Little Dogs have the Napolean Complex
If you know me well, you know I care about animals. I keep seeing aggressive chihuahuas. In fact: I've never met a chihuahua who didnt bite me at couple times or tear at my ankles. Cute little twerps.
But just because it doesnt hurt you
And just because watching a chihuahuas often aggressive attitude is pint-sized giggles....
It encourages aggressive behavior when you lol just because it doesn't break the skin.
Other dogs don't think the aggression is cute and funny though. It triggers them to protect or interfere because they're friggen predators deep down despite domestication. They're still hunters and loyal to to us, their humans.
So, hi I'm here to fully appreciate you keeping your tiny fighting machines on a muzzle if they aren't trained so we can all share the parks nicely.
When you overlook your tiny dogs aggression. You overlook the safety of the doggies out playing who put the time in and got trained.
Respect this not so new idea please. grovels!!
I've read too many stories of tiny dogs attacking large dog puppies, or a Little dog attacks a cat. Ughh
Please spay and neuter your beloved pets!