How free are you exactly?

in #philosophy7 years ago


It seems that we are convinced about having plenty of freedom in our current day and age. Some countries, such as the United States, seem to take big pride in how free they are. But is this really the case? Could we push for more, and if so, where should we draw the line?

You are free to do what we think is right.

If you step anywhere outside it, you will face consequences.
Wouldn't the much better choice be to allow citizens to do whatever they want, as long as they don't hurt others? It would seem that after reaching the age of maturity, people should be free to make their own choices and their own mistakes. Seeing politicians say things like "This is for your own good" and "We care about your safety" makes me laugh and I can't help but think about works of George Orwell. How about let me decide what is good for me, and if I harm myself in the process then that is none of your business.

Laws should protect not restrict

I am not going as far as saying we should embrace anarchism. Some laws and 'control' (dangerous word) can be good. The issue is that they are often abused. Depending on where you live and what you are trying to achieve, you will have to face with bureaucracy, you will have to acquire licenses where there shouldn't be any and met requirements that make no sense. Often you will be left with no choice other than getting a 9-5 job. (That is if you have a university paper or you have been working away for a couple of years already, or you know someone that will help you out)

Freedom to disagree, but not to force opinions.

There seem to be a lot of people out there, who are very angry at things that don't affect them and have no negative impacts. Don't like gay people and disagree with gay marriage? Stay at home, don't go to the wedding. You think drugs are bad? Don't take them, but let that stoner downstairs smoke his life away. Just lock your fridge.

Now here is one thing that should, in my opinion, be approached differently: guns.
Guns are designed to kill and harm. There are shooting sports, and those people should be able to pursue them, but there is a need for a strict licensing. Without in-depth mental and background screening, it is just asking for trouble.

Don't have religion as a force guiding decisions of your nation.

There is a long history of organized religions abusing their powers. You are free to practice your beliefs, but why be angry on people who have different opinions?

Political correctness is making it hard to discuss important topics.

What happened to the freedom of speech and when did people become so sensitive to spoken word? You can use them with negative or positive connotations. It depends on the situation. If someone will want to offend someone, they will always find a way.

This is not a strict guide, I am not perfect and there is no such thing as the only right opinion.

Before you start hating me for something I wrote in this article, I want you to know that its major point, is to show you, that just because you disagree with something, doesn't mean that this thing should not exist. We should focus on restricting actions that have large influence on surroundings rather than individual performing them.

I am always open to having a discussion and if you have any points that could change my mind or make me see things differently, feel free to comment. This is a rather general post, if you would like me to write on something more in-depth, let me know.

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