12 Decades of Independence From Spanish Rule: Thank You Our Great Heroes ~@fycee

What is it in a country having its freedom and independence from any other ruling country?

The Philippines was ruled by Magellan, a Spanish conquistador for 300 years. Imagine how many generations of political regimes have restricted all our hopes and dreams being a progressive nation just because all of the natural resources and massive workforces' products would go directly to another country and enjoy all the benefits from the generated wealth to another foreign nation.

For three centuries we have been suffering from the hands of these Spaniards and inhibiting us do do what it takes to be a progressive Nation.

In this great day where it was declared a National Holiday, we @steemitpowerupph would like to say THANK YOU to all unsung heroes of the country and fought a great battle to uphold on our hopes and dreams being a FREE NATION.


A Republic, a country where we enjoy democracy! The Philippines being a great Nation where everyone is proud to be a Filipino.

As a country not being colonized by any other nation, we are honored to say we can raise our Philippine flag everywhere we want to raise it in a proper way. Top of the flag pole and the blue part is on top. ( The red on top means we are at war or there is a civil war ).

Image Source

Filipinos have the right to set up a good business where we can generate funds, jobs and pay regulated taxes.

As a fast developing nation, we are easily employed by other nations because Filipinos are regarded as very hard-working, industrious and responsible people.

We have the right of suffrage. This is the right given to all Filipinos in legal age to run for a public service position in the government to serve it's fellowmen and also vote for the candidate that we want to take the position he deserves.

We are not restricted with all the things we want to say to the public as long as it is not going to ruin another person's image or degrade our nationality.

Let's all enjoy these benefits that we are living in a free country

Let's protect our land and its Natural Resources! We will be the ones and our future generations benefited from all of these.

Thank you again for all the help so that we have to make our country progressive. You already know who you all are!

Steemit Power-UP Philippines bears the name of our country to provide awareness to online opportunities and cryptocurrencies that is now trending.

Encourages our amazing members to post their great pieces making everyone proud to be a Filipino, or a Celebration of our 12 Decades of Independence from Spanish Rule.

This is your most enthusiastic admin @fycee being one with everyone celebrating this great day we have in our land.

Mabuhay Ang lahing Pilipino!


Great message and research.... Independance is a field of freedom