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At first he was reigning the chaos, but a diffuse creative will captured the ground or Gea, as the mother ground, which was giving form to the world as we know it, also gave light to his son Urano the sky, with which then it married, to give birth to several children, between them to the Cyclops, giants with only one eye in the front, big construction and skilful metallurgists.
source they point out Someone, that for entones there arose from way spontaneous the human race, which before of coming to his current stadium it crossed for three ages; that of gold, silver and bronze. This process produced to itself a gradual degradation in virtue dela which, from the marvels of the Golden Age, in which the nature was bountiful and the men they were coexisting pacifically, the original wealth and kindness were darkened more, up to come to the present Iron Age, as the worst of all.
Uranus had to face to the rebellion of his children the Cyclops, which managed to win and to throw the Tartar one, which is the hell, then the line of the life continued that up to generating seven titanes, which also ended up by getting up against his father, instigated by Gea and directed for less of them Cronos, this one castrated his father and was imposed on his brothers, joined Rea and had several children.
In order to prevent a rebellion of his children from possessing him of his power, it devours all his males, that Rea was going it walked, but when he was born Zeus, his mother replaced him with a stone, hiding it in the Crete, where it was raised by the goat Amaltea.
When Zeus came to his adulthood, I besiege to the conquest of the sky, an army assembled and he conquered the titanes, expelling Crono and was proclaimed a father of the gods. Olympus established his court in the mount and there I initiate his reign on on the twelve biggest gods, the innumerable ones of low category, the heroes and also to the humanity. Zeus after defeating his father, liberated his brothers Poseidón and Hades, also it liberated of the low world of the Cyclops, his attribute is the tueno and the beam, it joined with diverse goddesses, nymphs and mortal women, where his children were born, Apollo, Sagebrush, Afrodita, Plough, Perseo.