RE: Natural Law, Trivium and Consciousness Chart
Words can't even describe how phenomenal this is. All the talk, all the attention and energy placed on surface-level effects in the world - billions of futile internal and external voices prattling on incessantly... Meanwhile, a half-empty room of earnest truth-seekers sits facepalming while the world goes up in flames. This information is fundamental to any consideration of human society. The fact that it goes thoroughly unnoticed or unheeded is ironclad evidence of a purposeful attempt to dumb-down the world population.
No one in their right mind would ignore such critical information if not drawn off in other directions by heavy-handed deception. To ignore this is to say "It's better to base our actions on false information than to know truth and act in accordance with it." No one knowingly says this, though they adopt the position because truth has been replaced by a decoy, and they have not been taught to value the mental endeavors that would lead to the real thing. All evil is a perversion. The human vault is filled with fool's gold, while the good stuff lies about freely available in posts like this.