How to Kill it with the Hot, Young Ladies

in #personal8 years ago (edited)

The hotter the girl is the more she's looking for stud qualities.
She wants a MAN.
A REAL man.
Because her beauty gives her access to basically any man she desires
if you want her
you NEED to stand out in the right kind of way.
You need to be something special.
Someone desirable.

What makes hot girls wet is sexual confidence and masculinity.
That's really all that it takes.
Sexual confidence and masculinity.
But it CAN'T BE FAKE!!!

The guys who try to ACT cool or hard
they can turn on the 6's and 7's and maybe even a few 8's
the 8's are likely to spot the act but they'll still suck on your dick if you look good enough or have enough money.

9's and 10's
they won't bite on you unless you're for real
A REAL man.
They may give you sex if you're rich or socially powerful enough.
They may accept a ring and sit on your dick.
But they aren't going to be possessed by you
unable to think about anyone or anyone else's cock but you and yours
unless you're a natural, masculine and sexually confident man.

Natural is the keyword.

I believe that every man has this inside of them
to be naturally masculine and sexually confident.
I believe that it becomes harder to find or manifest
the older and less vital we become.
But I'm almost certain that
as long as we have a sex drive at all
it's possible to be the guy who's turning all the lady's heads
and curling hot young girl's toes.

This is something that's inside of us men
ALL of us.
We just have to find it and nurture it so that it can grow into all its glory.

To be a stud
we have to find the real man inside of ourselves
the unconscious storehouse of what it means and takes to be a man in top-form.
We have to gain access to the genetic on/off switches to our innate masculine potentials
to turn them on to full stud mode.

It can help somewhat to have a blueprint of what that type of man looks like
how he behaves
how he thinks
how talks
what have you.
BUT knowing these things and trying to mimic them
while they may score you a few 8's from time to time
you aren't likely to reach "harem mode"
wherein every woman and their mother craves your attention and the taste of your cock.

In order to reach the top
it doesn't help enough to know that such men are dominant and relatively fearless.
You're more powerful by knowing that pro league pimps don't give a single fuck about you or what anyone else thinks about them.
You're more powerful at that point because you have the right bearings for where you need to go to be in top form.
Every little detail you know about what women consider "hot guy", a guy who:

moves with purpose/ knows the direction he wants to head
has the balls to ask for what he wants and to do what it takes to get where he wants to go
is assertive and has the courage to bust balls and play hard to get
who KNOWS that he's sexy and sexually desirable
who KNOWS that he's a better catch than the other men around him

Every little detail you know about THAT GUY
the guy that gets all the pussy he wants
will give you that much more of an edge above your competition for hot women.

you won't compete with the creme of the crop until you can get beyond the point of TRYING to be that guy
to actually BE THAT GUY.



You have to
not develop
not think like
manifest the presence and psychology of the natural masculine man.
Sexual confidence is a natural by-product of discovering and opening up to all of our masculine energy.

As much as women love a man who can dominate other men
what really turns them on and makes them wet is a man who can fearless gaze into their eyes with a sly, cocky smile
in a relaxed
teasing voice
tempt and seduce them with the most inane comments.
A sexually confident man knows that women are turned on by him
and he can tease them with this without even using flirty lines.
He himself
His existence
his being
is the supreme expression of flirting and sexual seduction.
His every movement
every sound
every look
is a conscious expression of a man who's achieved the most sought after genes.
The fact that he knows he's the gift makes him that much more desirable to women.

Without even interacting with a woman
a man who's reached peak sexual confidence
and usually will
turn on women
particularly women in their sexual prime
who're more keen to men that have the goods.
By a simple glance at a woman
by picking up the look on his face or in his eyes
the women know.
They know that he's a stud.
By simply watching how he walks
so fluid
relaxed and confident
they know that he's a sexual god.
Even if you blind them
by hearing his voice
the resonance
the confidence
the freedom and fluidity to express intention without inhibition
their pussies will start tingling in no time.

And if all of the above isn't enough to have them melt in your hands
which it usually is
but if it happens to be the one in 100 times that you're in the gaze of a 9 or 10 that's in "extreme bitch" mode
you'll no doubt have her craving to taste you when you start to interact with her.
The extreme sexual confidence which you use to quickly escalate sexual tension
aggressive just enough
will no doubt make it clear to her that you're a tier or ten above the rest of the men.

You'll touch her just enough
at just the right times
in just the right places.
You'll say the perfect words for the moment.
Perfectly adapting to changing conditions on the fly.
With perfect responses to her dismissive behavior
which you will know is just a put on to test you.

You'll do and say all the right things
because the masculinity and sexual confidence that you display is natural.
It comes naturally out of you without you trying to make it happen
without you having to be in your head.

How to get there?

First of all
make it clear to yourself that want to be there
that you DESERVE to be there.

Give yourself permission to have this express itself from inside of you.

Then you gotta dive inside of yourself to find it
and then
when you get a sniff of it
dive into that awareness and

Let visualizations of who you really are
the man that I described above in so many words
be your guide
as you dive deeper and deeper into the energy and conscious states that allow that man to develop.

Trying to repeat thoughts isn't enough to fully develop the mindset of the man that we're aiming to reach.
We have to go deeper.
We have to feel it out.
We have to reach a sensitive enough state
detached from our in-optimal self-image (mistaken identity)
to FEEL THE TRUTH that we're much more
much greater
far more masculine and confident than we ever gave ourselves credit for or even thought possible for a man to achieve.

It's a type of meditative state
or zen state of mind
that we must reach in order to make this our reality.
But we likely need a few guideposts to help us settle on what we really want.
We have to make it a point to remind ourselves from time to time
as we're digging deeper into our psyches
what it is that we're after.

using some of the descriptions that I used above
can be one such guidepost.
I've read in a few places that the best results come from viewing oneself in third person
as if you're looking at yourself through another person's eyes.
It would make sense to me that you'd take the perspective of a hot girl watching you.
Imagine that you're that girl
who's watching you
studying you
observing your behavior and your mannerisms.
Paying special attention to how you
how you move your head
how your eyes move
how often they blink
what type of hand gestures you make
how quickly or slowly you move
how you interact with all the different type of people and sexes that you come across.
how you approach her and interact with her
how you make her feel inside herself
most importantly
about you.

The script is pretty obvious and simple.
Everything about the way you move and interact with the world
and PARTICULARLY with her
turns her on about you.

To help this move along in the least resistant and most efficient way
you must supplement this visualization script with the right feelings and mindset.

You gotta feel how natural and right this script is.
How easily and effortlessly this all moves through you and flows out of you.
most importantly
how fucking amazing it feels to be all the man that you are!
How right it feels.
How it feels like you were meant to be this way
to have this power over yourself and the women that enter into the picture screen of your reality.
To live in this masculine presence and powerful, determined, fearless energy that you are
that resonates from the very core of your being.
To be truthful from the core of your heart about who you are.
To not be inhibited in the least.
To be free and independent.
To be the source of all the confidence, courage, talent and determination to shape your life as you would like to have it.
To have the balls and vitality to do everything that you want to do with your time and shape your life as you wish.
To be the one that takes charge and leads the way.
To bring with himself everywhere and under every set of circumstances the feeling of supreme assurance
and the supremely awesome
powerfully enchanting
sense of being absolutely connected to your core and your core values.
To be your own man
without concern for another man's or woman's approval
without care for what anyone else thinks about you.
To KNOW that you're doing the right things for yourself.
To be comfortably
in your world.
To have your presence dominate everywhere you go
because your convictions are so powerful that you're in the right
because you're so captured in the trance of your own masculine energy
because you KNOW that you're being true
that no one
under any set of circumstances
will ever be able to take you out of this most wonderful state of mind and being.
To always be in your element.
To be the most consistently autonomous man.
To be the freest
most desirable man
that you can be
up amongst the top tier of men
to have every lived on this planet!
To be 100% certain of everything that was just read above.

And if a thought or feeling comes along that challenges the script or the proper mindset described just above
remind yourself that these are merely thoughts
and that their source is a set of beliefs that were formed from false input or erroneous conclusions.
Remind yourself that most people aren't aware of their own greatness or how great you're capable of being
and that your thoughts and beliefs were naturally influenced by all these people that have surrounded you for your whole life
that they've tainted your self-beliefs and have held you back from being this man that you'd like to be
that you can be
that you ARE!

Don't let society and all its sheep hold you back from being the wolf that you are.

Don't be "average"
don't be "normal".

Those things aren't good.
They aren't desirable.

You've got to be more
you must be greater than average or normal to have the life that you are capable of living
that you deserve to have.

Understand that you must find what you are
inside of yourself
that greatness unfolds from what it is that you discover about yourself
and that holding onto the old beliefs only impedes progress.

You've gotta let go of the old ways
the old thoughts
the old mindset.

Make it your intention to become all the man that you can be
then set aside some time to set it in motion
then DO IT!

Get your ass in a meditative state
use the visualization tool/ script that I've provided above
by all means
you can vary the script whatever way feels most effective
whatever you do
don't give up on manifesting what it is that you're after until you reach it!

Remember that this is all about your mindset.
You must align that man in the visualization with how you feel about yourself and inside yourself.
The right type of thoughts will come in time by making those two things align.

you ARE that man!

You're already that man
it's just that he was dormant for many years due to unfortunate circumstances
and now you're re-discovering him
and letting him loose on the world.
You're becoming freer and freer to be who you really are and to have the courage to fully express that man.

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