Be Aware of Double Speak - Call Things By Their Proper Name - Orwellian NewSpeak Vs. OldSpeak
Language is one of the fundamental operating systems of thoughts. Therefore, if you can change the definition of a word or associate it with its opposite counterpart, you change the fundamental way in which people view the world. I have noticed that in our society words are losing their meaning or having their meanings changed on purpose. If you can delete words, you can remove ideas from peoples heads. It's hard to communicate a concept if you can't find the right words. What if you had never heard of the word Freedom or any of its synonymys? George Orwell captured this concept in his book 1984 when he coined the terms NewSpeak and OldSpeak. NewSpeak is described as, "a language characterized by a continually diminishing vocabulary; complete thoughts reduced to simple terms of simplistic meaning." A modern example would be how text messages have devolved conversations to: "Sup", and, "Not Much, U".
Many powerful words are now used casually thanks to persistent marketing campaigns. Russel Brand captures this well in a comedy skit. He explains how such a deep, passionate, and emotional word like "Love" has been associated with a meaningless disgusting McDonald's burger with the catch phrase, "I'm Lovin' It".

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I could keep rambling and go further in depth, but I think reading 1984 and simply looking at our current world would be a better explanation. Be mindful of your words. Call things the way you see them. Do not sugar coat reality.
The red queen from Alice in Wonderland once said that words mean exactly what I think they mean. English is a subtle mockery of a language, when words have so many unspecific meanings. To define a word is to limit it - yet choosing the proper words set the context.
Are you kidding me? Russell Brand actually made a sketch about that? I have used that example in marketing in my own blog and broken it down in depth from the perspective of a sound engineer and mind hacker. I have written many times about Brand's seeming position in society as an agent and no, this is not random paranoia - it is based on significant pattern analysis and evidence from the real world (with a sprinkling of input from spirit!).
Yeah he totally did it. I believe it was on his "Messiah Complex" show. He also rips apart the razor company Gillette's slogan "A Best a Man Can Get". Lol the best thing in the world for a man is a $5 razor.
Now I am interested in finding your article's breakdown. I have a whole lot of thoughts about different mind hacking ads, but I seem to have a hard time distilling them into concise articles.
I am aware of Russels's agent status. I am still personaly able to pull some pieces out of his content when I listen with full discernment. There are tons of figures in the 'new-age' movement that are completely controlled. Thaks for the full on breakdown though. I will check the article out in full.
He was born near me and speaks like and acts like several people I grew up with. I am particularly bothered by him because I feel he may have actually been 'borrowing' things from my work - which I fully admit contains references from time to time to work put out by other people. The problem is that he twists it all into something that it was never intended to be - just as occurred with spiritual teachings throughout the ages, resulting in the system that he claims to be against now.. :/
This is the post I covered "i'm lovin it" in on Steemit:
You may note that I made a point of connecting all this to the word 'BRANDED'.
Originally posted on ureka - 16. october 2012. - 1 year before 'messiah complex'.
wow very excellent post
very nice post@crystalgeometry