The recent survey of the SWS is apparently a crafty yet rather obvious gambit to hit many birds with one stone. The claim that it is unsolicited merely serves to underline where its true sympathies and intentions lie. Rarely has a survey contained so much potential for unleashing so many poison-tipped thrusts in pursuit of the openly stated agenda of unseating of President Duterte.
This blatant attempt to manipulate public opinion is a masterpiece in duplicity. The questions as posed are clearly meant to counter the incredible approval rating of the President and the war on drugs not only locally but internationally as well. They are phrased so cleverly as to promote the relentless strategy of the opposition that an accusation "does not have to be true but only needs to SOUND true".
And not only do they tend to show distrust and attempt to undermine support for the President and the PNP, it also achieves yet two more useful ends: to show the effectivity of the opposition campaign against EJKs as well as to determine which points they should concentrate their attacks on in the future .
Inflammatory duplicitous questions such as asking if "people believed that the poor were being specifically targeted in the war on drugs" were clearly designed to stoke public outrage given the reality that ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, the poor always statistically comprise the greatest number of addicts and pushers and therefore would ALWAYS comprise the greatest number of arrests and fatalities.
Other infamous questions such as whether they believed that "not all deaths in police drug operations were due to violently resisting arrest" were also touted by the media as proof that the police were purposely and "officially" randomly killing even those surrendering peacefully. But this would prove TRUE even if only 1 or 2 out of several thousand were suspiciously killed! And the survey was taken in the wake of two rather suspicious incidents of minors by policemen for still undetermined motives and which were in fact being duly prosecuted. Talk about a set-up!
It is common knowledge that there may be as many as 10,000 or more rogue cops involved in drugs who may be committing these kinds of murders for reasons of their own and which are prosecuted as they come to light. It is also quite curious that the spate of recent murders of minors for no apparent reason occurred just days before a planned rally by the opposition which nevertheless was a dud. The reality is that the deaths that have been attributed to violent resistance are but a reasonably small percentage compared to the number of police operations as well as suspects arrested by any international standard.
So why is the supposedly "reputable" SOCIAL WEATHER STATION survey company asking LOADED QUESTIONS? For free even?
There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion.
- Winston Churchill
Good one!