Seeds of Hate - What exactly WOULD hate speech look like?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

The term hate speech is exploding in activity across the United States and has been for a number of months now. What is it really? In general it seems to be anything that a Left Leaning advocate disagrees with. They disagree with it, so they were offended, so it MUST be hate speech. Yet they are SO tolerant.

If anything you disagree with is bad and must be stopped then that is not tolerance. It is intolerance.

That means that it doesn't have anything to do with hate at all other than the fact the person on the left HATES it.

They even would love to pass laws making it illegal to speak hate speech. Keep in mind their definition seems to be anything that they disagree with is HATEFUL. They miss the fact that in general the only hate is coming from themselves and THEIR own mind. So if they can silence the things that they HATE then there won't be any hate speech. This is actually bass ackwards. All that would remain would be the haters.

What is the seed of hate?

Do you not think it would come in the form of some bias, prejudice, bigotry, or INTOLERANCE?

Other than some whiny person saying "You hate me, or they all hate me" how is the term hate actually used? Generally it is in things like "I hate corrupt CEOs". It could be in the form of racism which is "I hate white people", or "I hate X people".

It is an expression of stating ones own position. Unless we have some drug making people psychic all over the world I don't think we suddenly have a mass population capable of mind reading. So they can't be reading minds to know what other people HATE unless the person says they hate it. Yet, that is how they are operating. In fact I know these psychic abilities don't exist or they'd read the minds of people like myself and not see hate but, disdain, dismissal, and thoughts like "man that person is an idiot". It wouldn't be based about skin color, or something like that. It's be thoughts we have based upon things you SAY, actions, or possibly the way you dress if you are dressing as Antifa or trotting around a Hammer and Sickle emblem.

So yeah, I think such people are naive deluded and controlled. I will still fight for their right to speak the things I think are really stupid. I don't believe free speech is a thing that is a SOMETIME thing. It is an always thing. You should have the right to say what you want. There can be consequences that occur due to your speech such as getting punched in the nose, being refused service at an establishment, etc. Yet you still have the right to say it. The consequences are your responsibility and unless you are a baby in a crib "YOU" (not anyone else) should be responsible for the things you DO and SAY. People can and should be able to say whatever they want with out it being a crime. Advocating the opposite is like you painstakingly assembling the gun that is pressed to your forehead. It may silence the person you HATE now, but it will become a weapon beyond your control and very likely will be aimed at you at some point. It is stupid. It is irresponsible.

By observation and truly considering "hate" the people I am seeing that are the most hateful actually are those throwing the term "hate speech" around. They can have the hate dripping from their lips as they point a finger and say "Hate Speech!!!!!" which I get the mental image of Donald Sutherland in one of the old Invasion of the Bodysnatchers movies. That old version scared the hell out of me when it came out (I was young) and it was mostly over how alien that one scene was. It really isn't that scary of a movie, but that one scene scared me.

Perhaps my youth has a "psychic" moment where it was giving me foresight to know that when I was adult I'd see an increasing number of "Mind Snatchers" and people pointing and chanting and not even realizing they are the thing they claim to be against.

Disagreement is not hate.

Offending someone is not hate.

You see in neither of those examples is the hate actually in the source. The hate is on the receiving end. I say something you disagree with so now YOU hate me. You totally miss the fact that the hate occurred inside of YOUR mind, not mine. You are supposed to control your own mind, and be responsible for it. We are not mind readers so we can't plan what we are saying based around what your mind finds acceptable. Instead you should take a little self responsibility and learn to control and deal with your own mind.

Grow up.

Tell those that use the term "hate speech" to grow up. Set them straight. Call them out on it. Silence is often viewed as agreement or consent.

I have a few things I can say I hate. All of them are not endless.

I hate bigots. I sometimes say "I am a bigot because I hate bigots".

That does not need be endless. I also believe people hopefully can learn from mistakes and grow. So perhaps a bigot will stop being a bigot. I do not endlessly condemn a person.

Another way to say that is "I hate the haters".

Yet, hate is a strong term. I don't really hate anyone. I usually just mentally think they are idiot puppets and wish they would learn to think for themselves instead of running around like a bunch of dogs being walked as someone yanks on their leashes.

In reality is there truly something called "Hate speech"? Not nearly as much as people think.

"Kill him", "Kill Them", "Kill all X people", and things like this might qualify. They should not be illegal, but acting on them likely would be. Strangely the only people I am really hearing such statements from on a fairly regular basis are those that also talk about "hate speech".

So... some brutal truth. You can take your intolerance and "hate speech" tantrums and shove them where the sun don't shine. It is my hope the shock might wake you up and you can begin taking self responsibility, especially for your own mind.

It is much like people saying they raped a woman because "she made them do it" due to how she was dressed. The decision to rape the woman came from within the raper's mind. It is no one elses job or responsibility to control their mind for them. If they were in LUST and they don't deal with it. That is their fault. IT is not an excuse.

The same type of mentality is occurring with the phrase "Hate Speech".

This post was inspired by the following Kevin's Corner video.

Truth! The new hate speech! Most important 23:38 you'll hear. - 23:38


The thing that really gets me about hate speech is that, because I don't want a bunch of people who would abuse the meaning of the term controlling what is or isn't legally permitted to say, I am accused of supporting hate.

It's so stupid. No, I don't support "hate" -- whatever that even means to you. I support people who want to freely express their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs to do so as they choose. That way I can make an informed decision to either agree or disagree, analyze or ignore, and support or demonize.

When people aren't allowed to share their "hateful" opinions freely, those ideas go underground and ferment where nobody can see them. Better to give bad ideas the same fresh air as good ideas so everyone knows what they're dealing with.


They push for hate speech laws, and T.P.T.shouldn'tB. push it forwards, because what happens in the end, is that "hate speech" is anything that goes against govern-cement policy.

You don't like 50% of your life's work stolen from you? Well, do not utter that, because its hate speech.

And, if your friends engage in this hate speech call 1-800-GET-THEM and you will get $100 for each conviction.

Lmao, not even $100, probably like 50 Facebook/Instagram/Youtube feel-good points for being political correct.

But hey, why bother advancing classroom education, let's just break down all working restroom in school and make them unisex. While we're at it, let's also change pedestrian light to female so we can fight patriarchy. All on the tax payers' dollars. Yaaaay, progressive.

Having opposed Canada's "hate speech" laws for 20 years, I cannot disagree. In the final analysis, the ONLY solution to bad speech is lots and lots of good speech. Period.

Freedom of Speech is the need of time for humanity

People hates Speech? It depends on the speech.

Heh. I didn't know speech thought anything. People sometimes think.

Very few people think, which is why they run around screaming 'Hate speech' :>

I disagree with you and am unable to discuss anything through open dialog , furthermore I do not like the fact that you have a different opinion, therefore I shall rally the Left, scream 'Hate Speech' and censor you, to ensure I have the freedom to be heard while preventing you from having 'Freedom of Speech'.

So if I understand correctly you argue that hate is not a justifiable emotion for discussion or conversation, as most of the 'hate speech' is not derived from hate itself but stupidity and bigotry.
Would you have another label or term you would use instead?
Thanks for starting this conversation!


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Freedom of Speech!

"Hate speech" If it even exists is absolutely fine with me. I'd really rather know up front in plain language what somebody thinks of me. It might hurt my feelings a bit, but I always get over it and I can adjust my behavior towards that person accordingly.

The over use of phrases like hate speech diminish their meaning so much that fewer and fewer people even pay atrention to such claims.

Really enjoyed this. It's true. So many touchy people unable to deal with counter-opinions. The equivalent of sticking fingers in their ears and screaming so that can't let the nasty thoughts in. Silly people. Yes, the should be told to grow up.

I consider them to be victims of the system too. Often they're young and idealistic, got loads of passion and social justice is the easiest, most-visible cause to latch onto. Still, I could slap them one. They older ones... shake my head, man. They've gotta be the type that just doesn't learn well.

Lol @ the Donald Sutherland clip.

I think that there can be disagreements with any person, it should not do anything bad about it

The more you read about it, the more you see the hypocrisy in these people. They talk about fighting for the common man but live in gated mansion away from crimes and shitty infrastructure. They talk about tolerance but won't accept any ideas other than their own. They talk about diversity but will not live in vibrant communities.

Hate speech is just a brand that they put on people who disagree, despite the fact that their own ideology is intrinsically flawed. Tolerance is just a front, since they never actually have to face trials and adversaries. Everyone must be tolerated based on how people feel/identify themselves as.

Can't win an argument? Scream louder than the opposition. If only it wasn't so pathetic and predictable, maybe both left and right can learn to compromise.

Yep. That 20 second video of Donald Sutherland fits the mental picture I have of them.

They also use a lot of projection. Accuse the opposition of the things they themselves are actually guilty of.

Though that is starting to blow up in their faces. "You're claiming I colluded with Russia? Hmmm... I guess I should look to see if YOU colluded with them, as I know I didn't, but projection seems to be a popular thing with you."

That's the one thing I notice out of the most vocal, extreme group of the left. They're so quick at accusing people but each one of them carry almost (if not more) devious history as the people they accuse. Benghazi, 1975 rape case, Wall Street connection, I meant is this the best you can offer as a candidate?

And if I don't vote for that crook, you are going to call me names and show how you're morally superior than I am?

That's why I opted out. To me, there's no saving this. I'll just enjoy the ride until Armageddon.

That's why I opted out. To me, there's no saving this. I'll just enjoy the ride until Armageddon.

I don't give up. Yet, I do try to focus on things I can actually impact. This is why I write philosophy and about critical thinking so often. I actually see the mass population as having very little experience with critical thinking, and I believe they intentionally don't really teach it any longer.

Without it people are mostly emotionally driven. Easy to manipulate. Easy to target and inspire "hate" in.

With it they can have something pointed out and actually "think". They can be told something and still think it is okay to "think" about that rather than just taking it as gospel.

So I have had some success over the years in this area. That is where I focus. I can't fix it. I have no delusions about that. I can plant the seeds though and maybe in the future those seeds will actually lead to something.

I respect your decision for doing such. It is good that we can hold discussion to point out benefits and flaws and reach an agreement. Every issue has 2 sides and I've come to learn that from people who are older and wiser. You are not alone in this seeds planting. More and more people are distancing themselves from left and right label. They just want something that works and they're open to ideas from both sides.

Good luck on your quest. One day, we can have an adult discussion without vilifying everyone we disagree with.

Every issue has 2 sides

At least. Sometimes there are more than 2. :)

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