How Many Will Become A FICTION Beyond 2030?

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

The chipping of humanity has been discussed by alternative news for several years already, but hey, time is passing by so fast and there is so much going on that we can't keep it up, right. In the meantime, many (of us) happen to lose track of the most essential threats. And we have to focus on the ball rolling because the system does a good job at planting distractions everywhere.

Earth Custodians believe that child/underage sex abuse, the RFID chip and the economic collapse are the topics that we must prioritize at all time. Most other Dystopian news are inherently depending on those 3 main ones. Climate change, for example, is directly related to the impoverishment of the planet. The massive child/underage sex abuse are spreading confusion and psychopathy among the human race and debase the purpose of life. As for the chip, the latter will become the tool for our total enslavement.

The money paradigm is truly ending because after the collpase, the sense of value will implode and people will be so subdued that all they will only care about is to have a roof and some food. Social rewards will come in the form of psychotropes and brain implants to cope better with a full-fledged Dystopia. Many people do not realize it yet, but it truly is the last 8-10 years of the society as we know it. So please, help spread the word.

So what do we need to master to derail the "mark of the beast" scenario, would you ask? Here are the few things that are necessary to grasp for a critical mass to take shape and WIN OVER:

  1. There is no such a thing as "individualism", we all depend on Earth
  2. Competition as a model fatally results in each individual against one another, or the "us vs them" mantra
  3. Financial collusion will always exist as long as money - and any forms of trade - exists
  4. Monetarism requires the commodification of life (every living being/animal, and natural resources)
  5. Doing good with money is simply impossible, in the long run it always bribes the recipients
  6. Working for a salary means having a job ones hate doing for the vast majority
  7. Our current financial structure is simply beyond repair

TEDxO'Porto - Mark Boyle - The Moneyless Man

The Moneyless Manifesto explores why making the transition beyond monetary economics is becoming the zeitgeist of the Occupy generation, and how you can participate in the world’s only booming economy – the gift economy.

2020 RFID Chip Will Not Be Optional

RFID Chip (2019) Documentary - Microchip in Humans (4)

You will get chipped — eventually (2017)
There are so many benefits.... and no GPS tracker (for now)... always speaking positively to shape the consensus into accepting serivtude

Take The Chip Or Become a Fiction?

With this RFID chip, all of our money, information, medical history and EVERYTHING will be programmed into this chip. No more Social Security Cards, Birth Certificates, ID Cards/Driver's Licenses, credit/debit cards, bank accounts or ANYTHING. All of this information will be on the implanted RFID chip and the government will have the right to withdraw money from your RFID implant for money you "owe" them anytime they want, with or without your consent or knowledge. This will also enable the government to track you at any given moment, for any reason, with or without , again, your consent or knowledge. The RFID chip also has a microphone so that the government can drop in and listen to you anytime, anywhere, for any reason, and , you guessed it-with or without your consent or knowledge. And here's the best part-if you REFUSE to be implanted with the RFID chip, the government will deactivate your chip and you will have NOTHING! No SS #, NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE, NO MONEY, NO NOTHING. WITHOUT THE RFID CHIP, AS FAR AS THE GOVERNMENT IS CONCERNED, YOU DO NOT EXIST AND CANNOT BE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. Now, because they are trying to make this a worldwide requirement, you will not exist PERIOD! THERE WILL BE NO WHERE THAT YOU CAN GO. (petition closed)

United Nations plans require biometric identification and birth registration for all humans on Earth

Sunday, November 22, 2015... Chipping the global population. Now, as reported by Michael Snyder at Blacklisted News, the UN wants to essentially microchip everyone on the planet so that global elitist "managers" can track us all 24/7/365 by 2030, which is when the elitists undoubtedly believe they will have sufficiently pacified the populace.....

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