No time to blog, hustling petitions daily. Soon...
During the campaign time, I don't have time to blog really, I'm here to work. I'm a servant. Every hour out there getting signatures is another weeks groceries practically. I'm making close to $1000 a day. This will only last a few more weeks. I have to live off the savings and go 100% into crypto after this to avoid being sucked into a petition season again next election....
However, this is the biggest season ever on a General election, that being the case, this presidential will probably pay like $50 per signer and blow out all our expectations. Right now it's about $35 per signer and more than it's ever paid Statewide in a California General Election.
I may find myself focused on recruiting the road crew to tackle California's fast cash petition industry and just come out here one more time next election to run a crew with the direct contractors.
That would make sense as well, from a financial standpoint, but I think I can do better in crypto full time with my business plans. I don't want to work on others campaigns, I want to help create the most populous and radical campaigns that can save our nation and start a national movement. You should want to support stopping corruption directly rather than waiting for politicians.
We have good law changes!
Require a 2/3 legislative vote before raising taxes, make it harder to raise them local or state wide, we are the highest taxed middle class in the USA, in Cali, let's stop taxes.
Remove lead paint from buildings, that's an ecological and health nightmare, it's got to go!
Eliminate the State of California and turn it into new three States with all new assembly, legislature and governors. Fire them all and start over, my favorite. Radical, but many people love it too.
We have more, some are more liberal, some more conservative. We work both sides.
Why protest when you can change laws peacefully and with more power than aggressive begging. Mob rule is not democracy, protest is not direct democracy. There is so much hypnosis and brain washing. The only way to create limited government is to do it ourselves. Ballot initiative, referendum and recalls are our power. We also have the right to citizen grand jury petition. Have you seen my steemit blogs about RIPAC?
I'll go into this more in the future. I bet you had no idea one could make $1000 a day collecting signatures, yes, yes you can if you have the skills and knowledge. This isn't the first time either. I just got some new ETH and a whole BTC at the record lows. I'm out here passing out cards and directing people to Steemit and my other favorite tokens in my portfolio.
In this way, I use the model of petitioning to promote crypto and earn mine to invest and start my project for a new cryptocurrency token enterprise with my company Liberty Economy. Follow me and learn about it when it's the freshest PRE ICO rates and we will change the world with ballot petitions, watch.
WE can stop any bad law, kick them all out, have them pay court fees to hire our lawyers to sue them and even make new laws to regulate them and the corporations they let get away with murder. When the financial technology integrates with the petition industry, we will provide all new opportunities for people to stop government, and win.
Thanks for following. It's time for me to go petition! When the season is over I'll be a regular. You will see me flex these minnow powers for crypto, activism, research, news, diet, exercise, kung fu, music, art and more. PEACE
I'm the CryptoPetitioner.
Instagram: Activism_Truth
Twitter @CryptoPetitions