Spring things, and waking up early!
My clover seeds came!
No pics cause I was on a mission as soon as I saw them. So much stuff is going well that the milk fiasco is not getting me down.
That stuff isn't thawing in the fridge lol
So I planted clover seeds. 4 oz of seeds covered the north hugel pretty well, and there was a bit left over to plant around as well. That's more seeds than I anticipated, which is always fun. Not bad for $5!
The idea here is to fix nitrogen into this soil, hold the soil together, protect the bare soil from the elements, and help shield it from evaporation. A living mulch. I'm gonna love watching it come up.
When we came to this property eleven months ago, the first two things I did were to plant clover seeds on bare spots and to dig three beds right here where we've put this hugel bed. I feel like that's cool.
Time to go be on @pennsif's radio show!!!
Be blessed.
Be fruitful.
Stay relevant.
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