Cocktail Drink Guides [Kir Royal] 20
A good cocktail makes a good party
Sharing cocktail recipes from my past experiences and just about anywhere
for house party use or for your thirst for knowledge.
if you liked the recipe please follow! ^.^
Indulge yourself with this French cocktail
During your Marriage anniversary birthdays, or just about anything that you want to celebrate
make it special with Kir royal
Kir Royal
1/2 teaspoon Creme de cassis or raspberry liqueur
Using a prechilled glass, fill it with chilled champagne and add the cassis or raspberry liqueur.
stir gently .
No Garnish or you can add any berry as you'd like.
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Here's some list of cheap champagne brands that you can buy
Want More Recipes? Follow and check out my blog @wilramos
It's not the drink that we savor
but the moments that it creates - Wil Ramos
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