cons are on both sides of the arguments, generally "funded" by special interests, follow the money trail behind Meat Inc, which has been in business for quite a while and has distorted people's need and minds above all.

Educate yourself about plant proteins and essential amino acids.

EC believe that the spiritual evolution of an individual can determine the right diet, once any social engineering has been addressed, but chances are that feeling like eating 1lb worth of meat daily, will first require to plunge into the "rabbit hole" of one's own programming.

Interestingly most spiritual beliefs are discouraging, when not prohibiting, meat consumption.

Is Meat Sustainable? But like it or not, meat-eating is becoming a problem for everyone on the planet.

(although EC stance is to dismiss climate change argument, this article makes many other extremely valid points as shown below)

  1. The standard diet of a person in the United States requires 4,200 gallons of water per day (for animals’ drinking water, irrigation of crops, processing, washing, cooking, etc.). A person on a vegan diet requires only 300 gallons a day.
  2. Giant livestock farms, which can house hundreds of thousands of pigs, chickens, or cows, produce vast amounts of waste. In fact, in the United States, these “factory farms” generate more than 130 times the amount of waste that people do.
  3. Energy Consumption: it becomes apparent that the journey that steak made to get to your refrigerator consumed staggering amounts of energy along the way
  4. Food productivity: While 56 million acres of U.S. land are producing hay for livestock, only 4 million acres are producing vegetables for human consumption
  5. Lifestyle disease, especially heart disease, might not have been regarded as an “environmental” problem a generation ago. But it’s now clear that the vast majority of public health problems are environmental, rather than genetic, in nature MORE

Vegetarianism: Recommended in Vedic Scripture
Many times there seems to be some confusion or lack of clarity on whether the Vedic path condones or condemns the eating of meat. Often times I hear Indians and followers of the Vedic path explain that meat eating is all right, that the Vedic shastras do not condemn it. Of course, in this day and age meat eating includes and supports the whole meat industry, which is the systematic slaughter of thousands of animals on a daily basis. But if we actually research the Vedic texts we will find that there are numerous references in the various portions of the Vedic literature which explain in no uncertain terms the karmic dangers of meat-eating and unnecessary animal slaughter. These indicate that meat eating should be given up for one’s spiritual and even material progress. This means that the Vedic conclusions that some people present for meat-eating are not accurate, and that they have never studied their own religious books very thoroughly. This is something that is important to understand, so let us take a look.... MORE

Christian Vegetarianism
The spiritual traditions of all ages, whose purpose is the freeing of the human being through conscious evolution, have been unanimous in stating that the basic requisite of the path to enlightenment is purification. According to the Beatitudes it is purification which results in the Divine Vision: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). The first of “the first works” (Revelation 2:5) requisite for the successful cultivation of consciousness is that of purifying oneself on all levels, beginning with the purification of the body through diet.... MORE:

Buddhist vegetarianism
Many people equate Buddhism to vegetarianism. Buddhists believe that life is sacred and that killing sentient beings is unjust. For many religions and even people, choosing vegetarianism is the way to live a more peaceful life. By avoiding meat, vegetarians avoid spreading violence.... There are different schools of Buddhism. One of them is the Mahayana and the other one is the Theravada. The former believes that people should follow a strict vegetarian diet while the other one does not. The Mahayanas believe that partaking in food that has animals in it contributes to suffering of sentient beings. On the other hand. The Theravadists believe that since Buddha himself ate meat, that it is allowable to eat meat as well. Buddha has also mentioned to avoid only certain types of meat. Thus it means some meat are allowable... MORE:

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia
Vegetarianism is strongly linked with a number of religions that originated in ancient India (Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism).In Jainism, vegetarianism is mandatory for everyone; in Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism, it is advocated by some influential scriptures and religious authorities. (WIKIPEDIA)

Vegetarianism and Religion - Drexel University
The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that meat consumption is far less efficient in producing protein than consumption of beans and grains. Because it requires far more grain, modern meat production requires more pesticides, more water, and more fossil fuel to run tractors to farm the extra fields of grain.

The Torah (Hebrew Scriptures) describes vegetarianism as an ideal. In the Garden of Eden, Adam, Eve, and all creatures were instructed to eat plant foods. (Genesis 1:29-30)

If You Eat Processed Meats, Are You Risking Your Life?
Particularly problematic are the nitrates that are added to these meats as a preservative, coloring and flavoring. The nitrates found in processed meats are frequently converted into nitrosamines, which are clearly associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. MORE

Thus, meat from animals, which have suffered from stress or injuries during handling, transport and slaughter, is likely to have a shorter shelf life due to spoilage. This is perhaps the biggest cause for meat wastage during the production processes.

Meat Food Waste has Greater Negative Environmental Impact Than Vegetable Waste |Aug. 12, 2015

The Unpleasant Realization Of Spending Billions Of Dollars In A Belief System

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I saw something about a professional MMA fighter being vegan a while back. Pretty crazy when we're always told that if you want to build muscle you have to eat meat.

When you think about it, 100% of all protein in the ecosystem is created by plants, because 100% of all energy is created by the sun; even crude oil.

hello, yes all we need to build muscles are essential amino acids, and they exist in plants too. And yes, you make another excellent point with plants sustaining the entire ecosystem. I will remember that for a future column, I will borrow that from you I mean. LOL . Thanks @edicted.

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by the way, no informationwar hashtag, did you notice... ? so what now?

Meat Inc, another industry committing crimes against humanity: destroying the planet and human health.

Well the bot I use simply checks for any post by a certain author and upvotes. If I put you on my list, it would upvote you regardless of any hashtags. And besides that, it depends how many have their bots logged in at any particular time.

Yes, meat has been eaten by humanity for 100,000 years . But now it is destroying us...sigh.

look at my history: 8 upvotes, then 143 and and now 96... so the bots do not do a good job, are not constant.. long story short you accuse steemit of being a complete deception.

Nope, the reality is that people follow me.

Go and tell @krnel , @maxigan and other high scored users that they are being had and it will be interesting to read their responses to you. But the number of their upvotes too is not constant. I just investigated a bit.

You do not use any bots, you are making that up because you are in denial of the state of the planet. Again, in spite of all FACTS saying that the meat industry is making people sick and destroying nature, you still look the other way.

But no surprise, you also say that glyphosate is needed even If some people get cancer, it helps feed the world. That the number of deaths by cancer is minimalist compared to the population number. Yeah what a corporate apologist you are.

first people didnt eat that much meat until after WW2 because it was a LUXURY, but mass production changed that. Now we can see that CHEAP meat is a disaster and a crime against nature/humanity. Yep market efficiency again..... And centuries ago, people were way more RELIGIOUS and inclined to follow their religious teachings, which is why I also posted bout the religions' take on meat. Atheism has taken over the markets.

65 billions of animal slaughtered yearly and worldwide, while we are 8 billion, yet you cannot fathom the environmental impact. And you claim to educate about pseudo science???


Today meat consumption is outrageous, the average individual eats almost 1lb of poisoned meat DAILY... while decades ago, it was around 1.5lbs WEEKLY, and the meat quality near perfection... and one wonders why cancer and diabetes skyrocket. Of course the same holds true about Sugar Inc. Mass criminals are running the world, period

Steemit is not a very good platform. Lots of people think it is a scam based on the way it is set up. I will agree with that. I just come here for fun anyway, so it really doesn't matter to me.

The large investors in this system are making out like bandits, I will not dispute this, nor do I really care.

first people didnt eat that much meat until after WW2 because it was a LUXURY, but mass production changed that.

Holy shit! That evil free market at work again! Making luxury items available to the common man, oh the horror!!!

And centuries ago, people were way more RELIGIOUS and inclined to follow their religious teachings,

Centuries ago, people barely scrapped by on a day to day basis, trying their best not to starve to death. We should bring those great religious days back!

the average individual eats almost 1lb of poisoned meat DAILY

If that were even remotely true, the average individual would be dead from poisoning. The fact of the matter is, life expectancy has risen dramatically for the average person. In 1950 it was 48 years old, and by 2014 the average is 71.5. So for some odd reason, people are living almost twice as long when they are eating all that poisoned meat. Hmmm, makes me think that maybe, just maybe, the meat is not poisoned.

Besides, everyone is free to eat whatever they want. Sugar, meat...the choice is up to the individual. Wow! How about that? The free market has given so many choices of foods to eat. I think this is a slightly better problem than trying not to starve to death.


If that were even remotely true, the average individual would be dead from poisoning. The fact of the matter is, life expectancy has risen dramatically for the average person. In 1950 it was 48 years old, and by 2014 the average is 71.5.

  1. Life expectancy has nothing to do with food but the discovery of antibiotics and penicillin.
  2. CORPORATE slow motion poisoning and bigpharma drugs to keep people on life support once they reach 50 years of age is another FACT
  3. Unfortunately, cancer -diabetes -obesity-autism alhzeimers INC are epidemics. It is not because people do not die fast that there is no crime.
  4. corporations can poison nature and society to no end, and still can run loose.

Besides, everyone is free to eat whatever they want. Sugar, meat...the choice is up to the individual. Wow! How about that? The free market has given so many choices of foods to eat

there is NO freedom of CHOICE in a society whose upper class and corporations FABRICATE a socalled free market. Nothing is VOLUNTARY when hiding from consumers the problems with the food supply, as demonstrated in the OP above and many others. This is absolute coercion. If people knew the long term side effects, they would not buy these products and corporations would die overnight.

But you standards, it is okay that corporations cheat on the quality to make people dependent on big pharma drugs as they age.

ALSO you missed the point with religions, while the world needs an improved belief system if ALL RELIGIONS SPEAK the same way about meat, there must be a reason, which the OP demonstrates.

You are an atheist and corporate apologist to no end , and you have no ethics others that which of a darwnian meritocracy -- but still cannot debunk any FACT this blog has been posting for more than 1 year.


Manly P Hal is right, integrity and transparency determine the survival of a society... 4000 years that humans have neglected this, but many are awakening now. Finally and hopefully the paradigm will shift before a disaster.


So as to meat being poison, you got nothing.

Imagine my surprise.

Elon Musk has quite the imagination.

sure they can stuff the livestock with antibiotics without altering the quality... ??? HELLO??? which is why the meat is IMPROPER FOR CONSUMPTION.

Again defending mega feedlot corporations. I know what you stand for now... you are a SHAME


Continue to look the other way... but maybe you do not care because you are old and will not live long enough to see, so denial is VERY convenient

Google up Nick Brostrom, you fool, because that is what you HELP INFLICT on the next generations

here we go.... meanwhile corporate criminals enjoy chanpagne and cigars... thanks to their poisoned food stuffed with antibiotics, nitrates and glyphosate and sugar... the life expectancy chart is gonna take a big dive. Most americans have the same diet as in the UK, so the numbers are more or less similar, I assume

1 in 2 people in the UK will get cancer | Cancer Research UK


EC believe that the spiritual evolution of an individual can determine the right diet, once any social engineering has been addressed,

Spiritual evolution is an expression of the individual, the self, correct?

How do reconcile evolution of the self with social engineering?
( a wholly marxist communist mentality, designed to enslave and thwart any individualism and crush spirituality completely?

Spiritual evolution is an expression of the individual, the self, correct?

that is what I think, and many others

Reality is a mix of both, individualism but aware of his environment (society and nature). It is a 50-50%. Individualism alone as a theory is a flaw to start with. So we have individualism vs collectivism and collectivism taking over because the people behind the "divide and rule" understood the name of the game centuries ago. When people feel threatened, they will tend to choose the group over individual actions.

People are bound to collaborate or go extinct. But that conclusion must be the result of free thinking, not a collectivist mindset. Humans are all unique but must share their skills to survive. Truth lies in a very subtle difference. Social engineering bypasses uniqueness, and wants everybody to think alike. The good news is that most humans want peace but education is biased to death.

Good question, it makes me want to write a blog about it.

I'll be able to give you a very long list of blogs then! lol
I'll be your muse!

Individualism alone as a theory is a flaw to start with

It's not a theory, it's a fact.
We re all individuals.

'The person' is the lowest denominator from which all else it built.. That is the basic foundation unit.
If that is not the basic 'brick', then the entire house will have wobbly foundations until i crashes down. (collectivism/communism for example).

The good news is that most humans want peace but education is biased to death.


We re all individuals.

yes definitely, but we also need cooperation when needed. We cannot do it alone when it comes down to action. Everything is interconnected. Individualism and cooperation is a 50-50%. The problem arises a soon as either individualism or cooperation wants to get more than 50% of the pie so to speak. It is about equilibrium,

I have pondered this equation for a decade now there s no other way out. Natural Laws are ultimate. Breaking the law of balance is why we are in this mess. And why I blog about it :)

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