The Times of the Human Being and the Mirror
Nadie es dueño del tiempo, el tiempo es libre y no como se dice que éste corre demasiado rápido y que generalmente no podemos alcanzarlo y que finalmente decimos, “como se me ha ido el tiempo”. El tiempo no corre, ni se va a ningún lugar, lo cierto es que en la mayoría de las veces es que no hemos aprovechado lo suficiente un lapso de ese tiempo para hacer bien las cosas o sentirnos satisfechos. Lo que si podemos estar de acuerdo en el dicho de que “algunas cosas llevan tiempo…..y otras el tiempo se los lleva….”
En el estado actual de nuestros conocimientos, hay ideas inmutables y principios infrangibles como este : Somos meros pasajeros del tiempo viviendo apenas unos instantes de la eternidad…, no lo crees?,….vamos..! pregúntale al espejo..
Hace muchísimos años, cuando te veías en el espejo, en tu niñez y/o en tu juventud, hacias muecas, sacabas cachitas ( a quién..? al espejo..? ), con tu tierna figura despreocupada de niñ@ insolente y/o con tu imagen hermos@ de rostro terso y de virginal juventud.
Over the years, you reached middle or middle age, you already know that you are at that age or you do not know it, you will soon reach that stage, and you will know it when you look in the mirror and this one, as if it were an act of revenge as in the first years you grimaced or boasted with your slender figure, it will return your image, where everything that Mother Nature gave you, you will see how the father time begins to take it. You will also know that you are in middle age, when you stop criticizing the older generation and start criticizing the younger generation.
Finally, in the colophon of human life, in a simile of consummate revenge, the mirror returns to the human being his image, withered by time, with wrinkles on the face, gray hair and a poise as forgiving the world. It is this, the decline of the human being in his physical aspect, in the so-called third age and its end, old age, although in other aspects such as experience, he will know a lot, and in the tone of half truths and especially in the way ironic of the one that treats this article, this knowledge will not serve to him much, because in the generality, nobody will ask him of what he knows nor they will do case of what he says ...