Dog Who Has Been Abused And Attacked Fights For Its Life
Her medical needs are up in the thousands and people are starting to fear the worse.
Just looking at the picture can bring you to tears and reading the story will definitely put a lump in your throat.
This poor dog was attacked by other dogs and in the mayhem of all the attacks, her jaw was broken with the possibility of having a portion of it removed.
On top of that she has puncture wounds from the dogs that attacked her and bones protruding from her body. The poor Lilac didn't even way 20 pounds, but in looking at her you can tell she's malnourished. Her injuries are so severe that Second Chance Rescue got involved, because there isn't much animal control can do to help her with these kind of injuries.
There's a video attached to the original article that my eyes couldn't bare to watch all the way through.
I hope he will recover fast. Will it be affected by the rabies of its same kind? coz if humans will be bitten by the dog and affected with rabies, he will be mad and out of control, will the dog be the same in that case?
i felt pity for the poor dog. Look what his mate of the same species could do to him. Most time dogs are fun and some time they can turn to something evil. I pray she gets well.
Cruel thing they've done to this creature