Confusion Can Lead To Clarity!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Confusion Can Lead To Clarity!


The experience of life is perplexing to most.

There is uncertainty about what the future may bring,
as well as about what happened in the past.
What's more, most are dwelling on these worries,
leading them to be confused about
what is occurring in the present as well!


In the face of this mazelike condition,
is it really possible that Confusion
could actually lead to clarity?!


To answer this question, we need to first
address some common causes of confusion.


Common causes of confusion:


1. Ill health
2. False mental concepts
3. Tangled emotions
4. Denial of reality
5. Failure to express


Ill Health

Ill health is first on the list because it is epidemic today.
It includes people that are "health conscious,"
"health nuts," or seem "very healthy."
This planet is a very toxic place to live right now.

Light & noise pollution, poisonous public water supply,
noxious fumes, radioactivity, chemically-laden
"weaponized" food products, genetically modified &
hybridized produce (even organic), electromagnetic pollution
from cell phones, computers, "smart meters," and other devices

are some of the insane health challenges we face
on a daily basis on modern planet Earth.

This is may sound paranoid or depressing,
but it is just being realistic about the situation we
find ourselves in. It means that everyone should
sleep more, focus on getting excellent nutrition,
meditate daily, reduce stress from the lifestyle,
drink plenty of spring water, and work on
becoming a more calm & loving person.
As we begin to care for ourselves deeply,
some of the brain fog will begin to lift &
the confusion that surrounds us as a cloud
will begin to lessen.


False Mental Concepts

As soon as we are born into this world,
we are being programmed by societal norms,
parental belief systems, environmental factors, etc.
We accumulate a huge number of harmful & false
mental concepts that lead to confusion because
they are distortions of reality and not actually true.
That is why meditation is extremely important.
Through self-reflection and surrender at depth
we will begin to allow these viruses of thought
to fall away, leaving our minds more blissful,
clearer, and calmer.

Tangled Emotions

Our terms for what we feel: anger, sadness,
fear, happiness, jealousy, rage, and so on

are actually all false emotional concepts.
Since we categorize in such terms, our emotions
become tangled and confused. We are
judging them and not really experiencing them.
Here again, contemplation is one of the best ways
to process these feelings and allow them to be
without denying what we are experiencing.

Everyone should set aside at least thirty (30) minutes
every day for self-reflection to consider everything
that occurred during the day.

This is just as necessary as urinating or defecating
to remove waste products from your body!

We must also remove mental and emotional
"waste products" by this daily introspection.
This will transform the emotions and make them
shine through in their true beauty.

Denial of Reality

Much of people's energy is used to deny
what is really true using false belief systems,
distractions, and blaming other people for problems.
For instance, there is great fear for most around the idea
that All people and things are One. That means
there is no privacy in the universe;
All things are connected and known.

Reality is an open book where you cannot hide from
the Truth except in your mind through a lack of awareness.

People use distractions of all kinds of
entertainment to hide from facing themselves.
Remove this childish habit by affirming
"I want to see/know the Truth."

This what is implied by the well known teaching:

"Seek and you will find,
ask and it will be given to you,
knock and the door will be opened."

Failure to Express

(The real title of this is the failure to express/ transmute.
To transmute is an alchemical term meaning to modify
in essential quality; It means to change one thing to
something else using a specific procedure.)
Now we have reached the final step that
prevents us from reaching clarity. Even if we
improve our health, remove false concepts,
untangle our emotions, and accept reality,

if we do not have a way to release and express
the energy we have cultivated, it is quite dangerous.
We don't want to build up steam like a
pressure cooker, never releasing it until we explode!

One of the most powerful ways to transmute
confusion into clarity is to express ourselves in
whatever form(s) we can!

This includes almost everything in life, potentially.
It can be writing, singing, playing instruments,
talking with people, making films, drawing,
painting, cooking, even working a job,
owning a pet, building friendships/ relationships,
teaching, reading, practicing martial arts,
practicing meditation, traveling,

The most important thing is that
we begin to accept our experience of life
deeply and forgive/ love ourselves fully.

Then we can express our true feelings,
thoughts, and inner being without guilt,
leading to clarity!


Confusion CAN Lead To Clarity!


We have seen that there
are many common causes
of confusion today including:

Ill health,
False mental concepts,
Tangled emotions, and
Denial of reality.

We identified some strategies
to work with these. Also,
we have seen that we must
express these feelings &
thoughts in some manner
so they can become
transmuted into the clarity
that is so satisfying
on a deep level.


May we all gradually
become more aware of Truth,
And help each other as we
learn and grow.



Written on 7/23/17
All images are public domain use.


Do you experience confusion in life? What do you think are some of the causes? Have you been able to find ways to become more clear in your understanding? Please share with me in a comment :)



What a beautifully written post on how confusion can lead to clarity. D-pend, you did an exceptional job of laying out everything to help the reader understand the primarily factors that cause confusion. You were so specific that it leaves no doubt what each element of confusion consists of and then you went on to lay out ways in which to deal with these confusing situations. I do believe that confusion can lead to clarity because if not for confusion, we would not have any impetus to get better, to move forward or to seek change.

I know you worked really hard on this article. Thank-you d-pend for sharing this with us. Again another thought provoking article.

I think this is why I haven't pursued my Journey to Find Inner Peace post, because in many ways you are laying out the ground work for it already. I also am finding inner peace by reading and commenting on the beautiful posts I find on Steemit. Have a good week ahead @d-pend!..... Cabbagepatch

I am glad you enjoyed the article. I have been really putting a lot of energy and care into making them as good as possible. I want to continue to make them better and better so they communicate the ideas clearly and in an inspiring way for people. You are exactly right that confusion provides the motivation to seek for greater clarity. I want to encourage people to work with their situation and transmute it into something wholesome :)

You are very welcome. I would love to see the Journey to Find Inner Peace!! I want to assemble a team that is filling the STEEM blockchain with uplifting and enlightening content. If you feel called to doing it, that would be nice, but the comments that you leave are much deeper and impactful than most. So you are spreading amazing energy by doing that, which is almost a bigger service than making a post, since you are directly supporting others :)

I am considering starting a steem-trail of my own for inspiring/ motivational content and philosophy. It's in the woodworks :) I hope you also get a great start to your week!

Thank-you for replying back. I thought you did an excellent job of being as clear as possible. Those who are really trying to seek clarity and purpose will be able to understand but those who are not ready may only scrape the surface until ready. The one's who need inspiration are the one's who really are lost and hitting the bottom. They are the ones who you need to inspire so that they will eventually take that first step to helping themselves. You have to be able to understand where they are at, and I'm sure you do. Think back to when you felt at a low point and try to remember what helped you to at least make a small step in the right direction. Then you will see true miracles. The first step is always the hardest.

As for me, I think I spend most of my time writing and commenting to people who need direction and encouragement. That is why I have a hard time writing posts. I'm trying to increase my steem to get to 500 so I will be able to continue to vote more when the borrowed steem is up. It has really helped and I so appreciate your gift. It is funny how those with the most influence are not all reaching out to the minnows who are the ones who need so much help. For me it is not the money but the ability to help that I'm trying to build up my influence. So for now, my inner peace is doing what I am doing in encouraging certain people that need a hand.

Sorry for writing so much. Finally, I am so proud of you in your own goals to reach out. I know you will be rewarded ten fold. You are an excellent writer and I know you understand what it is like to be lost at times, trying to find meaning. Whatever I can do, let me know. I will always help to inspire you and keep you going when the going gets tough. Thank-you for everything d-pend. You have made my experience on Steemit such a positive and warm experience! Your friend......Cabbagepatch :D

This is very true in my life, "People use distractions of all kinds of
entertainment to hide from facing themselves."

And hopefully, STEEMIT will become a healthy part of my method of expression. I have a ton of ideas bouncing around...I always have. But I have only occassionally taken these ideas and made something. Now I AM dealing with that mental fog and need this exercise of expression to let out the good and the bad. The good to share with others, and rhe bad to flush down the toilet.
✌ Peace

Peace @em3, I'm glad this post hit home for you, and again I'm looking forward to reading what you post! I'd recommend not worrying too much about making it perfect, the most important thing on Steemit is to reach out to many people, gain a following, and support others. It's alright if the posts are not "perfect!" They will improve over time. A big thing also is being consistent and keeping promises to yourself, like "Ok I will post three times a week/ once a day/ twice a day, etc." It will give a feeling of contentment if you hold yourself to it!

It could even be only once a week. Whatever you think you can manage :)

I appreciate that!
I have a first draft written on Treasure Hunting.... Let me try and polish it a little with some pics and I'll post it....
You are right, the practice and discipline is a big part of it. ✌

Right on!

I got it published, in case you'd care to have a look and provide some feedback! I appreciate it!

Written as clearly and precisely as the state of consciousness it champions, @d-pend! One may find beauty in the precision of triangulation you've presented here. May we all feel eventual and thereafter continual contentment with the subject matter along our myriad journeys.

i totally agree with you
i've been thinkig about it too in the past and some kind of realization came to me... when we are born, we are pure (tabula rasa). we get a body and the world. it comes with confusion and ability to learn. at first we see the world as it is (clarity) but without sense (confusion). then we learn to live in a society that make a cultural sense but not individual (confusion about clarity and sense about confusion) and if we are lucky enough we stumble upon the knowledge that you are writing about grasping some clarity about our confused sense about the world and ourselves.
thanks for sharing!

Great comment. Thanks for your thoughtful insight :)

This post has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 10.71 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @d-pend. Vote for Aggroed!

vOtE fOr AgGrOeD!!!!1!

ChA cHiNgAlInG Boii

Profound work friend !!!:)

I Alwaya feel confused xD no wonder sometimes when you cannot rationalize all the hurt and poverty war and destruction in this world & for what?!?! I dont think it was ever meant <\i> to be so destructive.
It could all be such a beautiful place. So I think at the subconcious level we are left in a state of confusion !!!
Thank you made great late night reading!!!

Nailed it - trust your struggle!

That's a great way to put it!! Thanks @jasonsnow

I enjoyed this read.

These directives are our inward weapons which act as the cause to our effects. Tapping into answering the Why?s during daily introspection is essential to ascension. Oh, and the set time for self reflection per day is clutch!

Keep spreading Light!

Please check me owt here as well --> @jovialjoel

It makes you think. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.

Thank you @izbing I appreciate your appreciation!

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 5.42 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @d-pend.

That's your field, not mine.