How do we fight Political Correctness?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

How do we best fight Political Correctness? Jeff Deist from the Mises Institute gives us some interesting suggestions:

  1. We have to understand that we are in a real fight against Political Correctness.
  2. PC has started a war against our minds and souls.
  3. The battle is waged along many lines. It’s not just the state, but also academia, media, the business world, ngo’s etc.
  4. There are millions of people who would absolutely favour criminalizing hate speech.
  5. Equip yourselves to fight back. Culturally, this is a matter of life and death.
  6. Although the PC contamination is widespread, we still have an enormous amount of freedom and resources at our disposal in the digital age. We can still read and share the great anti-state books, homeschool our kids, and are free to hold meetings and presentations like this.
  7. One way to fight PC is to show their absurdity through humor and ridicule.

  1. Fight PC whenever and wherever you can, and spread awareness about their poisonous ideology.
  2. Society can change rapidly. We cannot discount the possibilities of economic disaster, energy crisis, disruption in entitlement payments, civil unrest etc. If these things will happen, the PC mindset might be one of the first things to go as people realize that we need each other and traditional family structures.

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Nice article as always

Thanks, Lem :)

Very interesting article man as always

Thanks man! :D

Being "PC" could have worked out the way i see it is being PC for real is just kindness to others, but people radicalize it and make it a bigger deal than it needs to be.

If PC means just kindness to others, then I agree with you. :)

Nice. And I found a new real anarchist to collect. Followed.

it is very true we are in war against Political Correctness that satution is all around the world and in mostly every country every struggling against politacs and corruption,wars,basic needs like education,clean water hanger and so many issues and also crimes against the wommans arounds these matter are every day increasing and also need an voice against these combine when we put hands togather may come out some better for socity thank you if possible kindly friends follow i willbe great full thank you. @alidervash

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