Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? Where are we?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Who am I?

Have you ever asked this question to yourself? We born, we learn, we grow, until for a certain moment in our lives we become conscious of our actions and about our own awareness, how does this happen? It's such a deep subject that I've been intrigued about for many years, believe it or not I've always thought about my own awareness since I was a little kid, something so exponentially big for my human brain to even be capable of understanding.

Nature and biology teaches us the strengths our brain has in comparison with other living beings, the dolphin being one of the smartest of all (if I'm wrong, pardon me). It's utterly amazing and unreal how our brain, being flesh, composed by millions of neurons and other things makes me, us. 

Here I am, I'm conscious of what I am seeing, as I'm writing I'm making notice of my own existence, but why? How can my brain, even call itself; brain, and be aware of it's own existence? I'm capable of learning, talking, expressing my thoughts and feelings, all through mechanisms that I've been taught in life. But, this does not happen at all times, why do I even like chocolate but some people don't? Is this something that we are taught or is something that simply is part of what makes us? Biology stands that a lot of what makes us is part of our DNA, but have you ever asked yourself how DNA is even capable of describing parts of your personality? Think of it like if you are a computer, and DNA is the programming language that defines you, from here and on your DNA taught your well being basics of being what it is; you.

Very young babies for example, they are like little robots, they go by and act by nature, they do not act in terms of comprehensible human capabilities, yet they know when they are hungry, they can cry, they know exactly what to do when they are hungry and are about to eat, although, you can see them shaking their hands and foot uncontrollably, their brains are simply learning what they are feeling, they are feeling a pair of legs, a pair of hands, and throughout this feeling, they move them uncontrollably.

As babies grow, they start to be conscious of their extremities, they learn to control their hands by slow pace, they start to learn about their surroundings, they know when someone approaches, their brains starts to learn what an static object is. As brains are capable of recognizing faces (there's a disease that I can't recall the name of, but it's a problem in the brain, that disallows certain people to have a hard time recognizing faces), they recognize their mom, they recognize their dad, all of this together at slow pace.

The more the baby is growing, the more they have learnt, they already are aware of their own occupied area in an environment, they can already feel other people's presences, their brains learnt the needs, the senses of the surroundings, and it is then, when it starts to be more conscious of itself.

What if a brain, has no capabilities of sensing? No touching, no hearing, no eyesight, no talking, just a brain with no body, a brain connected to nothing. How would this brain evolve? It wouldn't, there is nothing for the brain to learn, or to feel, the brain is just something that is taught all it's capable of throughout many years.

A lot of people remember their young days as a baby, for about being two years old, some at four years old, and some even younger than that! I, for instance, I can recall a moment in my life when I was a baby, on which my mom had me naked on her arms, and she was going to wash my ass in the bathroom, I remember the feeling of the cold water all over my private parts and my legs, I can even picture my foots and the water being poured all over me, in this very moment I can say that my brain become conscious of what was going on, hence; why I can remember it so clearly, although, moments like this I like to call traumas, I hate cold water.

Who are you?

Even during my childhood I've had these episodes on which I'd stand in front of the mirror, looking at myself, looking at the inner me, and just ask myself: Who are you?. It was such a deep moment for such a young moment in my life that I can swear I had a lot of philosophy going on at a young age, even though I'm not the best at talking or describing my thoughts I do my best.

I can be a robot, I can be just flesh like any other animal, a brain that has learnt through it's lifetime how to act, how to express itself, how to have requirements and dislike certain things, I can not exist, but you'd never know it, the same way I'd never know if you are real or if you're part of my brain generating an entire world for my own existence.

If you think about it, it's not that hard to believe, our brain has a lot of senses, but we're somewhere deep in it that science is yet not even capable of describing it's own motive for existence. Everything we see, everything we smell, everything we touch, all these signs are generated by our brain, it's our brain telling us what everything is. Like our eyes, our eyes send signs to our brain, and our brain interprets these signs, hence; allowing us to have a visual clear image of what is front of us. Do even colors exist? Our brain interprets these colors, is the color white even white? Is our brain playing jokes on us?

Haven't you had these moments on which you'd be aware of everyone around you, and just start questioning yourself; are these people real? do they have the same thoughts that I do? do they see me the same way I see them? How can self awareness get to such a level of consciousness that I've started to think deep on everyone else's consciousness.

Who are we?

The one million question, no philosopher has yet been able to answer it, we of course, bring up conclusions to our own existence and the point of why we are even here in the first place. One being that the things are the way they are, we cannot do anything about it, we are born, randomly, our brains learn through time and become aware of it's own existence by different situations it has been put to. 

There are billions of human beings living at this very same moment, and at this very same moment we have people agonizing, and people dying, every hour people die, every coffee you drink, every pizza you go eat, there is somebody out there, breathing one last time, but yet here we remain, the living, the ones whose moment of dead will arrive sooner or later.

We can be flesh, just a bunch of brains stuck in everyone's skull, trying to survive and learn about the entire world that is put in front of us in an attempt to go as we go, without actual lap from the moment we're born. Maybe, just maybe we can be more than just flesh, a piece of brain, DNA, a soul, some sort of energy that displaces itself once we die, travels to another dimension, things that science cannot come up with an answer to, but there are many options and points of view, of course.

As we are meat, we come from something, the same way earth was created in the first place, billions of years ago, there was this place, with a lot of chemicals, stones, etc ... that eventually, during time, made us what we are, a conformed piece of meat, with bones, feelings, dreams, needs, and love. The same way we are something, at the moment of dead, we will turn into something else, our bodies and everything that makes us will turn into something else; dust, what if we become a flower? what if we become a tree? what if we become a stone? what if we just remain being dust? Our energy and biology parts that made us, us, will still be around but we will be part of many other different things at the same time.

Where are we?

We are here, on planet earth, in a solar system, surrounded by an uncountable amount of stars and galaxies, in a place we call space, but where is here? For many years humankind has been settled on earth, evolving throughout the years, getting smarter and more aware of their own existence, but always ignoring due to our own capabilities our place on space. Trillions, uncountable amount of stars, planets and galaxies, but we are here in one solar system, that we are still learning of.

Different religions teaches us that earth is a place of learning, an opportunity to live and learn of the creation of the universe, others, being a test of loyalty to an omniscient force that we call God, but what if it's actually just luck? What if we weren't even supposed to be here in the first place, that it's all a coincidence, and in a desperate attempt to explain our own purpose of existence we created a God to explain what we simply cannot comprehend.

There being no earth, there being no space, there being no tomorrow, no yesterday, there being no friends, there being no neighborhood, no news channel, no president, no solar system, no space, no nothing. Where do we remain? Where is it? Where is time? Where are everyone?  Where is God? Think about there being nothing, no one to take care of you, no one to protect you, not even you being there, where does your own existence go to? Where do you go hide? Where are you standing here at the moment? Where is now? Where is today? Where is tomorrow? When was yesterday?


I'm in no way experienced writing paragraphs or even expressing the deep thoughts that go through my head, so this wall of text might feel like a lot of crazy and senseless paragraphs, pardon my English in case something feels off hand, I'm no native English speaker.


Sometimes I'm just sitting in a room, and I get amazed/anxious/confused how we even exist at all at this moment in time. I can't really describe it, I guess it's a short mental overload where I just become aware of the strangeness of the universe and everything in it. I think your article is the long version of what happens when I get these feelings, it's a good read.

Also back to the baby memory things, I think the earliest age I can remember is 3, but I don't know whether that memory is real, or I just saw a photo and fabricated a memory. Pretty incredible you had a conscious moment so young

Exactly my thoughts, guess sometimes our brains can't even comprehend that we exist, it's just unreal, even unreal to believe that the moment we die, we'd just vanish into thin air, it's hard for me to believe that one part.

I agree on the memory fabricating, it's been proven that you can put memories into other people, I've seen a documental about it, but not right recall the name. I've quite a few other memories that I can easily distinguise if they are fabricated or unreal, some coming from dreams I've had since I was a child.