Emotional Intelligence - You Need This In Your Life, Here It Is !

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

As a Doctor, I see struggle. I see pain, suffering, and hurt. It is my belief and experience through 16 years of medical experience that as a person with needs and asking for help, that it important to consider this :
You are in one of two places at the beginning of change and they are both worthwhile and necessary.
Where you are at this time when you share your feelings dictates what I can offer as a Doctor. I cannot force you to change or be anything you are not willing, ready and able. And so I invest in the process and bear witness.

In this first place, recognize that you are feeling emotion and may only be needing listening support. This is a place to be able to feel and move through the power of the emotions that are present. Grief, fear, regret, pain, many things reside here. Loneliness, despair, acceptance.

There are blessings admist these intense experiences.

To move forward through this process, please know that you must feel it to heal it.
Once you have allowed the emotions to move, to release, let go, then the well begins to empty. I ask my patients to honor this place.

I share that people experiencing grief and loss need to take time REGULARLY in their life to honor this process as well.

Be it once per week, once per day, to set that time aside to honor and feel because you are going through a major heavy life event. This is your process - please honor it and ground it. To ground it is to have a ceremony or ritual or practice or prayer, something that transmutes that grief into something identifiable. Something real, something tangible. So you can keep it, burn it, let it fly away in the wind, bury it, drown it....have some place to physically put it.

This reality experience can change an emotional process that feels overwhelming.

Or have someone with you. A person of trust and love. Who can bear witness and share without the obligation to fix it, or change it, or make it better. Bearing witness is truly a place of giving with love when you can see the emotions are moving. A hug can heal a lot when it is paired with this vulnerability and authenticity.

As hard as this process may be, it does empty out what might feel like a deep, heavy pit of darkness.

You are more than this darkness but you must respect it by allowing it to be real in a way where you are letting it move through and out.

The second place you might be is the place of change. The place of readiness. The spark is there and waiting for an inspiration to light it and send it coasting.
This is the place I speak about in this video.
There is an infinite power in bringing Emotional Intelligence to your forefront. When you begin to take responsibility for your feelings and empower yourself and others around you to have empathy as well. What a gift !
Especially to our children. They are our future.

Emotional Intelligence is a skill.

It is not the default. By default, as animals, we are born to feel and respond. To react. To survive. This survival using Emotional Intelligence brings to you an new ocean of opportunity. Utilizing this skill, you can become more collaborative and engaging. You are able to see that what is happening around you may actually be something that could benefit you or teach you the lesson to move away quickly. But you can think through your emotions with these steps. You do not have to be subject to the chaos at times that emotional reactions create. Less drama and more intention is the result of using Emotional Intelligence.
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If it's one thing I would love to be able to do it 100% in this life is feeling an emotion (and I am talking here about the dreadful ones such as grief, disappointment, etc) without having to act on it.

It's a learning process still, but instead of being engulfed in grief for days, nowadays it takes me less than a day to snap out of it. I am not ignoring my bad days, I find comfort in them as well as I do on my good days.


Feel Feel Feel !
You can feel an emotion and just sit there. Dance. Move, stretch, run, lift weights...move that emotion from within in a way where you can continue to feel it and not be distracted by drama. Write it out, that is what I love to do :) Thank you for sharing @szuri ! xo

Points of honouring, I made a conscious decision to make them happen as much as they are needed and, if they tended to go pass me without my awareness fully catching on to them, I I decided to make it a regular ritual in order to deal with it. In ancient cultures, they were usually highly aware of this need for rituals beyond the awareness of individuals caught in realms keeping them unaware. Thus, rituals were instated for specific ages, events and so on in order to make sure that the biggest chunk of emotional digestion would at least be dealt with.

Great sharing again @basicbeing! Let's heed the words of the good doctor!

Namaste :) (((HUG)))

I love that you share your wisdoms @eric-boucher ! Wise practice suggestion....I think for me, sitting down to write out my beloved steemit posts is my way of regularly checking in to see what is going on inside my soul. I'm so grateful we are on this ride together, my friend :) xo

I've always been grateful to share this ride with you as well... Thanks for sharing gratitude and light. Namaste :)

Many people do not realize that there are more than just one type of intelligence and this is something that has to be addressed to everyone because our emotion speaks so much about what we are as a person. I so love this @basicbeing! Thanks for sharing. :))

Very Nice content and thanks for this informative information.

Thank you :)

interesting to read this from a doctor. gives it more credibility. thanks for sharing.

thank you for reading and commenting ! I love to see who is out there resonating with this :)

I love the idea of ensuring you have someplace to PUT these things and feelings in order to work through them. Sharing this with my sister, who is in need of how to work through some tough stuff right now! Thank you!

Awww, I pray she keeps her intention to keep moving forward and being creative, physical expression can be very cathartic and fulfilling when you make it interesting and new :) blessings to you both !!

very interesting post...
thanks for sharing it....
upvoted and followed...!!!

Thanks for sharing with us

It is a skill which can be learnt. A very effective way is to practice compassion. Be compassionate, always.

Nice content, nice topic. I think that as humans, we should also control our emotions when ever we are going through umplesant situations. When such bad situations arises, the emotional intelligence is needed to remedy the situation. I follow and upvote you.

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