As I exit my 11th petition season.
The day has come, I'm done with the petition gig and now it's time for my rapid transformation. You can tell I began to change when I wrote my last string of blogs of no particular importance or order, it was just about creation. Now, it's all about creation as I transform from the old me, the petitioner me, to the new administrator of the crypto-petition revolution. I figured out the secrets of my universe and what I'm here to do. So now I'm just discovering how to become the manifestation of my god/mind/self-empowered true potential.
I have to follow my dreams, I must work for myself and my vision, not someone else's. The petition season enthralled me, it drove me to work because it was opportunistic and it's experience was profound. The causes where good and the interaction with people who sign and support good causes warms my heart. I just want to share it with you all so much and so I will. With pictures and stories, I will contribute to the Steemit blockchain the life of the petitioner and my personal evolution as a person from where I came to where I'm going.
I have greater mission in life than individual campaigns offer which are often mundane issues in the grand scheme of things. I choose now to only work on the most profoundly grand projects for the highest purpose. I'm capable and I'm driven for the satisfaction of helping others and creating my own path, not following another any longer, just my own directive with is objective.
I am capable and now I go forward to prove to no one but myself just how capable I can be. Following the heart and acting in mode of goodness, letting go of fear of scarcity needs to be a top priority for the new paradigm so I must lead by example. The truth is, it was the highest paying General election season and I had to take advantage of the opportunity while it was hot.
I was smart, I came to Cali during both peaks of the two overlapping seasons and had the best luck even though I had my string of bad luck too. I was on Instagram as "Activism_Truth" posting from San Diego when I worked with all the State-wides and their $6 SDSU petition, then again this last time in Santa Barbara and Oakland where I jumped to Oakland, my old storming grounds to work their two local petitions for $7 helping schools and hotel workers rights, then back to Santa Barbara to max out on their $9 ant-gerrymandering petition to fix county commissioner district lines in 2020. It was tough, but it was awesome.
With over $25 per signer on the State-wides at the end of the season, it was hard, lots of people already signed, many were irritated from months of hassle at their favorite storefronts, yet, It could be dead all hour then I would get three signers all at the same time, make over $100 and say to myself, I guess I'll just keep going because that slow hour paid off, on my last day I had over $700 barely trying from 8am to 1pm.
It's so exhausting at this time. I love petitioning at the beginning of seasons when everything is fresh and no one has signed for a year and a half, the end is the worst because it's just harder than ever, but pays the best. I don't need to work the end though, I needed to time everything to get here and then get back to my son with savings before the final turn-ins where they hold the money and often cut much back in overcharges. Right now is just convenient, it's not about the money, it's about the potential I have. I made what I need and now I need to demonstrate my personal potential in my own direction.
I just finished up making all the struggle worth it putting over $15K in my bank in just the two weeks was a really nice way to end the season for me helping voters to stop the crooked gerrymandering county supervisors. It's hard work, we earn because there are special skill sets that not everyone can perform. I would do it full time but it's not the work for a father with billion dollar business plans. I need to be at home building my dream and raising my son, I can't be traveling on the road like this for long.
This pic is from the DMV in Santa Maria, here I am making $50+ from both signers signing almost all my petitions. It's 7:45 AM. I'm on it like the early bird getting the worm, I did it, I petitioned in the wind and sun and rain. Now I'm done and so happy I came and that I can leave on my own terms!
This anti-gerrymandering petition taught me what I can help do to stop the crocked County Commissioners in AZ where I live who are all pro Monsanto. I may file to stop gerrymandering there along with recalls agains them too, so help me god, just because of how they conducted business with the people like gatekeepers, not public servants.
When I experienced how they work I learned quickly that they are not really here to answer any questions, take any liability or have an responsibility for their constituents. The politicians would rig the election from the State level, county and city level.
They have arguably more power than constitutionally permissible with the ability to hold court hearings and make law, those were supposed to be seperate right? This is a good topic and I'll have to do a blog on just this concept sometime because it shows how corrupt politics is today.
They would use gerrymandering to send revenue from poor areas to development projects in nicer areas.
They would give rich areas money based on jails based on inmate population.
Both democrats and republicans do it as they create super majority districts where you can't even vote them out of office if everyone in your party votes because there isn't enough people to get over 50% when there are supermajorities. What a joke voting for politicians is. At least with direct initiatives people can get things done regardless of who is in power.
I don't believe in the legacy politicians, the incumbents today, I want to see all the issues put on the ballot. I would support a person running for office that was pro-petitions, who was for more direct voter decisions at the the ballot. Voting can be pragmatic despite what most anarchists say, that is when it's for recalls to kick politicians out, referendum to vote away their bad laws, citizen grand juries to challenge the state's legal system, initiatives to make some good laws over government to regulate them where needed and choice nominations.
The only candidates worth nominating don't even really exist yet, we should find and help create them basically, by vetting them and drafting them ourselves using e-democracy tools. We need to draft candidates as a people in a sophisticated way, not look to see simply who is running or voting by party lines. Every "party" is ideologically limiting, rather, let's just break down votes on each issue specifically so we can talk about policy and the details of legislation that would work to alleviate the problems government creates for us all right now. Why don't candidates just represent people and the constitution directly?
The platform I'm building is to work with crypto groups Horizon State (HST) and Democracy Earth to have candidates run on the platform of representing their constituents using blockchain e-democracy methods to debate and arrive on consensus for policy to best represent a group of people.
By the way, HST net me like $60K fro a small investment in their ICO and I think Democracy Earth is about to do the same thing so when the start public funding I'm putting in at least a grand. Also, watch Votem, I'm about to invest in them when they open to average investors too.
I'm the Crypto Petitioner, into this radical activism that challenges everything that is government directly and cryptocurrency as you can tell. I promote this blog to people out there. There is a great overlap in the philosophies behind both ideas and I will be here to expose them more.
It was nice to know I helped California out, but I need to help AZ, my home and I need to build the international and national directory for activism solutions because no one has done what I know can be created. When it's done, it will empower the masses beyond most peoples belief, but guess what, we can change this world in one election year with your participation in changing the entire paradigm.
New ideas are not quick to catch on, it just takes a few dedicated proponents of change to start the ripple effect, we have to start waking up people one by one as we must, blog by blog, video by video. Follow me and you will see me, I feel like I'm going to be on fire as a social influencer very soon, I have so much content and so much directive.
These petitions help us vote to stop politicians laws, and fix our own, it's not signing for any politician or waiting for them to listen to our signatures, no, it's qualifying for the ballot so we can vote to change the laws exactly one by one.
So many people still don't get that. Why do anything else? Why protest? Why write your congress person? Why vote for any politician where we have to wait and see, why not just do it ourselves?
There are not enough volunteers that's where the paid pros like me come in. It was a good time for creating savings. Making one grand a day doesn't last that long so I'm glad I came in, I did my work and now I'm getting out with a good holding to help me pay for my time to build my own crypto related activism business.
I'm building a LBRY directory of videos about this petition industry this summer too. It will be fun to expose the clandestine industry and show how one can make a great deal of money in it so this info is out there. There isn't anyone selling this info online yet so it will have value. Especially because it's an industry that costs nothing to start in, can make you $1K a week just starting off and help you save $100K in your bank in just eight months of work once every two years.
It's good money and the petitions we work on are often really cool. It's not for everyone though as there will always be people you run into that hate your petitions or who hate you just because your being political and telling people to sign. If you can deal with that, smile and just keep asking people to sign nicely, you can make allot of money.
Now I'm venturing full on into crypto even don't know that much still. I made enough substantially however that I know if I dive into it all fully, I can come even closer to the hope that pursuit of all my dreams can be reality in this lifetime. With the building of new skills for production of my projects and the spending of time raising my son, I can't go wrong.
Upon being successful, I won't have to go back to another petition season, the only reason why I would is if I have to again, save and re-invest in more time to build my dreams again for the next year. It could be fun to jump in and make money at the peaks again too, it's jut not fun being away from my son. Next year I should be sustainable on my own income so I don't rely on petition money to distract me from the real work I should be doing to motivate people worldwide with petition power.
I do enjoy petitioning. I do like building my own petition and crypto projects even more however. The only other obstacle slowing me down is my intense amount of time I spend training Kung Fu when I'm not petitioning. Now again, like last year when I became Sifu, another life mission I can't turn my back from approaches.
I'm going to start training for the national, full contact Lei Tai fighting competition in Maryland this July. I'll be training as my top priority all while I'm building my activism enterprise. This next week is all about fast tracking my training and getting back into my more holistic mindset focused on athletic competitiveness training, heavy bag work, wooden man, qi gong and lots of form work. I've trained the last few months to take names, now it's time to kick ass for the rest of the year.
It's my year, '82, year of the dog, I got this.
I'll be writing, posting pictures and producing video about my Kung Fu training and the activism projects I'm getting into so thanks for following and just stay tuned, I'll bring some great content for you as my consistent blogging practice moves forward.
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