On Dealing with Insults
When we were kids, we had a false impression that once we reached adulthood, people would behave in a more civil manner. We couldn't have been so far from the truth.
Kids, as cruel as they may be with their insults, tend to be more honest, and they really tell you what they think, as condemnable as this may be. Adults, on the other hand, may hide their true intentions. You can't really tell whether they sincerely mean that or they were just trying to hurt you.
Sometimes they will not communicate this to you directly, but they will say this "behind the walls." Sometimes we are "behind the walls" (often unintentionally) and manage to listen to it loud and clear.
There are two things to do at this point.
As painful as it may be to admit it, sometimes there could be some truth behind that insult and thus the reaction we have and why this insult is still in our minds. If within that insult, you recognize some and even a tiny fraction of validity, this could be your best source of feedback to correct yourself and be a better person. Sometimes those who hate you will be your most honest critics. There are always lessons to be learned even from the enemy.
Sometimes that insult is a complete slander, totally baseless. As soon as you find this out, it is time to move on. Your time is valuable. Don't let this thought stay in your mind longer than it needs to be there. Don't let the troll succeed at their game.
While they talk, you keep making progress. You become more honest, you do the right thing. Remember, your time is valuable!
We know that we have to spend more time in the gym and do more exercises for our general well-being and longevity. It keeps us healthy. But even more important than training our body is to train our mind and to do it daily! Because it is this that is the captain of the ship. The ship can have the highest tech and be the most expensive one in the world, but if the captain does not know where to go, if the captain can't handle difficult weather, the ship will eventually crash. Even the largest and most luxurious ships of their era have crashed and fallen deep into the ocean. The captain can't get distracted from its path. Remember your family, your friends, and everyone you will touch in this life. Everyone is also on board.
It is time to move on. It is time to train our mind. It is not so much the enemy from the outside that is hurting us, but it is the enemy inside that is doing more harm, if not the one who is doing all the harm.
See you.