5 incredible Cat Stories

in #pets7 years ago


When they do not play, they do not sleep, do not rub furniture, or just do not ignore us - cats are capable of doing amazing things such as saving life or what's more like cats: stealing over 600 items.
Here is five unusual and somewhat incredible but true stories about cats:

5. The cat who called 911


There was something in 2006 that no one can explain. Gary Rosenhein of Ohaja suffered a heart attack, and when he arrived urgently at his address, on the floor they saw Tommy's cat lying next to the phone.

Since Gary did not call 911, and they were all convinced that nobody else could, Tommy was left alone. It is presumed to have accidentally pressed the speed dial as the phone is constantly on the floor, and one of the 12 keys is reserved for emergency assistance.

Rosheisen got the cat three years earlier to help him lower the blood pressure. She tried to train her to call 911, but she was not sure that the cat ever realized what she was trying to explain. It seems he eventually realized.

4. Thief cat


Despite their somewhat diabolical nature, cats will usually not steal anything uneatable. This is the story of the 2007 Dusty cat, which was a fairly bizarre one in San Mateo County, California.

Dusty regularly visited the neighbors' house and stole more than 600 items. The cat owner put all stolen items in the box (exactly two boxes) lost-found so that neighbors could return their missing items.

He even stole a two-piece bikini from a neighbor. And on two occasions. Since everyone was accustomed to Dusty's kleptomania and the neighbors said she was not worried that the bikini had disappeared-she knew exactly where she could find it.

3. Cat that saved baby's life


In April 2006, in Cologne, a cat began to wail so hard that it woke up the neighbors who were in deep sleep. When they got out of the house they saw that the cat was sitting next to an abandoned baby that would surely not survive until morning at the temperature that dropped to zero this night.

In all happiness, the baby was saved and suffered only mild hypothermia. Mother was never found.

2. A cat that outsmarted pit bulls


In 2010, while working in her garden in Michigan, a 97-year-old lady was attacked by a pack of pit bulls. They had already begun biting her, the old woman would never survive the attack that her cat named Tiger did not jump to help.

Tiger jumped into the middle of the pack and so he turned them off from an attack on his owner, who managed to escape to the house. Since the cat was surrounded by pit bulls, no one expected him to be alive, and even less unharmed. Yet he returned - and with all the hair in the number.

1. Cat who saved the owner on the day of adoption


Some will not agree with the idea that cats bring happiness to the house, but Amy Jung from Winscontina will surely want.

The day she adopted two cats in February 2012 she fell into a diabetic coma. One of the cats, Pudding, tried to wake the new owner by first mingling, then touching the face. When nothing went wrong, the cat went to the son of the owner and woke him up to call an emergency.

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