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RE: I have honestly not been as active as I used to be (honest rant)
@aace234 I'm sorry you feel this way.
I will say this.. If it was anyone else in SteemPh and not someone in Core let alone the leader of Davao consistently posting "shitty" posts I wouldn't have cared.
But the fact of the matter is. Leader to Leader - we have to set the best example we can and that includes trying not to post shitty posts!
Also Leader to Leader I like to check in on my Core members and see whats going on. I'm sorry if that is stepping on your toes.
As leader of Davao I expected big things from you and I see I was wrong.
While here you are so obviously concerned about how much your posts are making. Perhaps if you focused on the content and quality of your post your posts rewards will be better?