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in #philosophy8 years ago

I stumbled upon this today and it got me thinking... Why are most Americans against free health care? I don't understand as I am also from Canada and feel exactly like this person stated. 

You pay billions in taxes to fund wars, largely to keep the rich, rich. Most are quite literally OK with war to keep oil backed by the US dollar but paying a smaller amount to keep everyone healthy in your own country is too much?

Could one of you anti-free health care people weigh in? 

I seriously don't understand, so if someone could enlighten this fella before thinking about it too much causes an aneurism, it would be awesome sauce. 


If you want to see what free healthcare for all really means in the end, face north and look to your right.

If you are prepared to get it free are you also prepared to wait in line, sometimes for months? are you prepared to wait weeks for a first cancer consultation and that is if your case was marked as urgent. Are you prepared for being sent home after being treated for cancer and having a postcode lottery of what drugs you can be afforded? Then when the government you trusted so well with all of your life changing decisions decide that they don't want to support that service any more, then where are you going to go? That is if you get through that crisis alive. Also, since when did Americans want to be socialist? Be careful what you wish for lol

If the alternative is paying outrageous inflated prices then yeah I am... look up the cost for a bag of saline in America. .. now ask yourself... how much is water and salt worth really, plus the cost of the bag and disinfection. .. think... then realize it's set up to kill poor people

How is getting it all free going to protect you from that? Surely someone will be deciding if you are even going to get that.

All I can say is a free health service which is in crisis is not a fun place to be. It destroys the work morale of the staff and makes it hard to get what you need. I have seen people lined up on trolleys in emergency rooms waiting hours to be seen after waiting for an ambulance. I have had to wait months with pain for surgery before and have seen people waiting months for an mri scan slot

Then you have to think who will be the Doctor and Nurses boss, who will employ them, how will they get paid and how much? What will be expected of them? Will working conditions make all the good ones leave and go elsewhere?

I do understand your point, just trying to show how it can end up too because if we all had crystal balls it would be easy to choose

I wish you the best in your endeavour to find that

Oh the Canadian system has flaws, but the only advantage I can see from everything here is that if you have the money, you can raise your standard of care in America. If you don't have the money, ur fucked. To me this is just sick. Have a standard, not many standards.

It really sounds like a lot of "I" thinking instead of we thinking... Sure it sounds great that you can BUY whatever you THINK you need, BUT what about the poor sucker who can't? Or the person who actually NEEDS instead of THINKING they need? Too bad for them? No empathy at all? Just a nation of psychopaths?

I think it can seem that way for sure, especially from the outside. When I first heard of Obamacare it sounded ok, I think it met little resistance here because it seemed like the system that had been here for many years, it was only recently I realised it actually made healthcare more expensive for a lot of people.

Maybe with a change in politics, things will have a chance to change for the better.

Obabacare was specifically designed to fail, to "prove" to the populous that "free' healthcare is a failed dream.

They could have made it better, they just didn't want to. If they stopped running around the globe for oil shooting everyone in the way, maybe they could spend a few of those billions on a better healthcare system. Heal some people with that money instead of killing with it.

It's never been about taxes. Historically Americans are fiercely independent and anything that takes that independence from them is met with resistance. Free health care is a wonderful idea but it means relinquishing personal freedom to choose plans and doctors and it also means that the government, in one way or another, can control what healthcare services one receives and when. Americans, again historically, do not trust the government nor should they. There are other ways of providing Health Care to those who need it rather than to force the entire population to submit to legislation.

The entire population is forced to submit to every other legislation. I am free to choose my own Dr. The "plan" is everything besides your teeth and electives ar free. You can pay for extras such as private rooms and other various things.
The only advantage I can see is that you can use money to leverage your position in america, you can buy a higher standard of care... Well why not give everyone the same high standard?

But many countries with free health care they get to have their choice of doctors. So really if set up correctly it's not taking anything away but giving something to many thousands of people who are forced to live without it.

Growing up my dad was a teacher and did not make enough to pay for health coverage for my family so we went without seeing doctors not because we chose to but because we could not afford to.

Australia has tax funded health care for all. It's not what it used to be, but in emergency everyone is equal.
There are long waits for elective surgery (which seldom feel elective to a long suffering patient) , those with private insurance usually don't wait. Although Australian private health insurance is hugely expensive and always has out of pocket expenses.
The tax funded Medicare system means that everyone can be admitted to hospital and receive care in acute of emergency situation.

Im with you on this one I'm from the U.S. and I really don't get the idea of why so many people would rather live without proper health insurance. I know I live without it because the rich don't pay me enough to survive so according health coverage is out of what I can afford.

Free health care I think would be amazing.

It's insane, Americans have to pay to give birth... Like wtf... You don't have enough expenses with a new child, why not pound a bunch more debt on top while they are at it... It's just a rich man's trick to keep yas all in debt and poor.

So true and sadly many poor people buy into this illogical ideology.

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