This Christmas we give the dogs the gift of no parasites
Due to a generous donation from someone that asked to remain anonymous we suddenly found ourselves with enough Bravecto to make every single yet-to-be-treated dog parasite free for at least until April of next year. This is a wonderful gift since so many stray animal problems are caused by internal and external parasites. This simple tablet, that actually is really inexpensive especially if you have a deal with the distributor to sell it to you at cost like we do, is a bit of a miracle as far as parasite elimination and prevention is concerned.

We started off by re-treating the dogs at the Tiger Cave Temple complex in Krabi, Thailand because that is our pet project where we are aiming to control the population of over 100 dogs and to keep them in good health. We are very carefully following every single step taken at this project in the hope that if and when it is proven successful that this same program can be recommended to other such places around the country or perhaps the world. I think Thailand is a bit unique in that stray animals tend to gravitate towards the temples since it is the seeming obligation of the monks that work and live there to look after the lives of all creatures that exist inside the walls. They do a pretty good job even without our help but without us, really important things like sterilization to prevent the explosion of the population numbers as well as parasite prevention are not really in their area of expertise.
So getting this much help from us has showed really great results in the health of the pack there as well as the level of devotion and education of the monks that live there.

While the data that we are compiling is important in its own right, the fact that the monks at this facility are now part of the operation will positively impact our ability to get Thai authorities to consider what it is that we are doing. In the future perhaps we could even get the government to adopt some sort of official program to do this sort of thing but we are not holding our breath for that. At the end of the day Thailand and other countries like it are relatively poor and their budgets simply do not have space for something like looking out for the welfare of unwanted animals. We can always hope though.
Bravecto does not pay us to say this, but our experience with this product has just been wonderful over the years. The small medicinal value is hidden inside a tasty treat and the dogs almost always are very excited to consume it. This can be quite difficult to accomplish with other medications because just like human children, dogs are not really keen on taking their medicine. They believe the Bravecto is just another treat and are delighted to take it. While it is nigh on impossible for a dog to OD on Bravecto we don't want to waste it so we are very careful to ensure that we don't double-dose any of the dogs. At Tiger Cave Temple we find this process to be considerably easier because since we started this project several years ago we have been keeping meticulous records of all of the individual dogs and the care that they receive.

This guy is a relatively new addition to the pack and as far as I know, he doesn't have a name. you can tell by his skin that he has mange and most likely fleas and ticks as well. When things get this advanced on the outside of a dog you can be almost entirely assured that there are interior parasites as well. While this affliction rarely kills dogs, it does lead to them being constantly itchy and uncomfortable and by overscratching they can open wounds on themselves and these get infected... this will kill the dog.
Lucky for this guy that Krabi Animal Welfare has got his back and we look forward to seeing his progress in the next month. We have had a near 100% success rate with Bravecto but if you are looking to help dogs in your area you may not have access to this particular brand. The name is rather irrelevant because it is a generic type of medication that has many names around the world. Basically you can just ask a vet about fluralaner because that is the active ingredient in all of them regardless of the brand name.
So if you see a dog this holiday season that is missing fur and is itchy and scratchy, maybe you could spend the 1 or 2 dollars that a treatment of Bravecto costs to make this animal's holiday dreams come true.
if you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at
