
Sounds like you are all in with the technology and either you will be the richest people on the planet if crypto moons.

There are so many opportunities and choices to make in life and everyone deserves to try doing something than nothing. Having total focus on the task at hand will give you better chance to a successful outcome.

We have to stomach some losses to be rewarded by tremendous gains. I'm still not sure if it only applies to Bitcoin.

I have had high hopes when I first came across cryptocurrency because there were lots of good news. I joined a btc earning blog site before. I enjoyed it and earned some. However, I lost interest. I guess it was the unpredictability that affects emotions. It is a roller coaster ride. Now that I am in steemit, I don't expect much but just take every day as it is because we have no control of the market. If the price goes up, then it's great. If it goes down, then keep steeming on. I haven't event cashed out from this platform since I joined. I still want to see how far this platform can go and if I am willing to go along with it.

You speak like a spiritual warrior!
I love hearing this resolute energy you're exuding here, bro!
I really resonate with what you're expressing here.

I recall something my dad used to say to me a lot when I was younger when I'd decided to become a full-time performing artist. He said, "get something to fall back on, son."
He meant well, but even in my optimistic youth I knew he was wrong.
I always replied with, "If I get something to fall back on, then I will (inevitably fall back on it)."

I used to get told that "Failing to plan is planning to fail." I think planning to fail is just accepting failure. Thanks for checking out the post bro.

Good resteem Nathan, brought me to this interesting and inspiring (hopefully for many) post.

This is oddly inspirational, @clayboyn. It says a lot about commitment and personal values. Money is great, but one can be rich and dead (even if inside). I have never been in crypto for the money. If I was a really smart investor, maybe I would, but I decided when I joined Steemit a year ago just to focus on doing all the things -- the blogging, the connecting, the commenting, the upvoting and the resteeming -- and just see where it takes me. I'm a long-term hold. I believe this is going places, in spite of the dips (or... shall we say the canyons?). I believe we will all be glad we jumped in and did thethings to help make decentralization a reality. It's not going to be pain free, but I don't doubt that it will be worth HODL'ing.

I bet you know @jonknight. According to his latest modeling, we will likely "cross the outside edge of the Extended Fall Channel on July 2nd at a price near $1.74." I actually have no idea what that means, but my gut tells me things are likely to go up after that. So yay!

I am impressed by your fierce determination to carve out a life worth living, that feels meaningful and isn't about settling for something that isn't right for you, and isn't about who you are. I absolutely believe that will pay off for you.

I agree, HODL. Thanks for checking out the post and for the encouragement. :)

Thanks for sharing this honest post.
My respect for your faith for being all in here. And this faith is visible in every single line of your content.

And your little story fascinates me.
I wish you, my friend, all the best that one day your faith will be rewarded beyond your expectations​.

Thanks for the encouragement! :)

All of the best "world changers" were all in on something that they believed in without a safety net. Many of them hit the ground on the first, second, third attempt. Unlike the baby bird, hitting the ground financially doesn't kill you, it trains you for ultimate success by following something bigger than a desire for stuff or the hunger in your belly. Success will be yours if you continue living this way, hopefully for steem too, but for you most definitely. Thanks.

kinda like you i left my relatively safe job a few years ago. i majored in business too. i quit because i hated the corporate world. i would rather starve to death than to go back.
i think people are focused on the short term prices way more than they should be. FUD is everywhere, but clearly crypto is about to change the world. nobody knows whether it'll be in 5 years or 10 or 20, but the moment people start trading actual goods and services with crypto, it's over.

btw did you draw the dragons yourself?! 😱

Agreed, and no I don't draw them, I take images and then modify them in the deep dream generator to alter them.

That is inspiring stuff, and I hope for the day when people take the same view and similar actions in droves, as opposed being totally fixated on accumulation of wealth and possessions that they don't need, in the "stab each other in the back" approach to getting ahead in the corporate world. That greed is a sickness amongst the human race, and a sickness that is manipulated by the media, who's work is mostly for the elite and the corporations.

The media keeping the pressure on by mongering fears and anxieties, to make people feel over gratefull to have their 'position' in the 'take shit from above, give shit out to those below' worlds they live in, either without them really knowing, being naive/brainwashed, or more likely I feel, the knowing, but wilfully ignorant.

The sense of genuine warmth and inclusiveness that I see here at steemit, and that I very often feel in abundance, is natural and healthy. What we're doing here should not have to be deemed 'amazing' and "fuck me, that's different!", although it is of course 'amazing' and it's "Fuck me, it's different!", it just shouldn't be, and it wouldn't be if the human race was healthier as a whole. We all have to continue chipping away at the cracked veneer of the corporate world and our societies at large.

Think about it, I don't think any of us feel unatural in our varied activities here at steemit. I've always felt the world needs more empathy, and that's one of the keys here I feel. I see so many empathic people doing great stuff at steemit.

Love, compassion and empathy, that's my holy trinity.

Having said that I've been absent these past few weeks, taking some time out to try and apply some of my compassion to myself, in a bid to sorting my fucked up headstate. It's taught me the importance of maintaining love, empathy and compassion towards the self, something I've neglected for too long. Try not to do that folks, without hindsight it messes you up far beyond your awareness at the time as you shut parts of yourself down, and makes you less able to participate in the giving and receiving of the above holy trinity.

I imagine from your journey, you will have no doubt experienced that in your own way @clayboyn.

Big up ya big bad self!! 🤗👏👏👏

We all just have to do this best we can at the time and be the change we want to see. Thanks for reading and much love to you.

Right back at you! Reading this post makes it clear you're on a good well meant path, more power to you.

I was moved enough to resteem this.

Living on $20 a day in the US is a full time job. This is a lifestyle that you became accustomed to but a lifestyle that others do not know about and could learn a lot from.

I suppose I don't really think about it all that much anymore, I'm just kind of used to it. I'd probably go the homesteading route and live off the land before ever considering going back to a slave wage job. Thanks for the resteem :)

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