Are you a fulfilled person? Vol. 2: setting goalssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #personal-development7 years ago (edited)

This is a continuation of my previous post about the level 10 life chart.

I especially like the chart because the form of a circle does not put any sphere of your life before another and it emphasizes the importance of all. Making lists did not always work for me to set goals (even though I have always stood by the list-based "43things" community and it helped me develop in so many ways!), because it was hard to keep track of all things important. This way all you have to do is turn your piece of paper and add a note sideways. That's it.

After my last post I started reading about how other people use this technique and I came across different categories - it all depends on what kind of a person you are and how you select to design your life, priorities, which areas of your life work together and which you choose to observe separately. Division proposed by psychologist Tatiana Kostyra (post in Polish) is as follows: image, economics, education, family, art, health, love, sex, altruism, work, friendship, trance. In other words - feel free to draw your own circle and divide it the way you function.

New York City, spending time outdoors, exploring arts and eating organic food - challenge!

Below is a short description of each category and some things I want to change:

Friends and family

Like it or not, people are important to each and every one of us. There are some, who are more important than others so we want to

  • call my grandparents (which I did as I was writing this) more often,
  • make the time with my mom when we see each other amazing,
  • meet new people,
  • be a better listener.
Personal development

Educate yourself. Learn how you influence other people. Define what kind of person you want to be and drift slowly but steadily in that direction. Clark Kegley said in an interview once that you don't become obese overnight. You also don't become an awesome person in a day. Small steps.
I would like to:

  • get my driver's license,
  • set my boundaries and say no more often,
  • read more books - I have a long list of books I'd love to read and there's never time to do it! so I want to make time for it.

Reckon on your religious/spiritual life. Learn about what you believe in. Dig into your soul and ask more questions.

  • there is no way I can meditate more often than once per week, but I would like to make it my Saturday habit,
  • read more Osho, read the Bible, learn more about Slavic and Baltic pagan traditions.

Are you on top of your spending, do you save any money? Are you in debt? Are you paying off your loans? Do you think about the future?


It's generally important to all of us to do a good job and be satisfied with what we do. We spend a lot of time at work so we better be happy with it!

  • be more efficient and more thorough,
  • be a better listener and communicator,
  • be more self-confident,
  • spend more time learning and then use new skills in practice.
Love life

Follow your heart in setting your goals.

Fun & recreation

Because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...


It's all about giving, and not necessarily donating money. You can give anything starting from your time or your knowledge and expertise to clothes and household items you no longer need.
I would like to:

  • invest more time in social change activities not for profit as part of a foundation I belong to,
  • get more involved and better at teaching and sharing things I've learnt.
Physical environment

What's around you influences who you are. Think about how you keep your space organized, what you like and dislike about it.

Health and fitness

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Reflect on how you feel daily, when you had your last medical checkup, how you sleep, your exercise and physical fitness, your body weight, and your mental health.
Personally I would like to:

  • develop a new balanced workout routine and stick to it,
  • sleep 7 hours per day,
  • change my diet back to what was working for me best,
  • balance my vitamin levels,
  • do a 4-7-day lymph cleanse,
  • try floatation therapy / sensory deprivation chamber.

Care to share some of your goals? :)

I would love to hear from you!


You wrote something in tag #polish. Polish community use this tag for posts with Polish language. We don't want to flag your post but we should do that. This is tag spamming and you won't find many voters here. Please use edit and remove tag #polish or change into something else. OR even better - use our beautiful language!

Przepraszam, usuwam tag. Myslalam, ze dotyczy Polakow a nie jezyka polskiego.

nie ma sprawy! jest spoko!

i bardzo dobrze "post". wszystko teraz po angliesku

dzięks! people don't even know our achievements related to Polish!
I'm so proud of you! :D

Making lists did not always work for me to set goals (even though I have always stood by the list-based "43things" community and it helped me develop in so many ways!), because it was hard to keep track of all things important. This way all you have to do is turn your piece of paper and add a note sideways. That's it.

I've never tried this but it seems like too much 'work' or effort. i tend to like a list so i can cross things off of it. but maybe for something more long term this would actually be useful. cant knock it until you try it.

lists usually serve a different function to me, but i use them a lot too - more short-term, like you said... this is a cool little exercise that should take less than 15 minutes per year. most people (although not me) are visual so seeing a picture of your life often helps. but it works only if you make it work :)

This is a amazing Post . Thanks for sharing.. up vote and resteemit done

[BOT] Witamy katayah na #polish, tagu używanym przez Polaków do publikacji polskich treści w ekosystemie Steem (np. Steemit czy Busy). W ekosystemie Steem wspiera się oraz nagradza się nową i autorską twórczość.

  • Plagiaty oraz kopiowanie cudzej twórczości są niemile widziane przez społeczność i mogą doprowadzić do ukrywania wszystkich publikowanych postów danego użytkownika.
  • Wszelkie szczegóły związane bezpośrednio z twoim kontem i twoimi postami znajdują się na
  • Posty zawierające takie rzeczy jak nagość, pornografia, wulgaryzmy czy przemoc powinny zawierać dodatkowo tag #nsfw (Not Suitable/Safe For Work).
  • Wiele ciekawych i bardziej szczegółowych informacji można przeczytać w FAQ dla zupełnie początkujących użytkowników Steemit.
  • Posiadamy polski serwer Discord.
  • Istnieje polski kanał na oficjalnym czacie, który wymaga osobnej rejestracji.
  • Jeżeli chcesz ładnie formatować swoje posty, to spójrz na poradnik stworzony przez społeczność Markdown.

Tu chyba głos do odjęcia.

Zostawmy tak jak jest, to doskonały artykuł i naprawdę szkoda że nie po polsku, ale dzięki temu że post został opublikowany z #polish znalazłem ciekawą osobę do obserwowania.

O matko dziękuję Ci bardzo! Jest mi szalenie miło. Piszę po angielsku, bo pracuję w Nowym Jorku i ze steemem zapoznali mnie kumple z pracy, to głównie oni mnie czytają... Byc może spróbuję pisać w dwóch językach! :) serdecznie pozdrawiam!

I don't think you need to justify why you're writing in English nor why you used the tag polish.

As @mmmmkkkk311 said, [he and] everyone who follows the polish tag should be grateful that they found your post. First of all because you have good content. And secondly because you are Polish.

I understand that they want to reduce the amount of spam or taking-advantage of that tag, but the bot seems a bit much in this situation. Considering you were using the tag innocently and sincerely (my assumption), I wouldn't pay any mind to any negative feedback received.


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