Picadura escorpión
Got my first scorpion sting yesterday evening. Memorable. I was tidying up a pile of scrap wood because the dogs are often sniffing around it (it's next to the grill with food possibilities). I was worried that Max was going to get stung since this looked like a tempting scorpion habitat, so I put all the wood in a couple buckets and then it was as I was moving the second bucket back against the wall l that I felt fire.
I hoped it was a bee, but this pain was just too strong. Then we found it.
Phillip had seen and stomped on one that morning. They come out when it gets this hot.
We decided to treat my symptoms with acetaminophen and antihistamine rather than going somewhere for an antivenom. Partly because we've heard that some people react to the antivenom and can't take it a second time. Partly because it just seemed overwhelming to deal with the ordeal of packing up the place enough to leave, finding a clinic, navigating language. We almost asked the neighbors for a pill since they had a sting recently and told us they had antivenom if we need it. But still seemed like I could just wait and see if my reaction became dangerous.
So far it's just frustrating and painful, not dangerous. I couldn't sleep through the pain. My vision was affected last night but seems fine today. Literally from my head to my toes I feel pins and needles, stronger on the left side of my body. I'm glad it stung my left hand since I can barely use it now.
Going to try to rest some more, and will be buying new work gloves and antivenom to keep on hand for the dogs - they're small enough to die from a sting.