The inevitability of lowssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Let’s put aside for a moment our insane and slightly irrational need for exclusivity from everything we encounter in life, and step back towards the basics. Cliché’s, I feel, are underrated and if studied correctly and in reasonable regulation, can pave a way to self-awareness. One of them says that the only constant in life is change. Now this might seem to you unoriginal and amount as mediocre writing. But will you pause for a moment and unveil the words? There’s a world of meaning inside.

“Change is the only constant in life.”

I will ask: What is the most frustrated you’ve ever been? What was the cause? What deterred you from your path and direction, if ever you were? What demoralized you so your head hung and your back slouched, and slowly the spark in your eyes faded? Was it the unknown? No. The unknown can only awaken in you a fear, however strong and firm, but it cannot deviate you from the path. Then what was it? It was change. One day you felt accomplished and slept with a satisfied conscience that you’ve achieved what you set out for. The next, perhaps, you couldn’t. It kept you up at night. Now, if recurring, it’s the most toxic feeling for any driven individual: failure. So in order to escape it, your mind makes excuses and you begin to avoid your responsibilities because the nagging feeling of having failed and not being good enough is enough to kindle in you an instability that’s unnerving. This is where the aforementioned frustration comes from.

But such is life that we’ve, in all our limited capacities and measures, aimed to understand. This one bold claim also relates to the widely debated and persistent idea of darkness as the absence of light and evil as the absence of “good”. In relativity to this idea, lows are then simply the absence of “highs”. If one refers to a low in life no matter what it’s magnitude or nature, as ending slightly before the finishing line defining a certain “accomplishment”, it will not be as discerning as admitting failure which more often than not, leads to defeat. The flip side of this philosophy argues that if the former is true, than light will have no value if there wasn’t the occasional darkness to register in our minds as the low. If there was no low, how would you know the significant of achievement? If the road to accomplishment was constant and plain, with no alternate to reinforce in us the need to excel, how would humans know when to push harder?

Perhaps it makes sense that the human body feels pain, for if it didn’t, how would we know the contentment of feeling healthy? The occasional darkness is to push us towards the light, and it’s the silent drive that motivates us. Where light has the incessant ability to evoke in us a certain sated state of utter satisfaction, it cannot drive us further – darkness can. Therefore, the lows we experience are nothing but driving forces the universe throws at us, challenging us with raised brows silently to evolve, to learn, to push harder, to try something different, and strive till our last waking breath to catch that light at the end of the tunnel.



We are the decisions we make, the choices we take, and the voice we choose to listen to from within. Feed the good, feed the bad, you get what you wish for. Yet, there will, and always will be, light at the end of the tunnel (as clichéd it may be).
We should strive to make better decisions, control our impulses (if we know they're usually what land us in trouble), set ourselves goals, and strive to smash them one by one. Above all, we should become such that we don't need others to fill that void within us, that is ours, as individuals, and only ours, to fill alone by oursleves.

A completely different aspect - but nonetheless true

Thank you for your comment on my post! <3

I've read yours and you go so deep girl! I love how your mind works. And it's true.. without darkness there would be no light. And it's all so relative. People who've seen a lot of light/ups and less darkness/downs will propably experiences darkness faster, or at least call it darkness, than those who've had a lot of darkness. And it would also depent on where you are now. When you are knocked down to one of the deepest lows.. a little light would probably be worth so much more than it would be when you are already in a good place.

I always believe that rain and sunshine create rainbows. We need the lows to appreciate the highs. :)

That's completely true! and exactly what I was going for. I love what you said about rain and sunshine creating rainbows - you're a brilliant writer. And I love how you incorporate relativity in your topics. A particular favorite of mine. ;)

Thank you so much! <3 relativity is so interesting indeed. Love to see more of your posts in the future! :)

When you feel beaten, tired, exhausted and weak at the legs.. is the time where you have to push the hardest and make sure that light at the end of the tunnel gets closer every second. Heard of the Sea Saw Effect... sometimes you have to push down on life harder just to raise a loved one up in the air. Vice Versa.

Your comments on my posts are always of a romantic nature... I agree completely.

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