Nowhere because you look into the data offered by the thought cartel suppressing REAL knowledge. But it is out there, obviously, because I find it
Since Light is the prime cause of Creation and thus human thinking, Natural Laws derives from the properties of Light.

it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and futile materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. It is not me you are after but the Sentient Universe ..... The stance against materialism is 1000s of years old. I am a messenger among the so many throughout history, and they are other organizations spreading the values I defend. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING
Hmm, when was light created? It seems to have been created pretty late...not much of a prime cause of anything...
Light was created some one quarter of a million years after the old big bang. Light missed out on prime creating a whole bucket load of stuff. heheh.
Read more at:
I understand what natural law and natural rights are. The come from a long tradition of rational thought from Greek philosophy through Roman philosophy, through Middle Ages Christian philosophers, and through enlightenment philosophers. They have a long pedigree of rational thought and logic. And NOWHERE in that long line of thought is any of the CRAP that you call "natural laws". NOWHERE.